Mystic Dominator

Chapter 496: try 1

Rescue operations at the scene continued until the sun rose.

Not to mention other things, just say that the investigators with the support of their magical abilities can definitely be called efficient in terms of the efficiency of saving people.

Together with friendly people like Ronald to help.

So when the sun rises, at least the ordinary people who can survive have basically been rescued.

Complete this sudden 'mission'.

Ronald and Heloise also slowly walked towards the apartment in the river bank area.

Now that they are not in a hurry, and it is easily exposed during the day, the two of them did not use any spells to help them on their way, and they walked on the road of Springs like other ordinary pedestrians.

Of course, Ronald's expression is not in the normal category now.

After crossing the border, he has been living in a fairly comfortable environment, and even when he was at his worst, he had a stable job like a train station clerk. Even compared to the personal situation before the time-travel, the essence of his life has not changed much.

However, for Ronald, he knew in his heart how people lived in this era. But this kind of heavy thing usually fails to catch the eyes of him, the owner of the original book.

--until today.

What happened after this explosion exposed everything directly to Ronald. Although people are walking on the calm streets now, it is as if someone shouted to him with a loudspeaker in Ronald's heart, what the world is like!

If you have to say what Ronald is thinking, he naturally hopes that he can help the world become a better place.

But this kind of thing...

To shoulder the hopes and lives of others is not just a matter of shouting slogans. Only those who have experienced the test of life and death can understand how heavy this is.

Walking down the street with a dignified face all the way, when leaving the industrial area and entering the church area. Looking at Ronald's expression, Heloise finally opened her mouth to find a topic:

"Ronald, are you going to search for Lumir in the city today?"

"Today...forget it today."

Hearing Heloise's question, Ronald stopped weakly.

Today's mood really can't support his continued search for Rumil's whereabouts. Unless the [Nine Rings Secret Society] comes to act in advance to threaten the safety of the whole world, he doesn't want to do anything today.

"Ha... Phyllis, help me ask for a leave from the office today."

"I'm really not in the mood to go to work."

"I know……"

Heloise nodded thoughtfully to show her understanding. After walking some distance, she asked with concern:

"Ronald, is your condition really okay?"

"I know this will be shocking, but you won't be so low, will you? After all, the child..."

Ronald interrupted Heloise directly:

"Phyllis, things are not what you think."

"I can understand the child's revenge and reckless actions, and I can understand his motives and thoughts, as well as the right and wrong in this matter. What really bothers me now is..."

Having said this, Ronald's voice gradually weakened.

He thought about it for a few seconds, and then sorted out a more appropriate statement:

"Phyllis, let me tell you a story."

"It's like there is a country in the world where there is a stable social structure. Although people may not be able to live as beautifully as they imagined, they can at least not worry about food and clothing, and their life and health, or the most basic rights to be human beings are also guaranteed. general, a beautiful country that is developing."

"However, one day, the people who enjoyed the good life in this country left there, and Grid, who was entering an industrialized society. Ordinary people in the lower classes of society..."


Suddenly, Heloise interrupted Ronald.

Although the girl's voice was not loud, her tone and eyes were very serious and focused:

"At least in my eyes, Grid is a very good country."

"Just next door, the Entrod military government's oppression of the people is not at the level of factory labor; further afield, in countries like Marlton and Lai Yat Court, people who are traded as slaves are still recognized. Formal institutions; **** human sacrifices even exist in some tribes in undeveloped areas.”

After saying this, Heloise breathed a sigh of relief.

Then summed up by saying:

"The reign of that queen is really a good thing for Grid. In other countries in the world, electricity is even a word that I don't understand. Such a country is already very good for ordinary people, even It's a beautiful place."


Watching Heloise finish this long series of words.

Ronald hesitated in his heart.

Based on Heloise's life experience and insights, what she is talking about is an unquestionably correct idea. It is definitely not an appropriate attitude for Ronald to refute her idea as a transmigrator.

However, just when Ronald was thinking about how to answer the other party.

Heloise suddenly grabbed Ronald's hand, and her tone softened:

"Ronald, can you tell me about the country you're talking about?"

"While it may be a little early for the world, I still want to hear what she's like."


Ronald looked at Heloise, and the girl's eyes were hesitant and uneasy at this moment.

Asking this question, she doesn't seem to be sure whether her choice is correct.

Look at this Heloise.

Ronald squeezed the girl's hand tightly.

"of course can!"

"The country I imagine is a place where science and technology continue to develop, and people don't need any mysterious magic to move forward. The citizens of the country are protected by law, and human life is not something that can be taken casually. Anything that achieves Children of all ages can receive the education of teachers and learn knowledge..."

when telling all this.

Ronald slowed down his speech as much as possible, so that Heloise could understand what he During this period, the girl would occasionally ask some questions that the society had encountered or solved. Due to Ronald's rich experience, he was able to answer the questions one by one.

After a serious conversation was over, Ronald and Heloise also walked out of the church area and followed the Wes River to the street in the river bank area.

At this moment, their hands are still firmly together.

But Herois stopped asking Ronald any questions.

The girl who was walking on the street early in the morning was completely lost in the thoughts of the conversation just now. Even if there was a carriage passing by in a very close area, she didn't immediately look at each other with the corner of her eye as usual.

Until the two approached the apartment where they lived, Heloise finally let go.

She suddenly took a few steps forward.

Then he suggested to Ronald with a serious look:

"Ronald, do you want to try writing a book?"

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