Mystic Dominator

Chapter 424: The wonderful world below the island


In the quiet underground space, a beam of white light suddenly pierced the dark and low air, and at the same time, there was the sound of water crashing.

Below the island near the center.

Ronald and Helbeth left the underground waterway one after the other and stood in a certain underground space deep in the island. From encountering the hunters to finding a waterway to enter here, the two of them had a smooth journey afterward.

Not to mention dangerous creatures like the hunters.

Not even the tiniest bit of hostility has ever been encountered.

Standing in a dark underground cave at this time, Ronald's calf was still buried in the water, but his upper body was finally free from the smell of the sea.

Illuminated by the flashlight held by the mermaid beside her.

Ronald glanced around quickly.

-Things are a little strange.

Standing here, he can breathe unimpeded, and he can vaguely perceive the flow of air in the space. The underground space he is currently in should have a direct channel with the outside world.

But here's the depth...

But below the island, far below sea level.

Under normal circumstances, the sea water should definitely spread up and flood this well-ventilated underground space, instead of being silent like a pool of stagnant water.

Ronald was now pretty sure that there were no obvious magic fluctuations around.

What exactly is going on?


Miss Mermaid on the side noticed Ronald's slightly wrinkled eyebrows.

Also looking around, she realized the other party's worries and immediately said:

"Wuling people, don't worry."

"The state of the sea appears to be very stable, and we don't encounter any danger from the current."


Looking at Helbeth with a firm tone beside him, Ronald opened his mouth.

He was a little curious about how the mermaid lady learned this kind of information. As a being living in the ocean, it is naturally understandable to have such an ability. It's just that after thinking about the purpose of diving into this island, he changed the question.

"We can definitely find the source of all these problems through the passage here, right?"

Helbes answered succinctly:

"Wuling people, I actually don't want to stay in your world. Our purpose is the same in this regard."


Faced with the mermaid's blunt answer, Ronald shrugged.

He can't tell whether the other party has lied and deceived him now, and the two of them coming here together is only the behavior that best serves his interests.

Actually compared to the real purpose of Herbes.

Ronald was more interested in the word 'your world' in this guy's mouth. Among the ruins of the island, what kind of scriptures can lead to such a result?

Sea creatures from another world are summoned...

Not to mention whether the enemies on the island have successfully mastered this scripture, even if this is a phenomenon caused by the scriptures after the power rampage, it is absolutely amazing enough.

They maintain a fragile cooperative relationship with each other.

Ronald and Herbes continued to move further along the underground passage, and the surrounding environment began to change accordingly. The inner walls of the two layers of the passage were covered with a layer of thick and bright material, which was extremely reflective to light. good.

Herbeth's flashlight shines light on it, and the reflection actually makes the passage brighter. Especially if you continue to move forward for some distance, irregularly distributed stalactites begin to appear, which directly increases the difficulty of continuing to move forward.

As a human, Ronald can pass through here with both hands and feet.

And Haierbeis, who was 'swimming' on the ground with his fish tail flapping, instantly realized the malice of the terrestrial environment to marine creatures.

Seeing that his temporary companions were facing such bad problems, and even started to hinder their progress, Ronald finally couldn't help but propose:

"Hierbeth, why don't you let me carry you? My physical strength is quite good, and there will be no trouble with one more person."


Herbeth's face instantly became very ugly.

She understands that Ronald's suggestion is friendly, but the restraint of the senior civilization members makes her feel a sense of shame, it's as if she went to a certain ocean to investigate, and was accidentally injured, only to be fooled by a silly fish Take it out of danger before you can be rescued.

But the truth is in sight.

Without Ronald's help, she could only continue struggling on the ground crookedly. Not to mention the exposed ugliness, it will also affect the speed at which the two continue to move forward and delay the trip.

"You... please, Wuling people."


Ronald naturally saw the tangle on Miss Mermaid's face.

Without saying anything, he walked to the other side and bent down naturally.

"Come on, just don't hold my neck."


After hearing the answer and two breaths passed, Ronald felt a cold body leaning on his back, and almost subconsciously reached out to drag Helbeth's body, but his hands directly touched a fish scale covered in On the tail Almost at the same time, Helbeth behind Ronald exclaimed in a low voice:

"Don't worry about my tail, I'll hang it well!"


In this way, the two turned into the appearance of Ronald carrying Helbeth on his back, and the mermaid coiling her tail around him.

Although the shape may be a little unsightly.

But with Ronald's strong physical quality as the base, their forward speed was actually accelerated, and they didn't have to worry about their own problems when moving forward, Hierbes could also concentrate on providing the most suitable lighting with a flashlight.

The two continued to move forward, and the passage under the island continued to change.

On the wall of the passage they were advancing, dense, small and round holes appeared in some places, which were like small concave light bulbs under the reflection of light, and finally even opaque quartz crystals could be seen occasionally. And mixed with pure glass beads.

These randomly appearing, crystal-like light spots appeared one after another in the passage and flashed along the road, illuminating their way forward.

Walking in this environment, there is a beautiful mermaid on her back.

While Ronald gradually became nervous, he could not help but have the illusion that he was in a fairy tale world. The secret beauty lurking in the ground is not something that everyone has a chance to see.

After changing directions many times in the middle, and advancing for a long distance underground, Helbeth, who was behind Ronald, pointed his finger to the side of the forward route of the two, and reminded the man who got up:

"Wuling people, look over there."

Ronald turned his head and looked over, and immediately understood the purpose of Helbeth's reminder.

Just a hundred meters away from the two of them.

A sloped entrance with an upward side is there, like a door quietly waiting to be pushed open!

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