Mystic Dominator

Chapter 370: subtle fluctuations

[Before falling off the train, Pullman had no obvious abnormal reaction...]

[Cage's translation is all normal, but when he got off the train, his expression became sluggish, and then he fell down unbelievably...]

[There were no signs of Letoer's death before, but the state of death was the appearance of a sudden outbreak of a dark disease. After the doctor's identification, this was a normal heart attack and sudden death...]


After reading the three records, Ronald frowned.

The records of the chamber of commerce have professional parts, as well as scribbled emergency records.

However, no matter how you look at it, the information provided in the record can only prove the 'accident' of the three deceased, and cannot bring any degree of help.

The mysterious side of the problem, it is still impossible to deal with simple inference...

With that in mind, Ronald began to manipulate magic to make subtle changes. In addition to the most common spell checking methods, Ronald also got some partial methods in the [Scroll Research Association].

Now it's time to experiment with these techniques.

The magic power was running, and a pattern collected in the sacrifice of the barbarian tribe began to spread on the surface of the corpse.

Ronald could clearly see the fluctuations of his magic power spreading on the surface of his body, and there were faint black rays of light constantly swimming in between.

In just ten seconds, the fluctuation completely covered the three corpses.

Ronald connected his magic power, and finally found the only trace with the help of this special operation technology.

— that is a residual, ever-changing, fluctuating residue.

——The faint fluctuations almost completely disappeared, and Ronald could only catch a trace of residue.

But Ronald cared more.

What remains in the fluctuation is not magic at all, but something similar to being affected by magic.


Ronald had an idea right away.

Perhaps this spell did not completely erase the traces of his own magic.

It's by interfering with something that has an impact, and keeps launching this lethal attack while staying out of the way.

But if it is as Ronald guessed.

Then in the Adler's mansion, there are probably monsters beyond imagination...

Thinking about this, Ronald couldn't help shaking his head:

"What on earth is there in that house?"

clap clap-

"Where is the body? Is it in this warehouse?"

"That's right, Mr. Ronald is there to check."

"I know……"

Outside the warehouse, there was a sudden sound of leather boots stepping on the ground from far and near.

It was followed by the voice of a guard talking to a man.

When he heard this conversation, Ronald's expression became subtle.

He silently turned to look at the door of the warehouse, and within a few breaths, Spencer, dressed in a formal suit, walked in with another investigator.

This man had been ordered to go to support Burrenwich.

An elite investigator who later had contact with Ronald in Springs.

In such a sudden way, he appeared in front of Ronald again!




Meeting in such an unexpected scene, the two who had met more than once were stunned.

After hesitating for a moment, the work-oriented Spencer spoke first:

"Ronald, you probably know what we're here for."

"I'll examine the corpse first, and you can tell my companion the specific situation."

Ronald nodded in agreement.

The relationship between the two is already relatively familiar, and the identity of the Bureau of Investigation also needs to be respected.

But in this case, Ronald completely agreed with Spencer's arrangement. .


Looking at Ronald's attitude, Spencer simply walked over to the corpse, and then inserted his cane into the corpse with a 'whoosh'.

That's when he started examining the three bodies.

Another investigator came to Ronald with a serious expression:

"Mr. Ronald, I'm Robert, and as you can see I'm also an investigator, and I'd like to talk to you about this attack."

Ronald probably looked at the other side.

This is a fairly young investigator. While questioning himself, he has taken out a pen and paper with a serious expression to prepare to record, and his words are completely business-like.

So Ronald came up with the statement he had prepared for a long time:

"Okay, it started when I commissioned the Chamber of Commerce to go to my hometown to count property."

"Because I plan to settle in Springs for a while, I'm also a little concerned about things over at the ancestral home..."


"In the end Marr died in front of me, so I rushed over immediately."

The content was quite detailed, and Ronald informed the investigator in front of everything he knew.

And after saying everything, he did not forget to remind:

"By the way, about my mansion, I actually informed the Bureau of Investigation in Burrenwich before."

"The result of their feedback is that everything is normal."


After listening to Ronald's description, the young investigator shook his head regretfully:

"Although it's not a good thing to say."

"But Mr. Ronald, I don't think the Burrenwich investigators can be compared to the Springs investigators. In some of the more difficult cases, they can easily miss very important clues."

In his words, Robert made no secret of his contempt for the country people.

After briefly chatting with Ronald, he put away the pen and paper and went to Spencer, who was still examining the body.

"Mr. Spencer, how is it?"


Hearing his companion's question, Spencer pulled out his short staff from the corpse with a solemn expression, and then shook his head at the other two:

"There is absolutely no residual magic power of an offensive nature."

"If it weren't for the fact that these three died too strangely, I would have dealt with them as accidental deaths if I encountered such corpses at ordinary times."

Robert frowned:

"In other words, we don't have any clues?"

Spencer affirms:

"At least with my spell ability, I can't find any remaining information."


Faced with such a result, Robert then stepped forward to check it himself.

After finding nothing, the young investigator also stepped back with a dignified expression.

"There is no residue left..."

"It stands to reason that the victim died not long ago, shouldn't this be the case...?"

Seeing that the two professional investigators were very helpless.

Ronald had no choice but to step forward and say:

"Although there is no magic left, in fact, I still found something on my side."

"That's a very weak residual wave..."

When Ronald opened his mouth to describe his both investigators just listened quietly without interruption.

And wait until he finally finishes this introduction.

Spencer spoke first:

"Ronald, why did you discover this thing? Is it your exclusive spell?"

"If so, then I will record it according to your situation."

Ronald shook his head quite frankly:

"it's not true."

"This is a probing technique I got from the [Book Research Society]."

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