Mystic Dominator

Chapter 483: old boss

Lamer's sudden attack naturally attracted the attention of many people.

Among these alarmed spellcasters, Oppenheim of the [Book Research Association] asked directly and loudly.

"Ronald, what's going on?"

Unlike ordinary people who are in a panic, this old spellcaster caught it at the first time, and looked over in the direction of the law. When Ronald, who was quite messed up and even took out the Sword of Santa Caterina, caught sight of him, he naturally realized part of the problem.

Oppenheim's place in the eyes of these spellcasters is unquestionable.

So as soon as he opened his mouth, the crowd between Ronald and Oppenheim automatically separated a passage so that the two could clearly see each other's status.

Watching the elderly caster on the other side of the passage.

While feeling all the spells that had returned to normal, Ronald gave priority to resetting the protection of the [Guardian Angel], and then explained to Oppenheim in a serious tone:

"It's someone from the [Nine Rings Secret Society]."

"I encountered the demon summoned by the Salamanke just now when I was in Burrenwich."


As soon as the words came out, the first thing that greeted him was silence.

Those who know the [Nine Rings Secret Society] can naturally understand what happened just now, and those who don't know... can only stare blankly at the two people in the conversation.

And Oppenheim as the leader vaguely acknowledged by the casters at the moment.

His eyes swept around the dilapidated castle hall before continuing to ask:

"Mr. Ronald, I can understand that you went through a battle just now. But about the culprit, I hope you can provide some convincing proofs."


Ronald frowned.

He could understand Oppenheim's caution, but at the same time he didn't mind speculating maliciously on this very serious-looking old man. As the representative of the official force of Springs, the other party is likely to make some bad choices in order to maintain order.

Not to mention that around the castle, Ronald clearly saw several investigators approaching in his direction.

When everyone fell into the original test, Ronald was the only one who showed signs of battle. Even if he is really a friendly caster on Springs' side, it is impossible to completely reassure him now.

However, just when Ronald was thinking about how to deal with this situation.

Miao Li, who was standing in the crowd, stood up to help him clear the siege.

Also the caster of the [Book Research Association], the girl walked directly from the crowd to Oppenheim, and then helped to explain:

"Everyone, I can testify for Ronald."

"Just when the Salamanke summoned the demon before, Ronald asked me clearly about the summoning spell, and also mentioned the identity of the demon!"

Seeing how Miu Li took the initiative to help explain.

Oppenheim sighed softly before shifting his gaze to the other end of the crowd.

Right here, the spellcaster who had summoned the demon Lamer in the discussion session was standing on the ground. Hearing the exchange of several people, the middle-aged man clenched his sleeves with his palms, his eyebrows wrinkled, and the expression on his face was very bad.

"Mr. Oppenheim, I'm here to participate in this discussion on behalf of Salamanc! I will naturally cooperate with your investigation regarding the summoned creatures, but please ensure that you are absolutely serious."

Salaman is a rather huge organization on the mysterious side.

Although their main activity area is not in the mainland of Gred, there are definitely many colonies with interests involved.



【Nine Rings Secret Meeting】......

Destroyed Mystery Side Assembly...

And the dilapidated White Shore Castle in front of me...

Thinking about these heady news, Oppenheim already had a premonition that this matter was tricky.

Now he is the representative of the official forces.

It's really hard to deal with what you have to deal with.

There was some helplessness in his heart, but Oppenheim still said out of duty:

"Since this is the case, then please cooperate with the elites of the investigation bureau, and be rashly involved in such a dangerous matter. I believe everyone hopes to..."

"Mr. Oppenheim, I have a question!"

Suddenly Oppenheim was interrupted by a man's voice.

Looking at the position of the voice, this is a man with a tough face and a tall and straight body. A bundle of white hair was sandwiched between his neatly groomed black hair, giving him a hint of depth in his handsome temperament.

"During the attack just now, this Mr. Ronald was clearly injured."

"In order to ensure his safety, let me take this gentleman for treatment!"

The man's tone was very strong.

The first sentence is also clearly biting the tone.

And Oppenheim looked at the man who stood up at this time, and the expression on his face was unprecedentedly solemn.

"Laleye, we can handle Mr. Ronald's injury..."

The man then interrupted Oppenheim again:

"Oppenheim, do you plan to let the hero who fought against the evil plan of the [Nine Rings Secret Society] drag his wounds back to the city to receive your professional treatment?"

"Be wiser!"

"Who among the people present has a better understanding of the human body than me? Who can compare the efficiency of medical spells with me? Everyone is also a well-rounded person. After returning to the city, they will naturally cooperate with your work!"


After the man said these words, Oppenheim's face immediately turned bad.

But think about what happened at Whitebank Castle tonight.

He finally gave up:

"Go ahead. After returning to the city, please consciously go to the Investigation Bureau."

"About the specific situation of this incident, Springs will definitely give you an explanation..."

Oppenheim continued to speak there.

And the man who was arguing with him was walking towards Ronald with a hearty smile at this moment.

He made a polite gesture with one hand, and then he said to Ronald:

"Mr. Ronald Nice to meet you here."

"My lord is Lalaye, the head of the Entrod [Erdis] school. If you don't mind, let me treat your injury."


Stare at the man for a few seconds.

Ronald nodded in agreement with a complex expression.

It was not the first time he had heard the name Lalaiye, which was full of strange déjà vu.

The boss who arranged a series of 'very distinctive' names for Heloise, that is, the head of the Entrod spy agency where Heloise is located, the name of his activities in society is called Lalaiye!

If you guessed correctly, the caster is also the holder of the book "The Structure of the Human Body"!

So after the previous stronghold was removed.

Is this guy entering the country himself, and doing things as a diplomat?

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