Mystic Dominator

Chapter 486: each show his powers

Above the ground, in the dark night sky.

From a height that is difficult to detect by human sight, four iron sticks for barbecue are thrown down.

The ordinary and slender sticks instantly penetrate the defense composed of spells.

Then it penetrated the heads of the four guards on the ground.

The whole process was quick and stealthy, and at the same time, it did not trigger any response of the alarm spell. The job of assassinating several [Nine Rings Secret Society] sentries was almost as easy as grabbing them.

"As expected of the master of the Secret Hand School."

"Sir's spell has reached such an imperceptibly powerful state."

With his body floating in the air, Ronald was politely touting the other person, who was obviously the owner of the four iron signs.

And being praised like this, the praised caster also replied humbly:

"It's too good. I can't usually do this level of long-range attack. Thanks to Ms. Ai's assistance, I can capture the enemy's position at this distance."

Immediately, the old lady on the other side spoke up:

"Now that these sentries have been unplugged, we should also consider how to get in? The people of the [Nine Rings Secret Society] have always been difficult to deal with. If they can't handle the vigilance spell well, I am afraid that the other party may escape."


As soon as the words came out, several casters in the air began to look at each other.

Many of them can solve this problem, but the spells involved must also be related to the core technology of the school. When it is used in front of these mysterious bigwigs, there are still scruples.

However, some people are afraid of this kind of thing, and some people don't care much.

Seeing how these people were on guard against each other, Lalaye canceled his flying spell directly and smashed it down like a cannonball.

The figure of the person became much smaller in the line of sight.

This man's voice came from below:

"This kind of thing, let me do it..."

Entrod's spy chief lives up to his name.

While falling, he cast spells, and at the same time as the figure almost came to the ground, Lalaye's prepared spells also slapped on the vigilance spells.

Lalaye did not destroy the vigilance spell of the [Nine Rings Secret Society].

He just formed a spell with specially constructed magic power, and then sent it into it along the structure of the vigilance spell.

So, a very interesting scene appeared.

The vigilance spell that should be activated in common sense, but at this moment, there is no movement.

At the moment when the two forces meet.

Lalaye's magic was instantly integrated into the structure of the vigilance technique, and then it changed its essence. It took less than three seconds for this vigilance spell set by the [Nine Rings Secret Society] to change hands completely silently and become something controlled by Lalaiye.


"In a place like Entrode, there is such a powerful technology?"

Aware of the scene below, some of the casters in the air couldn't help but speak.

For ordinary people.

In Entrod, a country devastated by war, the spellcasters should be good at the most direct and violent combat spells. The more famous schools in the past have also been severely damaged.

However, the technology that Laleye is now using is completely beyond the reach of ordinary researchers. Even among these spellcasters present, most of them dare not say that they can deal with such an enemy.

So, a common doubt appeared in their minds.

In the years shrouded in war, what kind of changes have taken place in Entrode, what secrets are the schools operating in their country now hiding?


The silence in the air did not last long.

Seeing that Lalaye had dealt with the issue of the vigilance technique, one of the investigators in the team stood up.

He pulled out a spindle-shaped metal structure from his pocket.

Then aim at the hill below and put it straight down.


The metal went down vertically through the air, and when it came to the air about 100 meters above the ground, the magic formula that had wrapped around it unfolded, forming an invisible circle that just wrapped the target range.

With a satisfied look in his eyes, the investigator said:

"Relax now, the space in this area has been successfully anchored, and it is impossible for the people below to escape with any space-shifting spells. Unless we can annihilate all of us, no one will be able to escape tonight."

Looking at the investigator's posture, the practitioners have fear in addition to understanding.

The spell that anchors the space is very rare in the entire mysterious side. The investigators in front of them can come up with such a thing, and it is even a silent warning to them.

"As long as he abides by the law, this guy won't do anything."

"As a kind reminder, you should learn Grid's rule of law structure, or it may be too late in the future."

Just then, the little girl with the umbrella that Ronald had noticed before spoke up. Witnessing everything that happened in the team, the expression on her face remained unmoved, as if everything that happened was a matter of course.

"I also know that you don't want to expose the secrets of your own spells."

"So the task of finding out this guy, leave it to me."

When the voice fell, the girl held the unfolded umbrella with her right hand and stroked her left hand carelessly.


In an instant, the ground shook.

After the incantation that only the girl could hear, a huge footprint appeared on the hill on the ground, as if a mythical giant was hiding here, and then kicked the ground hard!

Looking at the changes in the hills below, the girl continued to speak:

"That guy can be pulled out right away."

"If you don't go down, the good things will be taken away by that Entrod?"

brush brush --

The girl's voice landed, and the casters flew down very realistically.

Watching people's movements, Ronald was not in a hurry. After all, now he has changed the investigative characteristics of the power of 'Rage', and the caster of the [Nine Rings Secret Society] hidden in the mountain is clearly identifiable.

At this moment, the girl who was also floating in the air gave Ronald a smile:

"Come on It's the most important thing to catch people at this time."

"By the way, I'm on your side, Mr. Adler."

After two sentences were finished, the girl turned her eyes to look down, and her free right hand once again——raised——was it down——

Boom boom boom!

In perfect sync with her movements.

The invisible huge soles slammed down on the ground, and the structure of the hill began to collapse at a speed visible to the naked eye. Among the people Ronald has met, the power of the girl's spell can definitely be regarded as the word "amazing".


Ronald looked at the other party seriously, and the power of 'Rage' also proved that the other party had no special mood.

Finally, he nodded to each other.

Ronald turned down and rushed to the mountain that was about to be opened.

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