Mystic Dominator

Chapter 551: outgrowth

"Drake, I'm Drake."

"The latter is Tareno, and the two of us are going to the college for an academic visit."

Ronald answered the caster's question while carefully releasing a wave of magic power.

Feel Ronald's movements.

The young caster raised his eyebrows, confirmed Ronald and Baprol's caster identities a little, and then stepped aside without further questioning.

In the [Infinite Negative Field].

The status of the caster is better than any kind of social status.

At the same time, since the integration of the power of the world's casters has been completed, even the interrogation when entering has become extremely simple.

Following the flow of people entering Barrier Mountain into the passage, Baproul whispered:

"Ronald, your two pseudonyms sound pretty good."

"If my daughter has a baby in the future, will you help the staff to name her?"


"You think so far..."

Ronald rolled his eyes.

Thinking that it was boring at the moment, I started chatting with the cult warlock.

The tunnel leading to the fortress mountain is roughly divided into three stages. In addition to the entrance at the beginning, there are some small towns opened under the mountain between the position of the fortress mountain.

These small settlements in various locations are scattered underground, like an underground ant nest created by humans.

Of course, the caster does not choose to live here.

In addition to the necessary maintenance personnel and guards, these places basically only live in ordinary people who have no ability to cast spells, and are regarded as a subsidiary area of ​​Fortress Mountain.

The person who entered the passage with Ronald and the others.

The destination of many people is not actually Barrier Mountain, but to do business with ordinary people living around these "Wizard's Palace". Attached to the 'center of the world' such as Fortress Mountain, the people here still have a good life.

"Little brat, it's you who stole Laozi's things, right?"

"No, Master Wizard, listen to my explanation!"


Ronald and Baproul crossed the passage as they passed these towns.

There was a sudden noise not far away.

The top of the underground world is inlaid with magic crystals for lighting. As the casters, they can easily see the specific situation just by looking away.

On the street of the town, a man wearing a mage robe raised a little boy with one hand, and shouted at the little boy fiercely in his eyes and tone:

"Why, do you think that if your sister can enter the academy, she will definitely come out alive, and then bring you guys who are holding you back together?"

"Stop dreaming!"


The voice fell, and the man slapped the little boy in the face again.

Even without asking for details, Ronald could guess what was going on.

"Let's go our own way, don't make extra troubles..."

If this kind of thing is normal, Ronald naturally doesn't mind the injustice.

But the identities of the two now do not support him to do such a thing.

After whispering to Baproul, the two of them lowered their heads and continued to move forward, completely ignoring the thoughts of the town.

It's a pity that both Ronald and Baprol seem to have the talent to provoke surprises.

The two walked out a dozen meters.

When you come to the position closest to the quarrel.

The little boy who was held up by the operator's collar, with a red and swollen face, retorted sternly:

"Sister...Sister, she's a genius..."

"It's different from a guy like you who was kicked out of the academy tower!"


"you wanna die!"

A just right rebuttal, just hit the man's pain point.

As he was assigned to the job of managing ordinary people, in the future, whether it is learning spells or job prospects, it will be a dark place. Catching the little boy to vent his anger today is actually a kind of venting of anger.

Hearing this now, a magical light flashed on his wrist.

The little boy who was originally in front of him fell out, obviously for the purpose of throwing people to death.

But luckily.

The direction the boy flew out of was right on Baproul.


"Little guy, look at the road."

"Even if you want to die, you can't hurt innocent passers-by like us, right?"

The cult warlock caught the little boy almost subconsciously, and by the way removed the magic mark on the other side, and he started a very personal oral teaching.

And the little boy who was intercepted by him was also at a loss at the moment.

Dumbly accepted Baproul's teaching, and he even nodded dully.

Looking at the appearance of the little boy, the cult warlock was also very satisfied.

"Very good, if you know it's wrong..."

Suddenly, Baproul came to a realization.

He immediately turned his head to look at Ronald, and said cautiously:

"Drake, I didn't take the initiative to cause trouble, he bumped into it himself."


Ronald's face was helpless, and his heart was even more troubled.

While he was somewhat happy to see an innocent life saved in front of his eyes, he also felt a headache about their situation.

I and Bapro are now provoking such a caster...

Is it really okay?

"You... are you going to cover up this thief!"

Just as Ronald was thinking of a the male practitioner on the other side couldn't help it. Seeing that the crowd around Ronald and Baproul disappeared silently, he took two steps directly towards this side.

"The law of Fortress Mountain is not something that you pariahs can violate!"

The voice fell, and the powerful magic fluctuations that only top outsiders could emit came from this man. Immediately afterwards, a strong dazzling beam rushed out of his hand and shot directly at Baproul and the little boy.

Under the light of the spell, even the lights in the town were brighter by three points.


Faced with this situation, Ronald sighed softly.

Then he stepped out, and at the same time stretched out his right hand to block Baproul.

Now that things have come this far, it would be naive to think about staying out of the way. Ronald was not sure how the cult warlock Baproul would respond, so it was more appropriate for him to be in charge of this fight to be on the safe side.

A fleeting moment in the blink of an eye.

The wizard's beam hit Ronald's outstretched palm.

Intense magic fluctuations spilled out from the contact position, but not the slightest impact could break through Ronald's palm.

The white light film simply exists here, completely blocking the man's magic attack, and not even the slightest trace of defense weakening can be seen.


The aura of magic gradually disappeared before people's eyes.

The illumination brought by the spell also leaves.

The man who attacked without hesitation had a very nervous expression on his face at this moment. He saw the strong defensive power of the [Guardian Angel] under attack, and naturally it was impossible to be the same as before.

After hesitating for a few seconds, he said nervously:

"You... who are you!"

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