Mystic Dominator

Chapter 431: Destruction of the Giants

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White wings fluttered behind.

Ronald flew towards the giant suppressed by the sea with his sword in one hand.

Now that the enemy is under the control of Hierbeth, what he needs to approach the opponent is the timing of his moves, rather than the pursuit of extreme speed. So Ronald naturally did not choose the speed-first "Astronomy" spell, but used the more flexible Wings of Icarus.

Waiting to cross this not difficult distance.

The one-handed sword in Ronald's hand was also dyed with a scorching glow.

This is the power of the [Almighty Angel] provided by the Sun, Sphere, and Heaven in "The Divine Comedy - Heaven". And unlike the self-destructive spellcasting method of the previous holder, Malcolm, after Ronald interprets it correctly, the quality of this power is also much gentler.

As long as this spell is activated by Ronald, he can arbitrarily select inanimate objects around him, and attach a layer of hot, sacred, and quite lethal solar power to them.

Especially when dealing with dark enemies or spells.

This kind of power is definitely the only magic weapon to overcome the enemy and win.

Although Ronald is still uncertain about the actual characteristics of the giant in front of him, adding a layer of reinforcement when attacking the opponent is definitely a sure-fire choice.

As for Ronald not using this spell much in the past...

The main reason is because the 'special effects' of this thing are a bit too gorgeous. Although the attached Sun's power will not damage the object itself, Ronald will not have any special restrictions.

But the abilities and special effects related to the sun are also as dazzling as the sunlight on a sunny day.

Take the one-handed sword with the power of the sun as an example. Ronald took it and flew in the air, and almost the entire ruins below the island could clearly perceive the light it radiated.

Ronald was even a little skeptical.

If the enemy sees this thing unprepared, will it be temporarily blinded by the sudden dazzling light?


"Mortal, you are blaspheming the gods, stop your stupid behavior immediately, or you will never get my forgiveness!"

Suddenly, the giant suppressed by the waterspout roared.

Although it was suppressed by Hierbeth's spell to the point of being unable to resist, the one-handed sword that suddenly shone in Ronald's hand made it, whose field of vision was full of currents, sensed someone approaching.


The figure stopped in the air, Ronald was indeed a little speechless to this dead duck's tough-mouthed enemy.

Obviously, he has been reduced to a situation where his life and death must be controlled by others, but now he has not forgotten to stick to the setting of the omnipotent god. In the face of such a situation, it is possible to live simply by begging for mercy, right?

With this thought in his heart, Ronald couldn't hold the slightest hesitation in his hands.

This enemy is currently under the control of the mermaid's spell, but in the final analysis, it has also killed a large number of spellcasters.

An existence that would slaughter human beings is more reassuring than death.

In the silence, Ronald quickly sensed the flow of magic power on the giant in front of him, which was in the shape of a human, but the place where the power gathered in this guy's body was in the center of his lower abdomen.

Even when it was devastated by the waterspout, it also made actions to protect that position from time to time, which was enough to show the importance of that part of the body.

"It's here..."

Muttering in his mouth, Ronald had already reached the upper position in front of the giant with the help of the wings of Icarus.

According to each other's tendency to move in the waterspout.

After about five seconds, the height of this guy will reach the most suitable position, all Ronald has to do is to extend his weapon forward, and the power of the waterspout will naturally help him expand the damage.

One second, two seconds, three seconds...

Counting the time in his heart, Ronald handed the one-handed sword forward in the fifth second.

At the same time, the position of the giant who was rolled up high continued to rise.

The body also reached exactly where Ronald was.


The sword body wrapped with the power of the sun light instantly pierced the body of the giant in front of him. The whole process was smooth and did not encounter any obstacles.

And what followed, the giant continued to sprint upwards under the coercion of the waterspout. The blade firmly stuck in his body also continued to move downward with the change of position, and then drew a scorched black scar that spiraled upwards.


This time, the giant finally didn't care about using its identity as a 'god' to threaten.

There was a wailing that did not resemble a human, and at the origin of the wound in the lower abdomen, the magic power of a concentration visible to the naked eye was frantically spilling out.

Having used the "Divine Comedy" spell for such a long time, as a person who has been exposed to the power of the blood river of **** many times, Ronald's perception of the soul is also quite sensitive. So at the same time as the opponent's magic power was dissipated, he noticed a scene that ordinary people couldn't detect.

At the location of the wound caused by the power of the sun.

At this moment, there are some bewildered souls flowing out with the magic!

Among these souls, Ronald even recognized the original owner of the sword in his hand, as well as the old man who held the ceremony.

No wonder the group of people died so suddenly, and the wounds on the corpses were not obvious.

Under the attack of directly draining the soul, it is reasonable to have such a result.

Floating in the air, Ronald was still observing the changes of the enemy after he realized it.

The giant's tall and sturdy body shrank in the blink of an eye with the passage of magic power and soul in the body, and in just over a minute, it has become the size of an ordinary person.

Magic and soul are probably the source of this thing's power.

Losing these things, this guy can only passively accept the fact that he is constantly weakening.

However, like Ronald, Herbes did not want to let this guy go.

Seeing the giant become like this, she immediately increased the attack power of her spell. The 'giant', which is only the size of an ordinary person, was directly smashed by the sea in an instant, and no residue left in the world could be seen again.


"It's really cruel..."

Seeing that the enemy was completely destroyed by the Miss Mermaid also began to dispel her spells. Ronald looked back and forth on both sides, and then returned to the entrance of the altar by flapping the wings of Icarus again.

"Wuling people, can you feel it?" Haierbeis said.

Watching Ronald returning to her side, the mermaid lady showed a smile on her face at this time, "The magic power around this island has begun to weaken significantly, and the balance maintained by the magic power is being broken."

"In this case, I hope that the typhoon outside can also disappear, after all..."

Ronald was planning to continue chatting with Helbeth.

And then halfway through the conversation, he couldn't continue the idea.

Because right in front of Ronald, the figure of Mermaid Herbes was gradually fading into the air.

This state and the rhythm of disappearing.

Is it exactly the same as the balance of magic power destroyed on the island? !

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