Mystic Dominator

Chapter 539: wind element


A harsh and indescribable distorted voice came from the sea...

Or sound from Shen Riyang's ice surface.

After the cold air created by magic froze the sea water, it began to erode Baprol who had turned into a monster. The cult warlock no doubt launched a counterattack, breaking the ice below with his huge body.

Overall, Baprol has the upper hand.

Although the extremely low temperature continues to create solid ice, the monsters incarnated by the cult warlock are not slow to destroy. According to the current situation, the situation will be completely suppressed by Baproul in at most two minutes.

Therefore, Ronald rightly turned his attention to the source of the other three spells. If you want to get people on multi-masted sailing ships, then getting these first is definitely a necessary prerequisite.

So, the fastest-acting "Wealth of Nations" spell immediately began to prepare:

"The greatest increase in the productivity of labor, and the greater proficiency, skill, and judgment in the use of labor, seem to be the result of the division of labor..."


The moment Ronald finished chanting the spell, the invisible hand was about to destroy one of the sources of magic.

However, the current battle is no longer a one-sided crush.

Almost as soon as the magic power appeared, someone on the ship immediately reacted and threw out the magic props that were prepared to be on the body. These items themselves were highly unstable, and their function was to create magic power fluctuations to interfere with specific spells.

As a result, the invisible hand tore the deck of about ten square meters, but it was no longer possible to go deeper.

Faced with this result, Ronald still looked the same.

He just switched to the original text immediately, and then recited the incantation from "The Great Completion of Astronomy":

"From the relationship between the whole earth and the sky will begin to constitute our cognition..."


Suddenly, several sharp arrows shot from the deck of the multi-masted sailing ship.

The moment Ronald hadn't finished chanting the spell, he shot him directly in the head. The arrows wrapped in powerful magic can be seen as dangerous magic equipment at a glance.


At this speed, Ronald's reaction speed can handle it.

Just slowing down the speed of chanting the incantation a little, he turned around to avoid the arrow's attack.

- Brown wooden arrow body.

- Bright silver tapered arrows.

——The reddish-brown pattern is applied to the entire arrow.

Arrows in this shape...

A creation that does not fit either school of information known to Ronald.

What is it's ability to...

The thoughts in my mind came out, and the unexpected changes appeared in front of me.

The arrow that just came to Ronald's side.

It disappeared in an instant, and turned into a man's figure flying in the air!

The man who appeared was obviously well prepared.

Aiming at the back of Ronald's neck, the bright blade slashed.

This location is quite dangerous!

Because of the arrows flying, the opponent appeared on the side behind Ronald, and the gap in defense was pitiful.

In this man's eyes, winning Ronald was almost inevitable.

With a very short time and a sudden attack method, no one can deal with such a terrifying raid at the moment of the first encounter!

"Go to hell... huh?"

So, the proud expression of the man froze on his face.

The moment he painted the deadly poisonous dagger on Ronald's neck, a pale white light film completely separated it.

What kind of defensive spell is this that can block his full blow?

At the same time as he was stunned, the man scratched the blade hard in disbelief.

It's a pity that the result has not changed. Although the brightness of the light film has weakened, the spell Ronald used for defense is not something that he can break in a short time!


Then in less than a second.

Ronald's swift posture suddenly turned, and a palm that seemed to have infinite power had already pinched the man's wrist.

Seeing Ronald's indifferent eyes with barely any emotion.

The man panicked:

"You... ah!"

Howling took the place of words.

After a crisp sound, the man's wrist was pinched to pieces. A heart-wrenching feeling came upon him, and the caster simply couldn't continue to endure this ordeal.

"Go down."

After that, the method is even simpler.

The black mist spread upward, Ronald easily took away the opponent's consciousness, and then threw him to the broken sea.


Immediately after that, the wind was blowing.

One of the remaining three sources of magic power on the multi-masted sailboat was completed, and the originally messy airflow on the sea surface was directly restrained, and then a huge human-shaped object was vaguely formed.

Describe it with the most intuitive feeling.

Ronald felt that it was a bit like the wind elemental creature mentioned in fantasy, but now this spell creation is entirely composed of the airflow itself, and the visibility is also low to a certain extent.

Then, this 'wind element' locked his hostility on Ronald.

Baprol, who was fighting against the ice, was scary, but he wasn't an enemy who could attack right away.

Instead, it was Ronald.

Ronald, who was not limited by the speed of dealing with the casters one after another just now, was now an enemy that needed to be dealt with urgently.

The attack of the wind element began.

The huge and imperceptible airflow approached in the air, and then quickly formed a terrifying wind vortex.

With Ronald's excellent eyesight, he could even see the ice splashing up, suddenly smashed into pieces in the air.

Attacks of this intensity and frequency.

Even with the protection of the [Guardian Angel] spell, it is definitely not within the range he wants to touch!

But on the other hand, this pure air flow forms the speed of the attack.

Nor is it the type that normal flying spells can dodge.

"I can't hide my hole cards?"

Ronald's expression was a little helpless, but he snapped his fingers decisively.

At the moment when the ring and fingers rubbed together, the chariot of God spell of [Supreme Angel] was activated.

Several pairs of pure white wings spread out behind him, and the sacred and powerful magic power formed a protection on the surface of the body. Even Ronald's gray pupils now faintly have a golden cross burning in them.

The person of the upper angel.

Brings incredible speed and power to Ronald!

As a result, the attack of the wind elemental creature failed.

In a flash of lightning, Ronald's figure flashed down and swooped down, and then immediately disappeared between the huge glaciers that were constantly shattering and generating.

With the help of Baproul and the great power caused by the sea.

Ronald disappeared directly in front of the enemy!


clap clap-

After a few breaths, someone on the multi-masted sailboat finally couldn't hold back.

They absolutely dare not lose the shadow of the enemy now.

I saw a young caster jump out of the cabin.

Leap onto the mast drive spell.

The magic power fluctuations used to detect the enemy are spread on the sea in an instant!

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