Mystic Dominator

Chapter 448: Dialogue on this matter

, the fastest update to the latest chapter of the mysterious ruler!

In fact, it wasn't just the Bureau of Investigation that rushed to the office building.

In the face of such a serious incident with extremely bad influence, other more important official forces in Springs immediately sent people to come to support, and all of them were in place within three minutes after the Bureau of Investigation.

Among them were two senior clerics from the church, senior officials from the National Police Agency, and special officers directly under the city defense army.

The clergy and the police department are just that, they are the most common vigilantes in the city on one side, and the forces that Ronald often deals with on the other. However, the appearance of the last force made him feel a sense of crisis in an instant.

Ronald didn't expect it anyway.

The person sent by the army to take charge of this matter is actually an old acquaintance of his own.

- Patricia!

The Nicklaus family has a close relationship with the military, of course Ronald knew that, but meeting Patricia here tonight exceeded all his expectations.

Patricia is really straight.

When she came here, her serious eyes immediately focused on Ronald... and Heloise beside him.

Also living in Springs, Patricia naturally paid attention to Ronald's actions during this time, and this Ronald's new apprentice, Miss Phyllis...

As soon as she met today, she realized how pitiful and moving this rumored beautiful girl was. Faced with such a girl with a perfect figure and a beautiful appearance, putting herself in the shoes of a girl, a man may not be able to refuse such a girl to do things under his own hands.

Not to mention this is an apprentice!

Under the influence of his natural identity, the master can almost let his apprentice do whatever he wants. This is simply a temptation delivered to the door!

While Patricia looked at Heloise, Ronald on the other side was really flustered.

He admits that he has no subtle time management skills, nor is he an emotional master who can manage his private life. It would be really difficult for him to have a conversation with Patricia in this situation!

Noticing the current state of the two, Heloise smiled indifferently.

She even poked Ronald's waist lightly with her elbow:

"Hey, Ronald, they're watching us."


He savagely gouged out Heloise's eyes, and under the gaze of the other party's playful smile, Ronald quickly sorted out his thoughts, and then shouted loudly to attract everyone's attention:

"Everyone, Phyllis and I were the first to arrive here!"

"I have also witnessed the whole process of what happened in this office building. In order to ensure that the information on this matter is correct, now I will give you a detailed description of what happened before..."

Ronald recounted his encounter with Heloise confidently, including some of his speculations about the matter, but when the topic came to 'no cult warlock was found in the office building, is there some problem with this ceremony' when.

The priest standing beside him spoke in a reminder-like tone:

"Mr. Ronald, we can understand why you and Miss Phyllis acted like this. But it would be a bit bizarre to say that this ceremony was really not performed by anyone. It is impossible to be in this building, Is there another original that we haven't discovered yet?"

The meaning of the priest's words is very obvious.

He believed Ronald's previous statement, but because of his understanding of various knowledge on the mysterious side, he thought that a ritual spell that no one presided over was really unreasonable.

Even think elsewhere.

What if this group of cult warlocks with their own problems activated this ritual with their own original scriptures?

Assuming that this conjecture is in line with the actual situation, have the two Ronalds who came here first have successfully collected this original book, so they have fabricated such an outrageous result now?

The question is quite acute, but also very in line with human common sense.

Saying this guess in a questioning tone, the priest also implied that Ronald's answer was unreliable.

Too bad this is the truth.

Faced with such a question, Ronald could only find a way to explain with a wry smile.

However, when he organized the language, something unexpected happened. Also in the discussion seat, an investigator other than Isa suddenly said:

"Father Compard, I was on the polygraph all the time, and what Mr. Ronald said was true."

As soon as the words came out, the air in the room instantly became cold by three points.

Out of the demands of their duties, investigators will certainly not joke or take sides on this matter.

So is it really a cult warlock mastering some new way of casting spells?

Or maybe there is a powerful text hidden under their feet, and it is the evil magic book of those cult warlocks!


"Well, it's useless to say that."

When the complicated atmosphere was intertwined, Elaine, the youngest of the three investigators, spoke up, only to see the girl sighed slightly, and then pointed to the ceiling above her head.

"Father Compard, please take these poor ordinary people back for treatment first. The follow-up investigation of the cult warlock will be handled by us as usual."

"I respect your opinion."

After seeing the investigator in front of him, he set the tone for this matter in a few words.

The priest didn't say more, and left here with his own people, and he went to rescue the unfortunate ordinary people.

Watching the two priests leave side by side, Patricia, who had not spoken, took a step forward:

"Everyone, the information that Mr. Knight Commander told me needs a considerable degree of military support. If there is anything I need to do, please tell me directly."

Patricia's voice fell, and Elaine who was beside her immediately replied:

"Miss Nicklaus, the investigation on this matter is not over yet, in detail..."

Patricia was unwilling to continue listening to Elaine's euphemisms, and directly interrupted the other party's speech:

"In this case, our task of protecting the safety of the city of Springs is always to be For now, the other strongholds of these cult warlocks in the city will be completely removed, and the follow-up work will be handed over to the Bureau of Investigation. By the way, it should be fine, right?"

In the face of Patricia's extremely decisive speech.

Elaine and the investigator who spoke before did not speak.

After waiting for a few more seconds, the oldest of the three investigators responded to Patricia:

"Ms. Nicklaus, of course there is no problem. Please believe in the ability of our Bureau of Investigation."

"But after all, the incident happened suddenly, and we had better have a charter for our actions. Next, I will arrange everyone's action plan. You can understand this, right?"

Patricia watched the investigator earnestly for a few seconds.

Then he nodded solemnly:

"In order to protect the innocent ordinary citizens in the city."

"Go ahead."

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