Mystic Dominator

Chapter 561: astronomical tower

, the fastest update to the latest chapter of the mysterious ruler!

"We'll see you tonight, remember to gather information."

"Okay, be careful."


Ronald and Baprol rested in the room for a long time, during which the two never had a conversation.

They didn't exchange a few words with each other until they set off the next day.

Saying goodbye to the cult warlock, Ronald once again headed to the location of the Astronomy Division alone.

Surrounded by the wizarding apprentices of Fortress Hill.

It's not hard to find a place.

Ronald asked about the road, and then made his way through the complicated mountain city. It took more than an hour to arrive at the location of the Astronomy Department before noon.

Due to the influence of the discipline.

The Astronomy Section is located quite high, except for the Council of Six that occupies the top of the mountain and connects to the Well of Judgment, this is the tallest exposed building on Fortress Mountain.

Go out through the horizontal door similar to the architectural style of the observation deck.

Ronald didn't see that wide platform this time.

There is only a solitary arch bridge hanging on the side of the mountain, connecting the only solitary tower 100 meters away.

This tower belonging to the Astronomy Division has black as the main exterior, supplemented by silver lines. Compared with the tower of the Prophecy Division, its cross-sectional area is obviously more than twice as wide, and the magic power fluctuations contained in it are even less. Powerful disguise.

And to say that this magic tower is the most attractive...

Still the top of the tower.

A huge instrument with many star molds embedded in it is placed there, and it continues to rotate according to certain rules. At the same time, the orbits and speeds of these star molds are also different.

Ronald could see that this thing was similar to the type of astronomical instrument.

But under the blessing of magic power, it is hard to estimate what use this thing has.

Ronald stopped and observed for half a minute.

During this period, no one was seen going in and out of the tower of the Astronomy Section.

Compared with the situation of several disciplines he saw on the road, it was definitely regarded as a neglected place.


Standing still and scratching his hair, Ronald stepped forward.

After approaching, more details of the magic tower were revealed in front of him. Those silver patterns all over the surface of the tower, if you look closely, you can see that their material is actually some kind of metal material.

With Ronald's exaggerated vision.

You can even vaguely see that there are finer lines inside.

Ronald raised his eyebrows, then reached out to knock on the door.


The screeching sound of hinges rubbing off the edge of the door frame.

The tower of the Astronomy Division is not locked, as long as someone gently pushes it outside, it will honestly open.

Shaking his head and walking into the tower, Ronald couldn't help but sigh:

"Is the management really so loose..."

Go inside the tower.

On the first floor, in addition to the spiral staircase leading to the upper floor, there is a simple square around it. There are only a few magic puppets made of metal guarding it, all of which take the appearance of humans.

When Ronald appeared, these puppets just looked at them.

There are also no extra moves.

Did Katarina log herself into these guard puppets?

With that in mind, Ronald stepped up.

Starting from the second floor, the tower of the Astronomy Department finally has the appearance of some magic towers.

Floors for books, floors for experiments, floors for special items...

These necessary facilities appear one by one, but the overall situation is still very small.

And even now, when the time is approaching noon, there are still people sleeping loosely in the magic tower, and the test bench on the side is placed there, giving people a sense of whether this place is a little dangerous.

The location comes more than two thirds of the way to the tower.

The situation has changed again.

From the floor up here, several floors are surrounded by steel walls, and the door is locked so that you can't see what's inside.


This is unique to astronomy.

Or... are all other magic towers like this?

Ronald's expression was a little subtle, but after he crossed these steel-enclosed floors, Katerina with red hair immediately caught his eye.

On this extremely high floor, the head of the Astronomy Department transformed the entire three-story magic tower into his own living room. When Ronald came up, Katarina was preparing lunch in front of the open kitchen.

With Ronald's sense of smell...

He could even smell the woman frying an egg.

"Yo, Drake, here you go."

Katarina, unsurprisingly, spotted Ronald.

But she didn't look back, but continued to deal with the lunch, and at the same time turned her back to Ronald and invited: "You can sit down and rest first, I'm just preparing lunch, you can also try it."

Ronald refused without hesitation:

"I'm not hungry..."

"But haven't you eaten? You're all from the astronomy department, so you don't need to meet me."

Katerina interrupted Ronald's refusal without looking back, and at the same time directly stated the fact that Ronald didn't eat lunch.

How did Katarina know about this?

This guy is spying on himself?

A string of questions quickly flashed through Ronald's mind.

But since he entered Barrier Mountain, he has been cautiously alert to what happened around him. With the double assurance of Ronald himself and Baprol, they were unlikely to be watched.

Staring at Katarina's busy back in front of the kitchen.

Ronald confirmed once again that this was not an easy wizard to deal with.

Bowing his head slightly, he followed Katarina's invitation to leave the spiral staircase and walk to the floor.

After sitting down in the same semi-open living room, Ronald immediately noticed what was on the table in front of him.

- This is an unfinished manuscript.

——The handwriting is neat, but there are many traces of correction and correction.

Was this written by Katerina?

Ronald gave Katarina a concerned look.

The guy who was still cooking didn't care about Ronald's actions at all, he just focused on the ingredients in front of him.

So Ronald picked up the manuscript in front of him rudely.

The fingers are habitually pressed under the text above.

[The development of civilization will bring certain (crossed out) and extremely exaggerated material needs. At the same time, the growth rate of the population will also surge during the development process. The normal level of productivity (crossed out), even if calculated by the power of the wizard, I am afraid it is difficult to cope with this upward trend...]


Ronald raised his eyebrows at the content and continued to turn the pages.

[In response to this problem, countermeasures on how to solve this phenomenon are necessary.

- Concentrate resources and enslave ordinary people who do not have the ability to cast spells (crossed out)

——Diffusion of spell knowledge in a wide range, essentially improving group productivity?

This method can solve short-term (crossed out) and long-term productivity problems, but the resource limitations of the world itself still exist, and later control must be adjusted by controlling the population...]

Read another piece of content.

Ronald was about to continue turning the page when the sound of Katerina's footsteps came in front of him:

"Yo, Drake."

"Are you interested in what I wrote?"

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