Mystic Dominator

Chapter 521: An ordinary day of a maid

From the age of twenty-seven, Dantès has been running a hotel in his hometown for more than ten years.

A traveler with a story, a young man who goes out, a frustrated person who has nowhere to go... In his past life, he has seen a lot.

But the woman who walked in through the door today.

Definitely a special guest like never before.

The dusty clothes, the exquisite and beautiful face, the expression without the slightest emotion...

To say she is a pampered eldest lady, and old maid clothes do not fit her status; to say that she is a traveler from afar, her indifferent expression is completely inappropriate; as for businessmen, women travel alone but only bring With a suitcase, this is even more impossible.

Dantès began to recall—

Is there anyone in the nearby town who fits this lady's profile? Or is there any related news recently?

For someone like him who runs an inn.

It is more important to know the identity of the guest.

When Dantès was thinking, the indifferent beauty dressed as a maid who walked into the hotel had come to him with a clear purpose.

The owner of the inn instinctively showed that tempered smile:

"Ma'am, what do you need?"

"Delicious dinner or accommodation, I can provide you here."

The maid's face remained the same, and her voice did not fluctuate to any degree:

"Stay one night and help me prepare food for the week."

While speaking, the maid placed several Depps on the counter in front of Dantès.

The seasoned innkeeper just glanced and determined that the money was enough to do what the maid asked for. Still slackly analyzing the identity of the other party in his heart, Dantès took out a pen and paper and began to record:

"Guest, are you...?"

"The Adler family is directly under the servants."

Dantès was taken aback by the maid's answer, and he asked almost subconsciously:

"What about... your name?"

The maid still replied calmly:


Dantès nodded slightly, and immediately began to record in his workbook.

However, when he calculated the account and took out the room key from under the counter, someone had already gathered in the lobby on the first floor of the hotel.

— Klein and Mordeco.

- Two famous homeless people in the town.

Without even thinking, Dantès understood the purpose of these two guys.

In such a small town, the maid in front of her named Marianne is absolutely a beauty that she could never dream of. These two gangsters met such a rare girl, and they also heard that she was a 'servant'.

To keep them indifferent is simply a whimsical delusion.

"This lady, is this your first time in town?"

"I heard that you are a servant of the Adler family. I have heard of that family. Would you like to talk about it together?"

"The toast in this shop tastes good, shall I invite you?"


Seeing the appearance of Klein and Mordeco, Dantès slightly slowed down when he bent over to take the key, and even deliberately flicked the keychain to make a rummaging sound.


Sighing slightly, the innkeeper is in a bad mood now.

On the one hand, this mood is due to the worry that the two gangsters want to harm the maid. The beautiful girl came to an unfamiliar town alone, and he knew how unlucky it would be to meet such a person.

But at the same time, there was a subtle strangeness in Dantès' mind.


——Are Klein and Mordeco in trouble?


However it was very quiet in front of the counter.

Dantès dragged for a while before standing up straight with the key that he had turned out long ago.

The scene in front of him surprised him.

After the maid ignored the reaction of the two, Klein and Mordeco did not entangle as always, but returned to their original sitting position with a smile.

what is this……

Special treatment for this rare beauty?

With a murmur in his heart, Dantès didn't forget what he should do now, and handed the key to the beauty in front of him:

"Ma'am, your room is on the second floor, and the number is the same as the one on the key."

"I'll bring you something to eat as soon as possible."


The expression of the maid named Marianne remained calm.

Simply taking the key from the innkeeper, she prepared to go to the second floor without saying a word.

At this time, the apprentice hired by Dantès approached diligently.

Get ready to pick up a suitcase for this lady.

However, the apprentice was dumbfounded as the two hands clasped tightly on the handle of the suitcase.

After working in a hotel for several years, he has long been used to all kinds of tiring and strenuous work. Although there are times when his strength is really not enough, no matter which time, he will not be like today!

He couldn't lift the suitcase of the guest.

This feeling……

It's not that the box is too heavy, but it's like this box grows on the ground, and he is ready to wrestle with the whole earth.


Looking at the situation of the elementary student, the expression on the maid's face remained unchanged.

It wasn't until the apprentice couldn't help but take the initiative to let go of embarrassment, that the maid bent over to pick up the suitcase as if nothing had happened, turned her head and walked upstairs hesitantly.

Watching each other's back disappear at the corner of the stairs.

The apprentice's neck turned left stiffly, and then looked at his boss:

"Don... Mr. Dantes, I...?"

The innkeeper smiled wryly:

"Go get on with your work, it's nothing, don't think too much."

"Yes, it is."

After the exchange between the boss and the apprentice is over.

Small and brief twists and turns in the hotel quickly disappeared.

For those who live in the town, this overly beautiful woman is just a silhouette in life, and has nothing to do with real life.

It was Dantès who looked at Klein and Mordeco before seeing something with certainty.

These two men are indeed eyeing this maid!


I can only wish that lady can escape.

Dantès secretly shook his head, and at the same time suppressed the thought of a hero saving beauty in his heart.

Wake up, you're not some young lad eager for adventure.

All his family property is placed here!

If he were to clash with two local hooligans, Klein and Mordeco, the business he depended on for a living would be over.


Early the next morning.

The maid walked left the hotel with a blank expression.

Dantes stood behind the counter wiping the table, only to be startled by the sound outside hours later.

"Someone is dead here!"

"He's been dead for a while, probably last night."


The news of the hotel passed quickly, and Dantès, the hotel owner, got the result in just a few minutes.

- Both Klein and Mordeco are dead.

The bodies of both of them were on the road to the north outside the hotel. Last night, in the early hours of the morning, one of them fell and hit his head while walking, and the other was blocked by insects flying into the air pipe.

Standing behind the counter, Dantès looked outside.

The room on the second floor where the maid lives seems to be from the north...

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