Mystic Dominator

Chapter 412: task in typhoon

The content on the file is simple.

Aside from some formulaic rhetoric, what really worked was a reminder that Ronald had a job tonight, and it was an inconveniently rejected, emergency call from Springs officials.

Because of the information provided by the insiders, the people of Ginkgo Biloba specially sent this reminder to Ronald.

If you don't plan to accept this mission.

Well, Ronald had better leave the Chamber of Commerce office in the White Star District before 4:30 this afternoon.

Otherwise, wait for the call-up order to be passed here.

Whether it was due to the responsibilities of the Chamber of Commerce itself, or Ronald's identity as a citizen of Grid, it would not be appropriate to refuse this call at that time.

After confirming the above, Ronald looked at Heloise seriously:

"Phyllis, what do you think?"

"There is no doubt that this is an order directly communicated by the Royal Family of Grid, otherwise the wording in the letter would not be so certain."

Hearing Heloise's thoughts, Ronald nodded in approval:

"That's right, it's a summoning order issued directly by the Royal Family of Grid. In such an urgent time, and the summoning is still an original holder like me, this matter is probably really troublesome..."

"If that's the case, what are you going to eat tonight?" Ronald said halfway through, when Heloise looked out of the windy and rainy window and joked, "I can pick it up on the street outside. Fresh sea fish, can I make it for you?"

"That was not what I meant……"

Ronald waved his hand helplessly, and thanked Heloise for the joke with his eyes, and then he continued to analyze: "The royal family can show such an attitude, and participating in such an action can also become our qualifications, try It's always right to try. Besides..."

Having said that, Ronald followed Heloise's gaze and looked out the window.

The windows in the office are not like the apartment facing the Wes River. Standing on the second floor and looking out, Ronald can clearly see the mess on the street, and... a small number, but still walking in the typhoon. weather man.

"Events at this time have a lot to do with this unnatural typhoon. If the city continues to maintain this state, our own lives will not be easy."

Hearing the emotion in Ronald's mouth, Heloise turned to look at the man beside her.

Steel blue eyes stared carefully for a moment.

Then she suddenly approached and put her arms around Ronald, who was standing by the window.

"If that's the case, then we'll wait in the office."



The actual situation is more urgent than Ginkgo Biloba estimated.

A quarter of an hour before four-thirty, an investigator in a raincoat broke into the office in the White Star District. Simply identify the person in the office on the first floor, and he immediately came to Ronald's office on the second floor.

bang bang bang --

"Mr. Ronald, here is an urgent call, I hope you can respond immediately."

Knock on the door and come in, putting down the urgent documents in hand.

The investigator's movements are smooth and skilled, and at a glance, he can tell that he is doing this kind of thing this afternoon in the wind and rain. After completing this series of actions, he didn't stop or hesitate, and turned around and left after a quick salute.


"This time it's an official order."

Looking at the back of the investigator leaving the office, Heloise took the initiative to pick up the notice left by the other party.

"Look, before eight o'clock tonight, Baixing District, Port District and other urban areas urgently convened people to meet at Bailun Wharf in the Port District, and take the ferry to prepare to go to sea. Please bring your books to deal with some emergencies."

"Let's bring the 'book'."

"It seems Ronald, you guessed right, this typhoon really didn't happen naturally, and now some people can't sit still."

Ronald leaned over and looked at the page. The content on it was no different from what Heloise had said. Basically, it was to inform people of the time and place to pass by, and there was no extra elaboration.

"I don't really reject this kind of thing..."

With a low voice in his mouth, Ronald also walked to the first floor.

"Phyllis, what's going on today is still uncertain. We want to eat before we leave. What do you want?"

"Same as you!" Heloise replied immediately.

The office itself does not have the function of cooking. Ronald simply went to the warehouse to get two bottomed cans of beef, and settled today's dinner very casually with Heloise.

Then, it's on the way.

In this kind of weather, expecting to ride in a horse-drawn carriage is simply a daydream, and it is normal to be left on the street by the smell of horse dung left on the face.

Fortunately, the port area is connected to the White Star area.

Even if you want to ensure that the two of them will not be late, an hour in advance is completely sufficient.

Overhead was overcast, surrounded by howling winds and rapidly falling raindrops.

Ronald and Heloise each wore a raincoat and hurriedly walked on the stormy streets. Apart from the howls when the city was devastated by the wind and rain, they couldn't even hear each other's footsteps.

Walking out of the street where the Chamber of Commerce office is reached out and wiped the rain on her face, and then she saw Ronald next to her through the rain curtain out of the corner of her eyes.

Both himself and Ronald are extremely capable spellcasters, so it is not an obstacle to travel in this weather. It's just that if you go on like this, your clothes will inevitably be...


At this moment, a question popped up in the girl's heart.

——Why is this guy different from me?

It was also walking on the street of the typhoon, but Ronald didn't seem to see the traces of the raging rain on Ronald's face, and it was still dry even where the raincoat was not covered!

Trying to keep her voice out of the violent wind and rain, Heloise almost roared and asked:

"Ronald, aren't you afraid of rain over there!"



Ronald's excellent hearing could of course detect Heloise's question.

But to answer the girl's question, he always felt that he might be kicked by the other party.

Since he obtained the "God Hammer of Rain and Fog" from crossing over there, Ronald has long regarded the ability to avoid rain brought by this script as an instinct, and this typhoon day almost subconsciously activated this ability.

However, as the price of instinct, he ignored Heloise beside him.

How to answer this?

You can't just say that you have forgotten her!

At this moment, Ronald's heart suddenly gave birth to a quick wit.

"Wait a minute, I'll give you one too!"

He also lied to Heloise with a very loud voice, and then he took the initiative to activate the rain protection ability of "God Hammer of Rain and Mist" to help the girl beside him avoid the damage of rain.


Noticing the change in herself, Heloise blinked blankly.

Something didn't seem right to her.

But thinking about it carefully, can't tell the details?

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