Mystic Dominator

Chapter 466: non-mainstream researchers

"I... me?"

Ronald didn't want to think about it much.

But the [Ogen's Secret] caster off the field has no grievances or enmity with him, and the power of "Rage" has not detected any hostility in the opponent. As if it was to give a face, he still walked over with a subtle expression.

In the face of Ronald cooperating with his actions, the caster of [Ogen's Secret] immediately showed a warm smile:

"My friend, thank you for your help."

"If you don't mind, can you introduce your school?"

Ronald's old face collapsed instantly.

Considering his records in Burrenwich and Springs, Ronald said with some shame and some embarrassment in order to ensure his honesty and reliability in public:

"I...I am of the Hagen School."


The caster of [Ogen's Secret] was stunned.

He prides himself on being knowledgeable, but he has never heard of the so-called Copenhagen School.

Just do it yourself, this is the magician from that small rural school?

After being stunned, the caster of [Ogen's Secret] quickly put these messy thoughts behind him, and simply and generously handed Ronald the prop in his hand.

"Then, sir, I will teach you how to use this thing."

"First of all, similar to any magic item, you need to separate your magic power to contact it. After the two parties reach a suitable frequency, it will detect the quality of your magic power, and then... huh?!"

The introduction had just begun, and the caster of [Ogen's Secret] was startled by the scene in front of him.

right in front of him.

Ronald, who wanted to leave here immediately, followed the explanation and injected his magic into it.

As a result, it's frying.

Almost ninety-nine percent of Ronald's magic comes from the canon.

Triggered in this way, the quality and quantity of detected magic power far exceeded imagination, and the original mana of five independent systems exploded instantly. In an instant, a strong torrent of magic power burst out from Ronald, and even formed a shock across everyone present.


With a light sound, the magic item that Ronald was holding broke from the middle.

The wooden block that could not bear this magic power just fell to the ground.



Finally, Oppenheim, who had been silent until now, burst into laughter.

[Ogen's Secret] The expression of the caster also became extremely embarrassing at this moment.

Faced with such a situation, Ronald hung up an embarrassed smile without hesitation, then turned around and walked outside.

"I...I'm going to wash my hands first."


Ronald left for less than ten seconds, and the discussion behind him became lively.

After experiencing such a change, these magicians really gave up their previous elegance and began to argue with their inner thoughts.

This time, Muri did not keep up with Ronald who was leaving.

She has been resting for a while, and she still has to contribute to the [Book Research Association] in this debate, and it is obviously impossible to escape at this moment.

"Summoning creatures..."

After leaving the venue, Ronald whispered about wandering around the castle. However, after walking around, he didn't see any discussion place for summoned creatures.

Ronald didn't know that the discussion of summoning creatures would not start until the middle of the night when he grabbed the passerby and asked. During this time period, maybe all the people who participated in the discussion did not arrive.


Reluctantly scratching his hair, Ronald could only continue to hang out in the castle.

Although the discussion on summoned creatures hasn't started yet, maybe he is lucky enough to run into Rumir right in the castle?

After more than half an hour of wandering, Ronald slowly turned to the place where Muri had passed by with him.

In a side hall of the castle, a few casters were sitting in their respective positions. Most of them showed pain on their faces, and they chatted a few words after a while.

This is the condition of the outcast.

After standing there for more than a minute, Ronald carefully analyzed the feedback from the power of 'Rage', and after confirming that none of the people in the side hall were terrorists, did he walk in curiously.

As soon as he walked in, an old man with white hair and beard leaning over the table to write words caught Ronald's attention.

Although the magic fluctuations on this old man are not too strong.

But the other party was only working in silence, and the focus that belonged to a researcher on his body was undoubtedly revealed. Ronald had only seen such a strong and calm temperament in the big man who worked in the research institute.

Such a person can't achieve anything in any world, right?

With this thought in mind, Ronald walked straight towards the other side. Rejected by the mainstream mystical side, these spellcasters present their research results in a very simple way - put up a sign.

Just in front of them or beside them, plain and simple text marked what they wanted to show.

And in front of the old man Ronald was concerned about...

[Thinking from the order of magnitude - Township Otto]

Is this the application of research spells?

Ronald looked down at the old man named Xiang, who was so absorbed in writing that he didn't even notice his arrival.

Then you won't interfere with each other.

Nodding silently, Ronald bent over and read the contents of the other party's sign. And quite unexpectedly, this article titled 'Thinking from Orders of Magnitude' is not an article that actually studies spells.

The point of view is extremely original, even shocking things, so appeared in front of Ronald.

[Our ability to perform magic comes from knowledge, and the existence of the original scriptures is not so important.

The so-called magic, on the surface, is a miracle that ordinary people cannot reach.

But in fact, I think this is just one-sided thinking, short-sighted and immature.

A young child who is babbling, determined that it is impossible for people to see a doctor and dispense medicine. But after a long period of study, a mature doctor can achieve the purpose of eliminating diseases for people.

For young children, isn't this also the result of a spell?

The difference is the accumulation of knowledge.

It is also a way of gaining power.

It's a pity that in today's academic world, people don't seem to value this kind of "ordinary people's because it can't bring those "otherworldly" real spells!

However, I think this is wrong!

There is no essential level of knowledge, some are just different types.

The spells brought by the original scriptures may only be the changes brought about by the high concentration of knowledge.

If one is knowledgeable enough, I mean knowledge far beyond common sense!

Then psychology, or medicine, or architecture, this kind of "ordinary people's knowledge" accumulated to an astronomical level, can't it really bring about otherworldly magic effects!

I think--

As long as a person has accumulated knowledge of the order of magnitude to a certain level.

He also gains some kind of special ability that transcends mortals, even beyond the canonical spells.

And this is completely possible, a miracle that truly belongs to human beings! 】

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