Mystic Dominator

Chapter 555: test

Like other spells.

Under the blessing of the [Infinite Negative Field] environment, the flying ability of the Wings of Icarus has also been strengthened very well.

Quickly chanting the incantation, Ronald himself immediately flew into the air, driven by his wings.

It's still night time.

Without the limitation of the sun overhead, the flying height of the Wings of Icarus is no longer limited. Flying up from the platform of Barrier Mountain, the figure soon flashed a straight line in the air.

At almost the same height as the Magic Tower of the Prophecy Division.

Ronald saw what was happening on the observation platform at the top of the tower.

A total of three wizards, two men and one woman, were debugging a telescope-like device on the platform. The moment Ronald appeared at this height, they sensed the movement here, and immediately stood together to discuss in a low voice. There was even a subtle magic fluctuation in the man.

Capable of working on top of the Academy's magic tower, these wizards are also well-informed figures. They apparently recognized Ronald's new flying spell, and immediately began discussing it.


Ronald didn't do much.

Sacrifice as sacrifice. His eyes swept over the magic tower lightly, and he continued to accelerate and fly straight into the sky.

As the height increases, the buildings below gradually blur.

The bluish-gray tower body mixes with the snow-capped mountains, and it quickly becomes indistinguishable.

At this moment, a dark gray figure approached Ronald from below.

The person who came was the old wizard who said before that he wanted to confirm this spell with his own eyes.

"Mr. Drake, it's a very good spell."

"If you don't mind, let's test it in the following directions: straight-line flight speed, mid-air steering flexibility, anti-magic interference ability, high airflow response, and acceleration and deceleration efficiency, right?"

Ronald nodded noncommittally:

"Just in the order you said?"

The old wizard stretched out his right hand and pointed forward:

"Then please."


In the original world, Ronald also privately tested the basic data of the Wings of Icarus spell.

Now in the [Infinite Negative Field] to test.

He also recognized the difference between the two worlds from the most intuitive data.

Straight-line flight speed——

In the outside world, the wings of Icarus can provide a maximum flight speed of about ten meters per second; in the [Infinite Negative Field], this speed goes directly to thirty meters per second.

Steering flexibility in the air——

This ability mainly tests the reaction speed of the caster himself. Although there are improvements, it is not as direct as the flight speed.

Ability to resist spell interference——

Ronald has not tested this ability in the outside world, but in the [Infinite Negative Field], if not the most direct spell attack, the Wings of Icarus can run smoothly.

High air flow response -

There is no difference between the inner and outer worlds. In both worlds, the Wings of Icarus has no ability to deal with high air currents, and can only rely on the caster to deal with it.

Acceleration and deceleration efficiency——

The final test project, the difference is very obvious.

In the outside world, when Ronald tested the Wing of Icarus, it took at least three seconds of buffering from zero to the fastest, and a considerable degree of buffering was also required for deceleration and emergency stop;

In the [Infinite Negative Field], accelerating to the fastest is the time for a thought to flash, and deceleration and emergency stop also achieve an emergency change within three seconds.


"Mr. Drake, I am glad that you are willing to hand over this excellent flying spell to the academy. Even if there is no scripture to support spellcasting, this is very good research material."

After several items were tested, the expression on the old wizard's face gradually returned to calm.

First of all, he praised the excellence of Ronald's spells, and then in front of Ronald, he read with a very clear and accurate pronunciation:

"It's ridiculous to try to trap the opponent with the maze created by the designer himself!

I have wide skies to go wherever I want to go. "

"Mr. Drake, is that right?"


Ronald was speechless for a moment.

The old wizard's pronunciation is absolutely accurate, only the emotions don't match when he recites the sentence.

If I heard this before I crossed...

Ronald would probably think - this is the word of a Chinese who has been learning foreign languages ​​for some time.

So...what does this mean?

When the old wizard in front of him heard himself reciting the spell for the first time, he could repeat it exactly once!

It would be fine if the tone of voice when reciting the mantra was normal.

Ronald can understand that the other party has a certain ability to perfectly reproduce what he said.

But there are differences in language and sentiment...

si minus B si. The old wizard in front of him has probably learned this language system.

He was understanding the mantra Ronald recited, and then reciting it out of his own habit, so there was this emotional dissonance.

At this moment, Ronald seemed to have a premonition of an infinite crisis.

Yes, [Infinite Negative Number Field] is full of hills like the outside world, and the situation of guarding against each other between schools is completely After unifying all schools in this world, the integration of a large number of scriptures and spells will give Deciphering work brings immeasurable progress. Combined with the dedicated research of these decades of isolation, it is absolutely not difficult to completely decipher the words on the earth.

Then... the wizard in the [Infinite Negative Realm].

Now that the language barrier has been unified, and then it has been deciphering and studying the original spells for decades?

Ronald's heart was filled with turmoil, but he remained calm on the surface.

At this moment, the old wizard in front of Ronald smiled:

"Mr. Drake, I made you laugh."

"My ability to learn divine scriptures at my age is not very good, so it may be a little inaccurate to chant a spell."

Hearing this, Ronald quickly analyzed the situation in his mind.

An answer that is the least revealing of the question at the moment blurted out almost the next second:

"Barrier Mountain's research on spells is really impressive."

"For an outsider like me, I really don't know what to do with my emotions."

"People who have just joined our academy tower are like this from the beginning." The old wizard seemed to be taken aback by Ronald's attitude. He just maintained a kind smile on his face, but immediately threw out another shocking sentence:

Mi He Mi. "But Mr. Drake, it's just the two of us around now, so I'll just say something straight."

"Why do you choose to come to Fortress Mountain at this time, such a powerful person like you who holds the original scriptures and also avoided the barrier mountain to integrate the magic world."

"As a reviewer, I have to figure it out."

"What is your real purpose?"

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