Mystic Dominator

Chapter 510: declare war

The moment she looked up, Heidi thought that Ronald was attacked by the enemy again.

But wait for her to take a closer look.

I realized that the current situation is completely different from what I thought.

After being shot through by countless flintlock bullets, Lumir's original shiny appearance of human skin was wrinkled, his joints were stiff and his torso was straight, and he soon lost his human appearance.

Combine that with faded rag-like skin color and dull, dry eyeballs.

This Ronald, who was a human girl before, who could even have a normal conversation with Ronald, turned into a puppet in the blink of an eye!

At this time, because it was destroyed by the flintlock bullet, the magic power contained in the puppet's body was also lost. Not to mention talking to Ronald like you did just now, even if you only ask this thing to do its own thing, it's simply a wishful thinking.

Therefore, Ronald's choice is very simple.

After the first round of salvos from the puppet guards ended, he grabbed the Rumir puppet below him, and directly covered the [Sunshine Power] from the "Divine Comedy" spell on this thing.

Next, drive the [Chief Angel] to shatter it and shoot it out.

Countless puppet fragments covered with the power of the sun smashed down towards the puppet guards on the ground.

The orange-red sun fire spreads down from the sky with the divine angelic breath. The arc-shaped trajectory leaves a bright tail flame in the air. At this moment, the suburbs are like fireworks exploding from the air, and it is also like a large luminous umbrella that completely covers the ground.

The effect of this attack was excellent.

Under Ronald's extremely precise control, the puppet fragments with the power of the sun slammed into the puppet guards on the ground. After that, I don't know if it's because the puppets are afraid of fire, or because they all have dark attributes.

Any puppet guards who are hit will immediately burn into a human-shaped torch that is constantly struggling.

As a result, the extremely large number and dense formations have also become their nightmares.

Such a torch is passed ten or ten, and soon more than 90% of the puppet guards are ignited by the power of the sun, and then turned into a pinch of ashes on the ground in less than a minute.


"This effect is too good..."

Watching everything that happened on the ground, Ronald was actually a little surprised by the power of Sunlight.

He hadn't had a clear sense of dealing with a single swollen demon before.

Now that he encountered a large number of restrained enemies, Ronald intuitively saw the violent and destructive power of the power of the sun.

In less than two minutes, the number of puppet guards had dropped sharply to single digits.

In line with the idea of ​​protecting the environment and leaving some samples.

Ronald waved his hand to withdraw the power of the sun light that was still burning the enemy, and he also slowly landed on the ground.

bang bang bang-

The remaining puppet guards were also direct.

Although there were only a few of them left in the scene, these things faithfully carried out Rumier's orders and still shot without giving up.

It's a pity that this scale of shooting...

Don't let Ronald take it seriously, even if he doesn't dodge or dodge, and only relies on the defense of the [Guardian Angel], when Ronald walks slowly to the puppets, he resets his defense once to be safe.

With his feet on the bald ground, Ronald looked at the puppet guard in front of him.

At such a distance, he could clearly look at the details of these puppets. The color on the red body resembles a smear of cheap paint, and the work of the puppet itself is rushed and sloppy.

If not for the magic that supports their activities.

At this level of craftsmanship, it is impossible for anyone to patronize the Springs market.


Feeling the trouble of things, Ronald shook his head slightly.

He activated the spell with one hand, hoping to control the puppets without destroying their magic.

But the result was unfortunate.

Ronald's current mastery of spells is quite abundant in combat, but there is no good way to do this kind of pure seal. After the first puppet was carefully dismantled by him, the puppet whose magic power had flowed directly became inactive. Junk wood blocks.

Seeing that the battle was over, Ronald was troubled by the situation in front of him.

At this moment, Heloise, who was hiding around, appeared from the darkness and said with a natural expression:

"Ronald, let me do this."


There is no need to say more about the tacit understanding between the two.

When Herois spoke, Ronald controlled the puppets again, and the girl stepped forward and began to seal the puppet guards.

As a spy, Heloise's craft is truly comprehensive and reliable.

In a situation that Ronald's rough moves couldn't handle, she quickly accomplished the goal beautifully.

However, at the beginning, the two puppet guards successfully sealed the movement, and when the third puppet guard came, a different situation appeared.

Heloise, who was planning to strike, suddenly froze, and then jumped back a few meters without hesitation. Straightening her posture again, the silver-white dagger was already in her hand and blocked in front of her chest.

"Ronald, this is not quite right."

"Be careful!"


Ronald is about to activate the spell again.

At this moment, on the face of the puppet guard with a dull expression, the mouth made of two wooden sticks opened:

"Ronald, don't think tonight's victory means you're guaranteed a win."

"This invitation is just my test for you."

"Now I know what to do with you!"

"Let's see—"

In front of Ronald and Heloise, Rumil's voice declared war from the mouth of the puppet guard.

After that, the other party did not hesitate any more.

Seeing that Ronald was already on guard, Lumir directly withdrew his magical support for the puppet. The remaining puppet guards also lost their activity in an instant, and also turned into a state of waste wood blocks.

On the other hand, the two puppet guards that Helois had successfully sealed before were completely controlled, so there was no change.

I really have to go back first and then continue to study this It is not completely impossible.

Under the night, Ronald and Heloise looked at each other.

After confirming the other party's thoughts, Ronald grabbed the puppet guards one by one, and then walked to the only place on the scorched earth that could remain in its original state.

"Let's go to the manor and see, and we should find something."


Heloise immediately followed in Ronald's footsteps.

However, after taking a few steps, she suddenly slowed down, and at the same time reached out and tugged at the corner of Ronald's shirt.

"What's wrong?" Ronald asked, turning his head back.

"Well, there's still someone in the sky that you haven't put down." Heloise pointed to the sky behind her.

In the starry night sky.

Heidi, who was brought here by them, is still hanging in the sky honestly at this moment.

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