Mystic Dominator

Chapter 514: Timber Merchant

"Heloise, do you know the maid in my house?"

Saying goodbye to Arya and continuing to return to Springs, Ronald remembered the scene when he just met Heloise, so he asked this question.

And Heloise smiled directly:

"Don't ask, you will die."

"This is advice from my dear old boss."

"It's because the maid in your family who can't see the details is very dangerous, so when I saw you that night, I invited you to join the team so simply."


Ronald raised his eyebrows:

"So you don't know anything?"

Heloise replied directly:

"It's your maid anyway, so it's impossible to harm you."


It's not necessarily...

Recalling the scene at White Shore Castle that night, Ronald has no doubt that there are many people in this world who can identify their identities, or at least have some clues.

If the Adler's maid was here...

So the day when the two really met, the picture was absolutely beautiful, right?

The two chatted and moved on, and the eastern wall of Springs also appeared in the dark.

The current Springs is a special period, and all the rules for entering the city are different from usual, and it is considered a semi-blocked state.

It is normal to enter and leave the city during the day, but not in the middle of the night.

In addition to those who are allowed, some non-Springs residents who intend to enter the city must first wait in line outside the city and undergo very strict inspections and cross-examination.

As a result, there are many people who are delaying the time, and there are also many people who plan to stay overnight near the city gate. Most of them are businessmen, and they even take this opportunity to start doing business with other people.

Noticing the situation here, Ronald couldn't help but said to Heloise:

"Nessus, look at the merchants here, they are all doing well."

Heloise smiled tacitly:

"If I had the goods with me, I could earn your weekly salary for a week tonight. It's a pity that I didn't bring a carriage."

Ronald also laughed:

"It's okay, let's come together next time."

"Keeping it can make a lot of money!"

A little bit closer to the city gate, Ronald was still reminiscing about the time he had met with Heloise in his mind.

When we met in the woods at night, the cargo on this guy's car actually contained several bags of crops that were not yet ripe at that time. Calculate the weight of the carriage, and even hide some metal weapons on the carriage.

From any point of view, it is actually not a good choice for companionship.

However, due to the nervousness at the beginning of the journey, after leaving Adler's house, he suddenly relaxed, and in the end, he got absurdly aboard Heloise's motorcade, and the follow-up didn't happen until Montenegro.

Really think about it.

All the stories I have experienced started from the woods on that rainy night.

Suddenly, Ronald's return to Springs stopped:


"Heloise, let me read the booklet just now."

"Okay." Heloise immediately handed over the manual, and she also heard the other party's emotions from Ronald's tone, "Did you find something?"

Ronald nodded and replied, "I remembered something I cared about."

Looking at the manual, Ronald did not pay attention to Rumir's description of the effect of the spell, but focused on the statistics of the wood consumed by the opponent as experimental materials.

Sweep it down at a glance, and the results are obvious.

Except for some very rare and rare wood materials, the types of wood age records are basically the type of birch.

Obtain the same type of wood in large quantities.

Either Rumil has a steady source of wood purchases, or she chops down birch trees at a convenient location for research materials.

Behavior can be deliberately faked.

The one sent out to fight can also be a puppet stand-in.

But these really consumed wood, but really can not be faked.

If you want to find out the whereabouts of Rumir as soon as possible, starting from birch is definitely the most direct and accurate way to investigate.

Even on second thought, Ronald had actually seen some birch groves outside Springs. On the night he was chasing the [Nine Rings Secret Society] outside the city, he had seen this kind of tree in the air.

"Heloise, do you know any wood merchants in the city?"

There was no need for Ronald to explain in detail, and the girl instantly understood Ronald's thoughts. Looking down, Heloise blurted out the information about the Springs timber merchant:

"The businessmen selling timber in Springs are jointly operated by three families to form a monopoly scale. They are the oak family, a new noble group, and the Huiye Timber Chamber of Commerce."

"Ronald, if you want to get information, it's more convenient to inquire from the Chamber of Commerce. Ginkgo Biloba has business dealings with them."


A solid companion.

The first thought that popped into Ronald's mind was when Heloise spoke out about the major lumber dealers in Springs.

Having someone like that by your side helps.

For him, it is much more important than getting a powerful companion.

But that's not enough.

Ronald has seen many times when things go wrong because of slowness or laziness. In order to avoid this problem in this matter, it is also as comprehensive as possible.

Ronald thought about it for a while, and then took off the puppet behind him and handed it over to Heloise: "Heloise, take this puppet back first, and then contact Ginkgo Leaf."

Heloise heard the meaning of Ronald's words: "I'm going back with the puppet alone? What about you?"

Hearing the inquiry, a smile appeared on Ronald's face.

He checked the spells he used to strengthen his body, and then did a few easy stretches.

"Tonight, I want to work an extra shift."

Heloise blinked.

Ronald didn't hide the magic fluctuations on his body, so Heloise naturally noticed the active spells on him. I looked at Ronald, who had a serious face, and then looked at the dark sky in the suburbs in the distance.

Finally, Heloise said with a wry smile:

"Okay... Then you remember to come back I will prepare your breakfast."

"Then please."

Nodding towards Heloise, Ronald finished his simple warm-up.

It's a bit close to those camps, so it's not suitable for Ronald to take off directly. So he turned towards the suburbs, his knees bent, and the whole person rushed out like an arrow from the string.

"Twenty meters? Thirty meters?"

"This is too... Forget it, don't watch it."

Heloise stood there watching Ronald's speed.

But after only two glances, she turned and left with a subtle expression.

too fast.

Ronald's current physical ability...

Even if Heloise could master the original scriptures of her own school, she probably wouldn't be able to gain much advantage.

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