Mystic Dominator

Chapter 421: siege

The water flow converged and deformed under the drive of magic, and then quickly turned into a sharp blade and shot at the Hunter's head.

At this time, the legendary agility of the hunters appeared in front of Ronald.

Although the water blade driven by Hirbeth's spell was extremely fast, the three hunters within the range of the flashlight deflected in an instant to avoid the spell's attack.


Seeing that the hunter and the mermaid entered the battle, Ronald naturally would not stand by, and immediately took the "Astronomy" that was most suitable for the current situation in his hand.

"From the relationship between the whole earth and the sky will begin to constitute our cognition..."

Almost as soon as the spell ended, one of the three hunters suddenly lost control of his body. It was completely unable to resist the body, and was immediately forcibly pulled in front of Ronald under the power of astral pull.


Ronald stretched out his right hand just right and squeezed the hunter's neck.

At this distance, he could clearly see the fear and doubt in the creature's eyes. But after realizing his situation, this thing's eyes that were too big to be uncoordinated were nothing but ferocity.

Aiming at Ronald, who was pinching his neck, it stabbed with its sharp claws.


The ability of the [Guardian Angel] took effect immediately, and the faint white light film completely blocked the sharp claws of the hunter and could not advance an inch.

But judging from the weakening of the white light.

Ronald also realized that this monster has extremely strong attack power.

"Herbeth, be careful of the claws of this thing, they are very dangerous!"

After reminding the mermaid to be careful of the claws of the hunter, Ronald instantly exerted strength on his hand.

With a soft 'click', the neck of the hunter who was caught by Ronald weakly pulled down, and before it could understand the [Guardian Angel], it was completely dead.

It was also because of this action that Ronald gained a new understanding of this dangerous creature.

Even if you break your neck, you will still die honestly.

But Ronald could even twist his fingers off the steel hinge, but he could only bend the Hunter's scales to the point of bending. The blue-black scales on the surface of this organism are much harder than ordinary metals!

At the same time, Herbes, who heard Ronald's reminder, also changed his tactics. Abandoning the spell that controlled the water flow into a sharp blade just now, she turned to manipulating the sea water to form a rapidly rotating spiral around her body.

The hunter who was swimming toward Helbeth couldn't dodge in time, and was instantly involved.

Then the vortex turned faster and faster, and the water flow in it began to change.

Two or three breaths passed, and the water flow and the hunters in it rolled into a turbid liquid, and it seemed that not even a whole corpse was left.

The first three enemies that appeared were dealt with extremely quickly by Ronald and Herbes.

Even so, the tense expression on the mermaid's face did not ease.

Keeping her hands in position, she made a quick turn around where she was in the sea, letting the light of the flashlight sweep neatly around the two of them.

The white light pierced a dark deep sea.

At the same time, it also allowed Ronald and the two to see the current situation around them clearly.

In almost every direction, the same hideous hunters were swimming towards them, and there was absolutely no gap in sight.

Just in the short time of the fight.

They have been surrounded by countless hunters!

"Wuling people, what is your ocean like?" The mermaid spoke to Ronald behind him. Although he was surrounded by the hunters, Herbes was not completely desperate despite being nervous.

So Ronald responded:

"Before today, I always thought that the hunter was just a folklore, and I never thought about encountering such a situation."

Of course, the current situation is a little different from just now.

These hunters who surrounded the two of them did not directly attack like the first three, but began to surround Ronald and the two to swim back and forth in the water, waiting for the opportunity for the two to reveal their flaws.

Hunters are not monsters with no intelligence at all, but dangerous species with basic tactical abilities!

At the same time, the two Ronalds who communicated were not idle.

In the face of a single existence of a hunter, they can easily deal with it, but there are too many hunters now, and it is inevitable that they may be accidentally injured in a hurry.

And if hit by a hunter's claws...

Relying only on the quality of the skin and the muscles themselves, at least Ronald is not sure he can withstand it.

So in a very tacit understanding, Ronald and Herbes began to approach in the sea.

Until the two guarded each other behind each other.

The mermaid whispered to Ronald:

"Wuling people, I will prepare a spell to help us get out of trouble. You should be fine with two minutes, right?"

"Of course, leave this to me."

Ronald nodded immediately in response.

Herbeth's suggestion might be better to say exactly what he meant.

The appearance of the mermaid lady is very interesting. At present, one person and one fish are hiding something from each other. Ronald is very happy to hide some of his combat So Ronald waved with one hand, The [Chief Angel] that had been prepared for a long time was activated immediately, and the sea water around the two immediately began to flow rapidly, forming a swift and violent current that completely protected them inside.

Under Ronald's control, the movement of the sea water was completely different from when Helbess controlled it just now. His spells could not reach the strength of smashing the hunters to pieces, but the vast area was able to detect and interfere with the enemy's actions. Purpose.

If there is that hunter who breaks through the current and rushes in.

At that time, Ronald only needs to attack in a targeted manner.

Also taking this opportunity, Ronald distracted his attention to Helbeth behind him. Unlike local spellcasters, this mermaid lady does not have the process of chanting spells when she prepares spells, and it seems that only her own will is required to drive the magic.

Then comes the problem.

This is the opponent's innate racial instinct to cast spells.

Or is the spell system Hierbeth uses, another magic system that can be activated without chanting a spell?


While analyzing the situation in his mind, the hunter team on the outside also seemed to be aware of the imminent danger. One of the larger hunters made a strange noise, and the hunters who were constantly swimming around responded immediately.

In different directions, several hunters rushed towards Ronald and the two at the same time.

The weaker ones were naturally disturbed by the turbulent currents and could not get close to them. But there were also hunters with strong physique who rushed in and waved their claws to attack the two of them.

Seeing this scene, Ronald also knew that his limited margin was gone.

Snap your fingers to reset [Guardian Angel]'s defense.

He locked the position of the surrounding hunters and greeted them like this.

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