Mystic Dominator

Chapter 44: inquiry survey

"Mr. Ronald, we meet again."

The train began to accelerate slowly on the railway, and Swift in the dining car also paced to Ronald.

"I asked you about it before, and I have been confirmed by the train guard. Thank you very much for telling the truth."

Ronald nodded:

"As it should be."

"Okay, then I'll ask you one more question."

Looking away from Ronald's face, Swift said while observing other people's movements:

"This morning, when you were washing over the sink."

"Did you see anyone else passing by?"

"other people......"

Ronald thought for a while before replying:

"Not only when I was washing, but even on the way to the pool and the process of returning, I didn't see any strangers. Because it was very early, no one came out to move in the aisle at that time."

Swift went on to ask:

"Did you hear anything during the period?"

Ronald shook his head:


"thank you very much."

Nodding to Ronald, Swift turned to look at Arida, who was holding Ronald's arm tightly.

"Miss Arida, today..."

"I did walk in the aisle this morning, and I saw a figure passing by." Before Swift could finish the question, Arida answered proactively, "The guy looks at the back as a man, and it is rumored that A dark coat."

Swift's eyes became deeper:

"Dark coat?"

"That's right, it's a dark coat." Arida nodded affirmatively, and then continued uncertainly, "It could be cyan or other dark colors."

"Because it's too early, the carriage is quite dark."

"But although I didn't see it clearly, from my experience, that dress must not be a precious thing."

Swift pondered for a moment, then continued: "Then did you pay attention to his shoes, or his height?"

"Feel sorry."

After bowing her head and thinking for a few seconds, Alyda let go of Ronald's arm and stood up, then reached out and gestured on the inner wall of the train: "I didn't see his shoes clearly, but in terms of height, it's probably in this position in the train compartment. ."

The position where Arida stretched out her hand and gestured was at the top of the car window.

"Okay thank you."

Thanking Arida, Swift turned to look at the others.

This time, his eyes became sharper than before.

"Next, Mr. Cole."

"You... Do you have any questions?" A man dressed as a businessman who was named by Swift immediately got up and explained in a somewhat disturbed tone, "I only got up at noon today. This Everyone else can prove to me that we played together for a long time last night!"

While speaking, the merchant also pointed to a table behind him.

The two men sitting there immediately nodded, and at the same time, they should be reconciled:

"That's right, we played cards together last night!"

"I woke up very late this morning."


"I didn't ask you this."

Shaking his head helplessly, Swift continued:

"You guys played late yesterday, I've confirmed this before."

"What I want to ask is when you heard movement from the roof of the car, what time was it in the middle of the night?"

"Three... three or four o'clock?"

When asked by Swift, the obliging businessman did answer the question. But looking at the look that even his eyes began to sway, I am afraid that the answer he said is not even sure of himself.

It was Ronald and Arida behind Swift.

Hearing this, the two of them stiffened almost at the same time.

Others and the detective who is investigating the case don't know.

But the two of them knew very well that most of the sounds the three players who played cards heard in the middle of the night were made by the two of them.

This kind of information that is definitely misleading will not let Swift be self-defeating!


Mr. Detective didn't say anything.

Probably, I have encountered many such situations in my investigation career.

Swift didn't spend much time with the merchant, turned around and cast his eyes on the remaining five tables.

From here, people's clothing is no longer thick.

At the first table, two burly and ordinary men were sitting. They only wore clothes that looked like ordinary corporate employees.

On the second table, there were two young lovers, a man and a woman. When Swift was watching, the strong boy who was his boyfriend did not forget to hold his girlfriend's palm tightly.

For the last three tables, the situation is more complicated.

Several thinly dressed men and women, young and old, huddled together around the three tables.

These men were clearly from the poorest carriages.

On them, even the rules for dividing the seats in the box are a little vague.

Except for a little girl who was looking eagerly at Arida's bright appearance, the others didn't even dare to look up at Swift.

In the face of these people, Swift still began to ask in order, first of all the two men:


"Mr. Swift, we explained it before!"

Before the detective could finish speaking, the thinner man became excited:

"Although we didn't get on the bus at a station, this is the itinerary that the company arranged for us! When you arrive at Burrenwich, you can ask someone from the company to ask questions!"

" Didn't those three guys also admit it?"

"Last night someone walked on the roof of the car late at night, and Lamer hadn't gotten in the car at that time!"


For the excited man, Swift didn't even pay attention to his plans.

He calmly took out a small book from his jacket pocket. After he opened it, he took out an ink pen and drew on it:

"Sir, please pack up your excitement."

"I can tell you plainly that a secret guest on the Dongfeng ship encountered an accident this morning."

"At the same time, it was a well-targeted and premeditated murder."

"If you can't get the answer you want, don't talk about your company."

"Even with the few people behind me, I won't let you leave Dongfeng easily."


For a moment, the poor people sitting at the end rioted, and the threat in Swift's words worked best for them.

In front of Mr. Detective, the thin man was also miserable because of this.

Just now, relying on the confidence brought by the company, it disappeared in an instant.

"Cough cough—"

After coughing twice, Swift continued:

"Now, can you calm down and accept my question?"

Cowardly, the thin man nodded and said:

"Yes, it is."

"You continue."


Seeing that Mr. Detective's questioning went smoothly, Ronald looked out the car window.

The train has entered its normal operating speed.

Burrenwich is coming.

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