Mystic Dominator

Chapter 372: things that happen in the distance

"I found it, this is it!"

It actually took just over six minutes for Oppenheim to return to the office with a book.

Open the page number of the target directly in front of everyone.

Oppenheim pointed to the text above and said:

"That's it, the school code-named [Vera]."

"About one hundred and seventy years ago, the Wilt royal family, which had already destroyed the country, had a record of this school. The relevant records were accidentally seen when I was young..."

Listening to Oppenheim's remarks, Ronald and the others also gathered around.

The contents of the pages are as follows-


When their spells are used, there will be very strong spell fluctuations on the caster himself, but the target is completely the same.

For those affected by spells, the factor of 'luck' will have a strange falling phenomenon, and even the terrible phenomenon of direct 'unlucky' death.

According to limited records.

The cracking method of this kind of spell is limited to using defensive curse or mental interference type protective spells to resist while the spell is in effect. In addition, you can only pray that the interfered person's 'luck' is good enough.


Or I am strong enough to directly ignore the impact of the whereabouts of 'luck'.

As long as it can last for twenty-four hours.

The interference of this spell will also disappear...


After reading the contents of the book little by little, several people in the office fell silent.

If it is in full compliance with the records in the book.

An enemy capable of such an attack is definitely a very difficult guy to deal with.

"Don't worry too much."

At this moment, Oppenheim spoke again:

"I haven't found any other books that record the spells of the [Vera] school, but assuming my memory is correct, the spells of this school are quite limited, and the holders of the original books like us have a natural spell priority for them Due to the suppression of the level, the probability of success in the confrontation is still not small."


Hearing this, Ronald didn't react at all.

However, Spencer had already stood up straight with a bitter face, and then pulled his expression closer and said:

"Mr. Oppenheim, I think it compares to you big men."

"There are still many ordinary practitioners like me."

"As an investigation bureau that maintains order, this is definitely a very important event."

Oppenheim nodded slightly:

"If we still need the help of our research society in the future, we will also fully assist here."

Spencer immediately responded with a salute:

"Thank you for your kindness."

"Then we'll stop here today."


After confirming the type of spell used by the enemy, Ronald and Spencer naturally left the [Weiss University] library.

While walking down the stairs, Ronald also spoke about the things he cared about:

"Spencer, let me tell you in advance."

"When I left the mansion half a year ago, I realized that I was under the influence of some kind of spell, and then I entrusted the Bureau of Investigation in Burrenwich to investigate."

Hearing this, Spencer immediately made the same expression as Robert before.

"Although there are many powerful spellcasters in Burrenwich."

"But they are still quite behind on key investigations..."

Ronald interrupted the other party directly:

"I'm not talking about business capability."

"Someone from the Bureau of Investigation went to investigate last time, and this time, someone from the Chamber of Commerce also went to investigate."

"The people who entrusted both times are also mysterious spellcasters, but the results are completely different. That's the problem."


Ronald made it clear, and Spencer understood the key immediately.

Or the other party was worried about the Bureau of Investigation, so he didn't dare to do it.

Or the other party was still trying to conceal his existence before, so he let the people from the investigation bureau go.

Assuming the second case...

So does this mean that the other party has achieved their purpose?

That's why he killed several mysterious side detectives of the Chamber of Commerce so ruthlessly, and even used this dangerous ability that can spread.

Spencer's expression became visibly serious.

Essentially, this is a dereliction of duty on the Burrenwich side.

But the current behavior of the other party has been regarded as a direct provocation to the Springs Bureau of Investigation.

This is a vicious event that cannot be ignored!

However, before leaving, Spencer turned to Ronald and said seriously:

"Ronald, you should also investigate this matter later, right?"

Ronald nodded calmly:

"It's natural."

Spencer immediately said:

"I hope you will give our Bureau of Investigation the credit it deserves."

"Please leave this to us, and the corresponding investigation report will be sent to you in a timely manner."

Hearing Spencer call himself 'you' becomes 'you'.

Ronald probably also understood what the other party was thinking now.

So Ronald nodded with a tangled expression:

"All right…"


Right on the edge of the Yoiz Forest on the border of the Empire.

In the mansion where Ronald passed through, a girl in a black and white maid outfit walked out of the door.

There is no human emotion on the indifferent and refined face.

When he left the gate of the mansion, his steps seemed to be measured by a ruler, there was no one millimeter error, and the steps were the same.

Even if I am a woman with a perfect body and appearance, as long as I see such a scene, I can't put her in the status of a 'woman who can be pursued'.

And at the same time.

Right at the door of the mansion behind the girl.

The 'that' Veranica that Ronald had met was watching the voice of the maid leaving the mansion with fear.

Although not the one who gave Ronald the "reward" in the illusion.

But she also has a gentle and beautiful face, and now she only dares to rely on her body on the edge of the door.

Until another maid came to the door.

Veranica said with a trembling voice:

"Female... ma'am."

"Where are you going?"


Hearing Veranika's voice, the maid's voice stopped slightly.

She didn't even look back, and a voice without emotional fluctuations sounded in Veranica's ear:

"Master has been gone for a long time."

"It's late, I'm going to pick him up now."

Villanica continued to ask:

"But... but Master Ronald, he should be dead?"


After a few seconds of silence, the indifferent voice reappeared:

"Do what you need to do to ensure that there will be no problems at home, and don't think too much about other things."

The voice fell, and the indifferent girl walked out with neat steps. UU reading www.

There was only a suitcase in front of her, with an umbrella tucked in to keep out the rain.

Other than that, her other characteristics are exactly the same as ordinary people.

At this slow speed, she slipped out of Veranica's line of sight little by little.


Until then, Veranica slumped on the ground in relief.

Looking back at the village in the other direction, a twisted expression appeared on her beautiful face.

"This monster..."

"Finally gone..."

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