Mystic Dominator

Chapter 414: The sound of the hull

The number of people on board finally reached fourteen before departure.

Although it did not reach the level that all the members were holders of the original book, excluding Ronald and Heloise, there were still a full five people on the boat with the book, including a surveyor. The bureau's ace investigator.

These are exactly the same as the description on the summoning order. They are all types that are located near the port area and are definitely capable of combat.

Looking at the twelve people around the long table, Claudia took a serious look with her eyes, and then clapped her palm with satisfaction.


"Very well, you are all social and friendly people who chose to contribute during special times. On behalf of the empire and the royal family, I would like to express my gratitude to you for your response. Then I will now make a final confirmation. Before departure, what else do you need? question?"


There was silence around the long table and no one spoke, so Claudia continued:

"Then please be prepared. We don't have any ordinary people on this ship, and we don't need to show mercy to anyone when we face the target this time."

"Let's go now."

The voice fell, and Claudia tapped twice out of thin air with one hand on her side.

A weak magic power came from the girl, and then in a position that the 'passengers' couldn't see, Klein, who was solely responsible for stabilizing the ship and sailing, received the news, and immediately activated the spell to completely take over the control of the ship.

Standing in the cabin, Ronald and the others could briefly perceive the vibration caused by the start of the ship, and then this change quickly disappeared completely. Standing on the ship, it was difficult to notice that the ship was moving forward.

Ronald and Heloise looked at each other tacitly.

Calm down the impact of the typhoon on ships. Now even the control of navigation is handled by a special spellcaster, and it is obvious what the attitude of the ruler of Grid is.

At this moment, Claudia waved her gesture and spoke again:

"Everyone, we will arrive at our destination before dawn. If necessary, you can find some rooms on the boat to rest. But even if you are resting, I suggest you wear clothes. This journey may encounter enemy attacks at any time. ."

Everyone looked at each other in dismay, and soon an old man walked into the depths of the cabin first, not forgetting to murmur: "I'm also old, and it's better to rest first."

The old man's departure seemed to sound a horn.

I don't know if everyone really needs to rest, but in a fairly orderly manner, people leave here one by one and go deep into the cabin. In just over a quarter of an hour, there was only a man with his eyes closed and meditating, Claudia and the investigator, and the combination of Ronald and Heloise.

Looking at the man who was completely motionless, Claudia turned her head and smiled at Ronald.

"Ronald, we haven't seen each other for a while, won't you introduce me to this lady?"

Seeing Ronald being questioned by Her Royal Highness the Princess, Heloise behaved quite calmly, but just stood behind Ronald without saying a word, making it clear that Ronald was the leader in answering the question.

"She is Phyllis, currently studying as my apprentice."

Ronald immediately opened his mouth to make an introduction. After all, he was going to face the enemy next, and he bluntly demonstrated Heloise's strength.

"But even as an apprentice, Phyllis is also a powerful original holder, and is especially good at combat."

Hearing Ronald's introduction, Claudia got up directly from the chair and walked to Heloise in two steps:

"Phyllis, nice to meet you!"

"As you can see, I'm Claudia, the temporary commander of this operation. And your teacher Ronald and I are also close friends who fought together. If you need anything, just ask me."

"I'm glad too--"

Compared to Claudia's enthusiasm, Heloise's reaction was much more subtle. With the green smile of an ordinary **** her face, she simply nodded and saluted Heloise.

"I will not disappoint Mr. Ronald by participating in such an operation."

"That's it."

Facing the gesture made by Heloise, Claudia did not directly express her likes and dislikes. After nodding and salute with a very polite smile, the princess approached Ronald again and said in a low voice:

"Ronald, the people we have to deal with this time are definitely very powerful, you have to be careful."

Ronald couldn't help but think of the time when he fought with Claudia, and a nostalgic expression naturally appeared on his face: "About this... I don't think the outcome of this incident will be any different from the last time."


"Then I'll wait and see."

Claudia seemed to hear something in Ronald's confident answer.

After thinking for a few seconds, she stopped talking. Called the ace investigator standing at the long table, and the two braved the wind and rain to walk on the deck of the battleship. It seemed that there was still some work to be done.

Ronald and Heloise, who were left in the cabin, looked at each other and walked towards the depths of the cabin.

Although the action time was rushed, the preparations on board were very good.

After walking a few meters into the cabin, Ronald and Heloise saw the room that Springs had prepared in advance. In addition to the well-laid rollaway beds, the clean cabin even had some nice food on the table.

"Ronald, what do you think?"

Heloise walked into the room generously and started to eat with beer and bacon bread. At the same time, she made an invitation to Ronald:

"Based on the behavior of Her Majesty the Queen, the enemy we have to deal with is definitely not weak. This may be a test for Her Royal Highness just now!"

Ronald sat down beside Heloise.

After taking the food from the girl, he spoke his thoughts in a subtle tone.

"What's your opinion on this action?"

"As you said, we thugs are probably the 'chess pieces' that Claudia uses to prove her ability. It's not a good choice to do some superfluous things."

"That said, but chess pieces can also have their own ideas. The habits of these rulers are very strange." While talking about her own ideas, Heloise did not give up the idea of ​​​​giving up the food in her hand, "But speaking of it, , Ronald, you have a really good relationship with her. This is a princess, have you ever been tempted?"

"Do you want me to help you take her down?"

Hearing the words that Heloise seemed to not care about, Ronald immediately shook his head and refused:

"Take her? You can spare me..."

In this way, as you talk to me sentence by sentence, time gradually passes.

click -

At this moment, a loud sound of steel bending appeared in Ronald's ears.

And what followed was the sudden violent shaking of the hull!

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