Mystic Dominator

Chapter 557: Fortress Hill's Plan

Ronald followed the old wizard into the arch.

Everything in the back comes into view.

This is a room with an area of ​​about 300 square meters. There are seats neatly placed around a stone table in the center, and there are many decorative murals and additional seating areas around.

Ronald looked around briefly, and there were not many people in the room behind the arch.

Just like what the old wizard said before, he only temporarily notified some of the staff of Fortress Mountain. But the people who can sit here now... are definitely powerful people with high power and high mana.

"Mr. Drake, let me introduce you to me."

The old wizard walked in front and took the initiative to introduce Ronald as the host.

First up is a lady with striking red hair.

There is nothing wrong with the appearance:

"This is Ms. Katerina, the head of the Astronomy Department."

Then there was a burly man with a hideous face but a friendly smile as he looked at Ronald:

"This is Mr. Korff of the Prophecy Section."

Finally, there is a wizard who is completely shrouded in black robes, can't tell the age or gender, and has no movements:

"This is the head of the Prophecy Section, Mr. Arlette."

After introducing the three people around the stone table in turn, the old wizard took two steps back and then pointed at himself:

"Finally it's old."

"The tower guardian of the Prophecy Division - August Lowell."

"I have a few other wizards here, as well as other wizards who are busy with their work and have not yet been there. They will all be your companions, Mr. Drake."

After the introduction of the old wizard, Ronald naturally responded politely:

"Drake, the wizard who just came to Fortress Mountain today."

"I'm excited to work with you all in the coming years."

While responding to several people, Ronald also analyzed the situation in front of him.

This fortress mountain...

It's not actually a monolith.

Sinovi once described the situation in the fortress mountain. Many complex and mysterious disciplines can be regarded as the biggest foundation of this organization. The research of a hundred flowers can quickly achieve the purpose of these wizards.

But the only ones who appeared in front of Ronald were wizards from the two disciplines of Prophecy and Astronomy.

Ronald can venture a guess—

After the old wizard August discovered his identity, he had a plan to win over him, the holder of the original.

The few people in front of them are not so much censorship.

Rather, it is to label Ronald, the new wizard who joined the Wall, and tell the other small groups in the Wall that this person is already a person from the Division of Prophecy and the Division of Astronomy.

Ronald was then invited to be seated.

The old wizard August sat on the main seat and opened his mouth to the others as the host of the meeting:

"Everyone, this Mr. Ronald is a man of wisdom. Even if he is outside the fortress mountain, he is aware of what is going to happen next through clues. But considering our next purpose, I will be here first. Let me introduce you..."

As Ronald guessed.

August then briefed him on the recent situation at Fortress Mountain.

After six days, the [Infinite Negative Field] will usher in an opportunity to break the seal and return to the normal world.

To make sure you can get out of this place.

The wizards of Barrier Mountain have met many times this month, and now there are three attitudes in the mainstream.

The solution most favored by wizards at the moment - sacrifice as sacrifice

In cooperation with the activities of the [Nine Rings Secret Society] in the outside world, a large-scale ceremony was held in the [Infinite Negative Number Field] on the harvest day, in order to tear the seal of reality to achieve the purpose of escape.

Only about one-fifth of the wizards backed the plan --

The wizards from the outside world are not trustworthy, and the [Nine Rings Secret Society] may have been completely assimilated by the wizards from the outside world. This time, the plan to help them escape from the [Infinite Negative Number Domain] is actually likely to be a trap-a trap in order to completely wipe out the sealed wizards and never have future troubles.

So Fortress Mountain should be ready to launch a massacre.

On the day of the harvest, it was also the time when they broke the seal and wiped out all the living people in front of them.

The last few wizards insisted on the idea-

Ignore the temptation from the outside world and continue to pursue the true meaning of the essence of magic. [Infinite Negative Number Field] Although it cannot be compared with the outside world, it is a 'paradise' for studying occult knowledge. Si minus bxwx.*co Si

As long as you steadily advance your research, you will fully grasp the power of the mysterious side.

At that time, no matter breaking the seal or taking revenge on the wizards from the outside world, it will be something they can easily achieve.

Listening to August's introduction, Ronald asked rightly:

"Can I disturb you?"

"Which plan do we support in this matter?"

The old wizard smiled slightly, but did not answer Ronald directly, but instead asked:

"Mr. Drake, which option do you think is more suitable?"


this dangerous question.

Yet Ronald didn't even think about it for a second. Just looking at the other four wizards in the conference room, he responded with a smile:

"In my opinion, I prefer the last The iron must be **** its own. If we can become strong enough, then in the face of overwhelming power, all problems will no longer be problems."

clap clap-

Ronald's voice fell to the ground, and Arlette, who was covered by a robe in the Prophecy Section, clapped his palm, and then said with his hoarse throat for the first time in admiration:

"Mr. Drake, that's a wise idea."

"According to the efforts of our Prophecy Division, continuing to study the essence of spells is the most correct path for us wizards. The other two schemes will only bring about a future full of uncertainty."

"It's useless to say this now." At this time, the red-haired Katerina spoke. The head of the Astronomy Department played with his hair with one hand and made no secret of his dissatisfaction in his tone:

"We are not the leaders of the barrier mountain, and the six-member council can't occupy a seat. The final result is nothing more than being coerced by the group of vengeful guys, and then going to fight with the guys outside together to death."

The old wizard August immediately pressed his hand:

"alright, alright."

"It's not going to work in this environment and complaining about anything. All we have to do is do what we can and try to move forward on the right path."


Katarina pouted indifferently, and then stopped talking.

The old wizard was relieved when he saw the attitude of the head of the Astronomy Department, and then brought the topic back to serious business.

"Next, it's the question of Mr. Drake's attribution."

"Although it is a bit presumptuous to be the master of others, I still hope that you can serve in the Prophecy Division or the Astronomy Division." Mi He Mi

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