Mystic Dominator

Chapter 507: Partners of Moissan Paper

[Polygraph] The technique works normally.

The emotions fed back by the power of ‘Rage’ did not change beyond common sense.

With the guarantee of two different systems of spells, Ronald could be sure that the answer he got was accurate.

"You're right, she did have a shoulder injury."

As soon as Ronald's words came out, Heidi's eyes finally began to think in a panic.

It was precisely this expression that looked at the other party.

Ronald sighed softly:


Then he made his expression as serious as possible, and said in a low voice:

"Miss Heidi, I first hope you can understand something."

"Standing here to talk to you at the moment, I have no ill intentions myself."

Heidi's eyes froze, and her body against the test bench froze.

She thought about Ronald's words, and asked carefully after a few seconds:

"So... so I can guarantee my own safety as long as I provide Rumil's information?"

Ronald nodded and replied:

"During the time I verify the message, and after proving that what you said is the truth, your safety can be guaranteed."


After a few conversations, the panic in Heidi's eyes gradually faded.

After realizing the difference in strength between Ronald and herself, as a magician living in a slum area, of course, she immediately chose the direction that was most beneficial to her.

"Okay, I understand."

"Sir, I believe you should have done your research before you came here, so I'll be more straightforward. Since I entered Springs, I have been in close communication with Mosan Paper, and both sides have taken their own advantages. It is a pleasure to work with.”

"At the same time, in order to strengthen my own spell research, I also commissioned Mosan Paper. About the beginning of last month, I found a guy who was as proficient in disguise as me in the list I got, so I also cooperated with me. The other party started to contact."

Ronald's eyes lit up:

"So the person you contacted is Rumil?"

"That's right." Heidi nodded and continued in a fairly calm tone, "This Miss Rumil rarely communicates with the outside world, and I only learned about her as a spellcaster through Mosan Paper."

"I will now give you her address outside the city, if necessary."


Sure enough, I live outside the city...

Hearing Heidi's explanation, Ronald felt a little emotional.

No wonder he couldn't find any trace of Rumir in the city during this time.

Unless Ronald collided with the opponent at the time when Lumire entered the city, no matter how hard he tried, it was impossible to find the opponent in the city.

The information provided by [Twelve Witches] there seems to be something wrong.

With this in mind, Ronald also waved his hand for Heidi to move out of the way:

"Then it's not too late, let's go outside the city now?"



Hearing Ronald's words, Heidi swallowed her saliva visibly, and asked in an unbelievable tone:

"You... are you planning to leave the city at night?"

"With all due respect, it's not a wise choice to go out at night in the nearest Springs. The Bureau of Investigation and some strong men of the big school are wandering the streets every night, and it would be dangerous for ordinary spellcasters like us to go out. of!"


It's an answer that is quite conscious of the safety of the practitioner...

In fact, after the discussion at the [Book Research Association], the night in Springs began to develop in a dangerous direction again. Some suspicious practitioners are walking on the street, and they may be robbed by others first without the investigators coming to investigate.

Everyone knows the activities that [Nine Rings Secret Society] is going to launch in Springs.

So everyone started working in Springs too.

For many large schools, if a person from the [Nine Rings Secret Society] can be caught and asked for some information, the benefits will definitely outweigh the costs.

It's a pity it's just like what Ronald is seeing now.

Although this incident is not conducive to the [Nine Rings Secret Society] organization, it also has a very large impact on ordinary spellcasters.

With a sigh in his heart, Ronald also immediately said:

"Don't worry, we won't have any problems."

"As long as you walk with me, there will be no troublesome guy who can't think of it."


Heidi made a suspicious voice, and her face was a mixture of distrust and fear.

"But we..."

This time, without waiting for Heidi to finish speaking, Ronald interrupted it, and at the same time summoned the original script in his hand and shook it:

"Look at this, can you understand?"


"The original...the original scripture...?"

Heidi was completely unresponsive now.

Ronald can mingle with the holders of the original books and even the leaders of the school all day long, but for ordinary casters, this status is still that high and elusive class.

Take Heidi for example.

Although she can maintain a good life in the slums and even reach cooperation with companies such as Mosang Paper, but really speaking of contact with the original code and its holder, it is the number of times she can count with her fingers in the first half of her life.

And what about tonight?

The big people who are usually impossible to reach are right in front of them, and they even negotiate with her with a good attitude.

This...this is an opportunity.

An opportunity to keep moving up and even get out of the current class!

Heidi realized all of this quickly in her head, and then her previous fears and unease disappeared.

Like the excitement of entering Springs once.

She stood up immediately, and walked up to Ronald without caring about the distance between them.

"My lord, I understand!"

"It's not too late, I'll take you to find Rumil now!"


Ronald shrugged, and replied in a self-conscious tone:

"That's fine, let's go."

He also anticipated why Heidi would have such a change. If he could achieve today's goal, Ronald wouldn't mind helping the newly-acquainted caster.

Seeing Ronald's expression, Heidi responded even more quickly.

She didn't even bother to clean up the basement where she was still working just She didn't even rummage for some necessary magic items, she went straight to the stairs, she wore a robe and crawled to the ground.

"Mr. Ronald, I'll change my clothes first."

"It won't take too long!"

As soon as the voice fell, Heidi immediately got into her bedroom and dressed up.

At this moment, standing alone in the house, Ronald's eyes looked at the darkness of the remote location.

At this moment.

He couldn't help but admire the habits Heloise had cultivated as a spy.

When Ronald and Heidi were talking in the basement, Heloise chose to hide when she heard the conversation between the two.

in the next time.

She is the trump card that Ronald can trust at any time.

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