Mystic Dominator

Chapter 505: messaging

"Heloise, what do you think Datrian really thinks?"

"It's hard to guess... Although I know that she is definitely not the same as the [Nine Rings Secret Society], it is still too risky to directly announce the news that the effect of the spell has been reduced."

"Yeah, it's too risky..."

In mid-September, Ronald was lying on the desk in his office, staring at the neatly stacked stacks of documents in front of him, weakly communicating with Heloise.

The discussion that took place in the underground conference room of the [Book Research Association] has only ended in less than a week.

All forces have begun to spread the news and are taking or preparing to take countermeasures.

But because it's too early.

So far, it hasn't had a very significant impact on the world.

As for people in unique situations like Ronald and Heloise, they also learned some interesting things through the chamber of commerce.

Located in the Djerco Islands in the southern part of the mainland, the leaders of five world-class schools have issued a notice to the world, preparing to hold a mysterious side meeting of unprecedented scale there.

There are two main topics that the meeting intends to discuss.

——Determine the future development direction of the world.

——Search and crusade the [Nine Rings Secret Society].

In a sense, this meeting can be seen as a follow-up to the [Book Research] call. After Daantrian announced the news, people with their own minds are taking action.

The news that Ronald broke the news that day did have a good effect.

Many of the people who participated in the previous discussion had the ability to distinguish between true and false. Some of them belonged to forces, and even more accurate prediction spells could be used.

So once the news is verified, it naturally arouses the greed of these guys.

It is an irresistible temptation for the mysterious side caster to be able to safely decipher the original tome possessed by his own school.

But sitting in the office.

That's not what Ronald was thinking about right now.

In order to find Rumil from Springs these days, he has diligently searched nearly two-thirds of the urban area. Using the power of 'Rage', which was well-established, he almost turned it into a passive skill that was fixed on his body.

However, even so, Ronald was unable to find the mood swings that belonged to Rumir in the city. For Ronald, this is one of the few things that can bring him frustration.

During this process, Heloise was still helping with the documents.

The girl glanced at the man lying on the table, and the corners of her eyes couldn't help but lift up:

"Ronald, raise your hand."

"Oh well……"

"Raising the left hand is not the right hand."


"You've overwhelmed the application form!"

"Feel sorry……"

Ronald raised his left hand with a smirk, and Heloise immediately took out the form, and then filled in the text on it extremely quickly.

While working, Heloise said at the same time:

"By the way, Ronald, my old boss, and the cult warlock who has a problem with his brain, haven't they contacted you recently?"

"That's not true." Ronald shook his head immediately and denied, "The day of the meeting was the last time I met with them, and after that, I completely lost contact. Of course, except for this thing..."

While speaking, Ronald pointed to the cabinet in the office.

The 'envelope' left by Baproul before lay quietly inside.

If you have to contact the head of this cult warlock, activating this envelope is an option. After all, it is the opponent's magic creation, and after detonating it directly, Baproul will react somewhat—probably?


Seeing Ronald's response, Heloise couldn't help sighing.

The cult warlock of Baproul has an abnormal brain circuit, and she is even more aware of how dangerous her old boss is. It's really hard for Ronald to deal with such a person in the future.

bang bang bang --

At this moment, a knock sounded at the door of the office.

Heloise said "come in," and the staff in the first-floor office immediately came in with a smile, and put a file bag on the table.

"Mr. Ronald, this is something from the Chamber of Commerce headquarters, and it is indicated that it will be handed over to you."

Ronald nodded his understanding:

"Thank you for bringing it up."

Just a few words of courtesy, the staff left the office and returned downstairs. And Heloise rarely put down her work, and jumped up and sat on the desk to pick up the file bag.

While opening the paper bag, the girl smiled at Ronald at the same time:

"Guess it's work or what."

Ronald expressed his inner thoughts:

"I would rather have paid next month's salary ahead of schedule."


"Then your hopes are probably going to be in vain."

Rolling a glance at Ronald, Heloise took out the contents of the file bag.

The information in the file bag was divided into two groups. She simply separated them and shared one with Ronald.

After reading the contents separately, the expressions on the faces of the two began to change.

——It was news from the Chamber of Commerce in the surrounding area.

[On July 16, news came from the Temple branch. There was a man in an old maid outfit, with a suitcase and umbrella in one hand, passing by Temple, who was registered as a 'servant directly under the Adler family'. 】

[On August 2, the character also appeared in Kanger Town. However, the clothes on the other side have not changed, but there are traces of simple washing, and the box in his hand is also scarred. 】

[On August 29, the Hay branch also observed this person. Taking into account the identity of Mr. Ronald, the consultant of the headquarters, the information is hereby organized for transmission. Unless there are special circumstances, the maid's speed should be to walk across the continent, and it is expected to arrive in Spring around November. 】

- Feedback submitted by informants in the city.

[Recently, there have been reports around the slums that some people have witnessed girls who can change their body shape and appearance, and are active in the slums. According to the request of the consultant of the headquarters, the information of this person is specially submitted after the investigation. 】

[Heidi Mosley.

Appeared in Springs a month ago registered as a mysterious side caster of family spells, hoping to develop personal abilities in Springs. At present, it has reached a cooperation with Mozang Paper, and its main activities are in the southern urban areas. 】


After reading their respective documents in silence, Ronald and Heloise exchanged again.

Wait for them to see what they have together.

When they looked at each other again, the expressions of the two were completely different from before.

"Ronald, does your family still have such a powerful maid?"

"Traveling across the entire Grid on foot, and looking at this speed, I still use the same footsteps as ordinary people!"

This question was not easy for Ronald to answer, so he shook the page in his hand:

"The maid's business is not in a hurry now."

"I think this guy named Heidi is what we need to pay attention to."

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