Mystic Dominator

Chapter 502: Cause that has already happened

For a split second, Ronald thought the conference room was about to become noisy.

Datrian said these words, and there were people around who couldn't help but want to communicate their opinions. As soon as there were more whispers, this kind of underground conference room would soon turn into a honeycomb-like noise.

However, things did not go as Ronald expected.

After the first few seconds of clutter, everyone in the conference room immediately became quiet.

--the reason is simple.

Her Majesty's solemn gaze swept around.

The casters who were watching her, immediately shut up obediently.


The meeting room was quiet.

After a few more seconds, Daantrian continued to speak:

"I may not understand what I just said."

"In order not to cause unnecessary misunderstandings, let me explain carefully."

"Since the end of last year, I believe that many people have noticed that the effects of their spells are improving, and some people even have ideas that they shouldn't have."


People with slower brains around have not yet reacted.

But Her Majesty has spoken to this point, Ronald has realized the last possibility of calling everyone for a meeting today.

I don't know if I'm happy or nervous.

Ronald controlled his mood and spoke for the first time in today's meeting:

"Her Majesty the Queen!"

"Could it be that the data just now was also caused by this change?"

Hearing Ronald's question, Daantrian nodded at him.

Then he continued in a serious tone:

"In fact, it is in front of you now, and new changes are quietly happening."

"From the end of last month until now, the effect of the church's reconnaissance spells has dropped significantly, which is the real reason for the reduction in the scope of the scouting. And the data in the Bureau of Investigation's statistical report was also affected by the decrease in the effectiveness of the spells, and it was finally found that results."



The scene was out of control in an instant.

The meeting room that was originally able to maintain a quiet moment turned into a noisy vegetable market at this moment.

First of all, Datrian's identity is a guarantee of credibility.

The queen said this kind of words solemnly, which is very persuasive in itself.

Second, even if it's a lie.

Daantrian wouldn't come up with something that could be broken with a stab.

As soon as any caster leaves the venue, he can immediately verify the truth of this statement.

Finally, here is the meaning of this statement.

The decrease in the effectiveness of the magic on the mysterious side affects the huge problem of the actual interests of everyone.

No one cares about this happening!


In this noisy environment, Ronald's expression did not change.

He turned around and looked around.

Representatives of some large schools, leaders of churches and investigative bureaus, leaders directly under the royal family, and even these "lawless elements" around Ronald. None of these people's expressions changed when facing Daantrian's speech.

They knew it from the start, or were well aware of the situation.

So just indifferent at this moment.

During this process, Daantrian just watched the noise in the conference room without saying a word.

The queen understood that it was time to give these ignorant people some time.

So she was not in a hurry to interrupt their communication.


Gradually, the noise began to subside.

After all, someone still remembers who called everyone here, so it's impossible to continue the commotion.

So shut up people from one to many.

After a few minutes of liveliness, the conference room returned to silence.

But not now than before.

After only ten seconds of silence, the practitioner couldn't help but speak.

"Your Majesty, we believe everything you say."

"But this kind of thing happened without warning, isn't there some..."

"I know what you want to say." Datrian interrupted the other party's inquiry directly, and then waved one hand to signal the guy to sit down. After some emotion brewing, she continued, "Everyone, the signs of this incident are actually in front of everyone."

"It's just that you don't have a deep relationship with everyone, so you may not think about it in this regard."

Having said this, Daantrian's tone slowed down.

Ronald sat down and felt that the time was almost up, so he helped with a sentence:

"Is this it related to the accident in the industrial area?"

"That's right!"

Her Majesty the Queen directly acknowledged Ronald's speculation.

Dantrian cast an admiring look at the seat on the right, and continued to speak:

"The accident in the industrial area has a great impact, and the problems caused by it are also quite huge. The decline in spell effectiveness is one of the impacts!"

Immediately, those who participated in the meeting said suspiciously:

"Respected Her Majesty, this is a bit of a fantasy, isn't it?"

"How could an accident in a secular factory affect the power of our mysterious side?"

Daantrian glanced at the questioner.

Instead of arguing with the other party, she explained directly:

"Because people were afraid of the terrible explosion that shook the whole city. Some people read newspapers, some people asked each other, and some people went to consult scholars. In short, the final change was that people knew that this was an accident caused by a chemical explosion. Even because of The particularity of Springs, the rest of the world is starting to make this big news.”

Continue to have a ignorant person who spoke:

"But... this still has nothing to do with the mysterious side!"

"Even if people toss out the exact same explosion a few more times..."

"Who told you it doesn't matter, you idiot!"

Suddenly, Arya standing beside Ronald stood up.

She stretched out her parasol and pointed at the person who opened her mouth without regard for the occasion, and then scolded fiercely:

"Continue like this, and people all over the world will know that the power of the spell itself will continue to decline. With the continuous advancement of technology in the secular society, everything you are now will even become delusional."

"By then, you won't want to use your spells to enjoy life!"


Arya's insults didn't just shut up the open caster.

The meeting room is now also quiet.

After waiting for a few breaths, it was Queen Datrian who comforted Arya:

" You sit down first."

"It's normal that these ordinary casters don't understand the situation. They don't have a correct understanding of the world, and of course they won't understand what we see."

Dissuaded by Daantrian.

Arya came back to her senses with an apologetic expression, and then sat back in her seat.

And this moment.

Datrian sighed in front of everyone before continuing:

"Everyone knows that those who have acquired knowledge of spells will become [seeds] and thus have an impact on the world. So have you ever thought that the grid industry system itself is also based on knowledge."

"More and more people are aware of this knowledge and have access to this knowledge."

"As a result, this alternative and new [seed] is born one by one, and it will also have an impact on the world!"

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