Mystic Dominator

Chapter 488: August

Springs in August.

It was Ronald's own experience, the most turbulent period in the city.

After the man in red was caught by Lalaye, the investigator with outstanding business ability and even professional magic ability, tortured the news from his mouth at the fastest speed, and then started the clean-up work in the city.

On the other hand, the [Nine Rings Secret Society], this organization did not choose to give up because of the failure of an operation, but took this incident as a clarion call to intensify the operation.

A steady stream of people sneaked into Springs from the shadows.

The intention is to use every human life to build a new network of forces in this city, and to make all possible preparations for the final showdown on the harvest day.

Of course, it's more worth mentioning.

The above information is released by the Bureau of Investigation.

How many tricks or truths there are in it is unknown.

However, in the end, a series of mysterious side struggles were staged in the city.

In the eyes of a mysterious side caster like Ronald, the magic fluctuations that erupted one after another in Springs at night were much more lively than the daily activities of the citizens during the day.

the daily life of ordinary people during the day;

The struggle of the mysterious side of the night;

The diametrically opposite state is being staged in this city, and it is also testing everyone's increasingly sensitive psychological bottom line.

By the time the dust settles on harvest day...

The city, or the world, will undergo drastic changes under this enormous influence.

Being in such a city, Ronald finally accomplished his goal of reading in the church library. Every morning when the sun rises, look at the investigators in the surrounding city to clean up the battle marks, and the time after that belongs to him and Heloise.

And this morning.

After Ronald finished cleaning the bathroom, he came out and saw Herois on the balcony.

At this moment, the girl with her hair **** was lying on the balcony.

The soft figure is half bent in front of the railing.

When looking at the boats on the Weiss River, there is unease about something in his eyes.

Ronald walked over slowly, and then said with concern:

"Phyllis, is there anything you care about?"


Heloise turned her head and glanced at Ronald before nodding back:

"Last night, I felt a kind of hidden magic fluctuation nearby. Although ordinary people can't recognize it, I know that it is Lalaiye's handling method. He has fought with people nearby."

Ronald thought silently.

When he came back on the day of the exchange meeting, he naturally told Heloise the news of Lalaye's appearance.

For this old boss.

Heloise's superficial attitude is that she needs to be absolutely wary of this guy.

As the head of the Entrod spy agency, in addition to having great strength, Laleye's attitude is actually very ambiguous.

Not to mention links between friendly countries or hostile countries.

This guy even has an inexplicable relationship with a cult warlock, and there are times when he shows kindness to the villains who yell at everyone.

Speculate in the most extreme cases.

Heloise even felt that Lalaye had a secret connection with the [Nine Rings Secret Society].

This Entrod's spy chief is definitely one of the top three dangerous people in Springs City.

And Ronald has also seen this man shoot.

When subduing the man in red in the [Nine Rings Secret Society] in the outer suburbs, Ronald had seen the opponent's powerful spellcasting ability and elusive actions. If you really want to fight this guy, there are definitely a lot of things to consider.

Thinking like this, Ronald said to Heloise:

"If your identity is revealed later, then we will..."

bang bang bang --

"Ma'am, would you like to try the water purifier invented by our company's scientists?"

"Recently, the water system in the city is not very good. There are people in the north of the city who have dysentery. Buy it and try it!"

Suddenly, there was a polite knock on the door downstairs.

It also interrupted the conversation between Ronald and Heloise.

Both of them, as casters with the ability to strengthen their bodies, realized the strangeness of the sound—there was no footsteps.

Normally when someone approaches the apartment, they will definitely hear footsteps first, and then the door knocking and pitching after the other person walks in.

However, there was nothing superfluous in the sound that appeared this morning.

To describe...

It's as if someone teleported to the door downstairs with a space spell, and then knocked on the door to sell a product!


In the silence, Ronald and Heloise looked at each other.

It's already daytime, and there are still magicians who don't have long eyes to come to them to make trouble?

The reaction of the two was very tacit.

Ronald directly started activating his many spells, while Heloise took out a dagger and stood at the door.

As long as the other side broke into the door.

Then what greeted him was a decisive and furious attack from the two of them.

bang bang bang --

"Sir, do you want to try the water purifier invented by our company's scientists?"

"The tap water in the city recently..."

"do not want!"

"Yes, sorry, but please also consider us..."

"I said no, don't you understand!"



bang bang bang --

"Sir, do you want to try the water purifier invented by our company's scientists?"

"The tap water in the city recently..."

"I don't need it either, just ask someone else."


However, what followed was a very speechless scene.

This guy, who is undoubtedly a mysterious side caster, seems to have really started to sell products dutifully, asking from house to house from the first floor, and being treated in various ways. It has been a long time. Only finally came to the third floor where Ronald and the two were.

Then, there was a knock on the door without any new changes.

bang bang bang --

"Sir, do you want to try the water purifier invented by our company's scientists?"

"Recently, the water system in the city is not very good. There are people in the north of the city who have dysentery. Buy it and try it!"


At this time, even Heloise, who was a spy, was a little unsure of the other party's intentions.

" We don't need any purified water..."

Standing at the door, she thought for a few seconds, then hid the dagger behind her and opened the door with a different smile.

Immediately, the girl's expression began to change.

"You, come in and try..."


In this way, the cult warlock Baproul walked into the house generously from the door.

He first looked at the room where the witch and apprentice lived next door, and then with a single wave he strengthened the soundproofing spell in the room. Under the gazes of Ronald and Heloise, the man sat on the sofa as if he was returning to his home, and put the cargo box hanging on his chest on the tea table in the living room.

After doing all this, Baprol rubbed his hands, with a bright and flattering smile on his face:

"Sir, ma'am, can you give me a glass of water first?"

"It's so hot today!"

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