Mystic Dominator

Chapter 416: North Sea Giant

This monster is shaped like an octopus.

But the specific number of tentacles is different, and the mouthparts have very dense and terrible teeth.

Do a simple visual inspection...

If the tentacles are included in the length of the head, I am afraid that the total length of this thing is about 70 meters. Now being pulled directly out of the sea by Ronald, the sea water that it hangs on and flows down can also form a water curtain like a waterfall.

It was during this process that the effects of the dual spells of the current round and the equivalence began to take effect on the sea monster. In addition to pulling it out of the sea, the force in the direction of the double arc was also pulling the monster's body.

However, in this regard, the magic of "Astronomy" cannot continue the miracle of pulling monsters out of the sea. Although it can put a lot of pressure on the body of this 'octopus', it still can't directly tear its body.


The body stagnated in the air, and the huge monster began to wave its tentacles.

The momentum formed by this flurry of dance is dozens of times more terrifying than the senses brought by the typhoon. And under the blessing of this huge volume, when the tentacles of this giant beast swung in the air, it was not the sharp sound of the whip tearing the air, but the roar like a galloping train!

"It's an outrageous size..." Ronald couldn't help but sigh in a low voice, staring at the monster with all his body exposed.

This huge monster appears to have no vocal cords.

Although it started to attack the surroundings in pain and frenzied, it did not have any movements such as howling or roaring.

However, this does not affect the fear and deterrence it brings.

In the violent environment brought by the typhoon, this monster hanging in the air kept waving its tentacles, forming a huge danger zone in the sea and sky.

Even if they were flying farther in the air, Ronald and Heloise could feel the sound waves and storms brought by each other.

If someone rushes in now...

Don't think about it too much, it will only be the end of shattering bones.

Witnessing the terrifying gesture of this monster, Ronald couldn't help but think of the legend of the Kraken on Earth. If this is what appeared under the interference of the mysterious side, then what is the original book held by the other party?

Ancient myths and legends? Or the original nautical chart?


As soon as the thought popped into his mind, Ronald shook his head and threw it out.

Think about it later.

The top priority was to get rid of this huge octopus with an absurd figure first.

The spells in "The Great Completion of Astronomy" have already achieved results, and they are not enough to kill the enemy; while the spells in "Hell" in "The Divine Comedy" are basically specialized in dealing with human beings, and the most aggressive in "Paradise" The flames of the sun, there is currently no suitable use object.

So... it's time to take out "Rain and Mist's Hammer".

After confirming it in his heart, the coat of arms on the back of Ronald's hand flashed immediately.

The slate filled with ancient aura was immediately held in his hand, and in such extreme weather, Ronald, now, is sure to use endless thunder and lightning to completely annihilate this monster!

"The sky is cut off by day,

The earth is separated from the edge,

The name of the Son of Man has not yet been established..."


It's a pity that things didn't go as Ronald expected.

The incantation on the slate had just begun, and the monster that was constantly going mad in the air regenerated and changed.

From the bottom of the sea where it was pulled out, five white rays of light instantly pierced the sea water, passing across the surface of the sea monster like a laser cutting material.

Through the wind and rain constantly blowing in the air, Ronald clearly saw that the light had a certain effect. Although the body of the sea monster could not be cut off directly, the charred wound immediately appeared at the position where the light passed.

- The answer is simple.

——It was someone else who fought back.

Although someone on the ship was killed in a sudden attack, the truly powerful tome holder managed to escape. After Ronald launched a series of attacks, some people chose to attack the enemy immediately.

Ronald also remembered the psychoactive characteristics of each 'passenger'.

If I'm not mistaken, the one who is shooting now should be the ace investigator who has always been by Claudia's side. Being the first to launch a counterattack in this situation also proved the opponent's strong strength.

However, with the appearance of the white light beam, accidents also occurred at the same time.

The spell the investigator is using at the moment naturally possesses extremely powerful magic-breaking power.

Ronald's original magic power that dropped the sea monster in the air was very reluctant and limited. After being directly passed through by such a spell, it is natural that the sea monster can no longer continue to hang in the air.

- at this moment.

- Ronald is too late to rebuild the spell!


As the sea monster fell into the sea again, the high-splashing waves completely shrouded the entire sea area. Ronald immediately blocked the sea water with the ability of [Archangel Chief], which prevented himself and Heloise from being swept away by the huge waves. The waves submerged.

"It's Desmond's spell! That guy is one of the trump cards of the Springs Bureau of Investigation. He is best at super attacking spells that destroy other people's spells." Next to Ronald in the Sea Lois' introduction also follows along with the change in the rhythm of the battle.

"He should have judged that you couldn't kill this monster, so he decided to try it himself."

A few breaths passed, and the impact of the waves ended.

The situation on the water also changed again.

The monster that returned to the sea seemed to vent the anger of the attack just now on the investigator who was in the sea. His huge body dived into the depths and stirred the sea, as if he was going to kill the investigator completely in the water.

For Ronald, the situation is no longer the same.

The investigator named Desmond is now in the sea. If he rashly controls the thunder to kill him, I am afraid that the investigators who are fighting will also be electrocuted into coke!

Ronald could understand what the investigator was doing, so he shook his head helplessly.

"It's too urgent..."

Judging from the current situation, if he wants to continue to attack, he can only re-chant the spell, and then use "Astronomers" again to let go of the attack.


Just after switching back to the original scripture in his hand, Ronald's keen hearing sensed a slight noise in the wind and rain, accompanied by the magical fluctuations that spread instantly.

Look at the place where there is such a clear movement.

A cloud of red smoke was blasting above the sea level farther west, with what appeared to be human figures moving nearby.

Before the ship set off, this was something Claudia had specially explained.

If they accidentally disperse in an attack, then she will use this thing to guide everyone's direction, and the teammates who see it need to rush over to meet Claudia immediately.


Ronald glanced at the huge shadow in the water, then at the red smoke over Claudia.

After thinking for a few seconds, he took Heloise and flew over to where the princess was.

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