Mystic Dominator

Chapter 362: timely work

, the fastest update to the latest chapter of the mysterious ruler!

"Mr. Ronald, please—"

According to the time notified by Karin, Ronald arrived at his destination ten minutes before five o'clock, and then entered the venue in advance with the help of the staff.

Here's Ronald for tracking down Rumil.

The organ area that I have been to before.

The [Ginkgo Leaf Flower Institute] established in this wealthy area has attracted the attention of many wealthy ladies or wives from the very beginning.

It involves the communication problems of the upper-level people.

It's no wonder that you will let yourself come here to fill the scene...

With such a mood, Ronald has been following his own work according to the arrangement of the staff.

Honestly sit in the guest seat of more than ten people;

When cutting the ribbon, go up and smile silly for a while;

Visit the prepared flowers with beautiful noble ladies and young ladies;

Then go to a hotel not far away for dinner and dance together.

Everything is supposed to be like this, and in fact the activities are progressing so steadily.

throughout the process.

Ronald even met the Miss Claire who helped him last time in the Lilac Path Garden, and the two had a good conversation.

However, all this changed completely during the Last Supper.

Ronald was dealing with a steak in front of him at the time, and the result was very abrupt. A young man in the uniform of the flower show staff hurried into the hotel, and then went directly to the side of the flower show director.

With just a few whispers, the expressions of the two [Ginkgo Leaf Business Alliance] people changed.

And through the investigation of the power of 'Rage'.

Ronald also immediately sensed their mood.

The young people who came to report the letter were obviously nervous and fearful, and after hearing the news from the other party, the person in charge also fell from satisfaction and happiness to anger and worry in an instant.


Aware of this scene, Ronald shook his head slightly and put down the knife and fork in his hand.


"Is it still happening?"

It took a while to enter the [Ginkgo Biloba Business Alliance].

After so many weeks of comfort, it seems that I still have to go to work.

With that in mind, Ronald undid the napkin on his chest and walked over to the flower show director with a natural expression.

Seeing that there were no idle people around, Ronald lowered his voice and asked directly:

"I see that something is not right on your side."

"What happened?"

Seeing that it was Ronald who asked, the person in charge naturally wouldn't hide it.

Immediately he answered:

"It's that blue iris flower."

"The news just came that someone stole it at the flower show."

Ronald immediately realized the seriousness of the matter.

Within the territory of Grede, or the coastal areas of this continent, blue and purple have always been the rarest and most expensive colors due to the difficulty of obtaining early pigments.

In the flower exhibition held this time, there is a carefully cultivated blue iris flower, which will be the finale exhibition as the "King of Kao".

Finally, it is ready to be sent to the palace to dedicate to the queen.

The reported flowers are stolen, and the Chamber of Commerce will not only lose face, but may even make the queen dissatisfied.

This is absolutely something that [Ginkgo Biloba Business Alliance] cannot accept.

With several possibilities for things to develop in his mind, Ronald said at the same time:

"Then I'll go to the flower show first."

"You come later?"

Hear Ronald's decision.

The person in charge had a serious tone and nodded sincerely:

"Then I'll ask you first."

"I also have to entertain all the guests here, it's really inconvenient to leave immediately."


After saying a few words, Ronald turned around and walked outside the hotel.

The location of the flower show was not too far from the dining place. At Ronald's normal walking speed, ten minutes was enough for him to reach the place.

Walking down the streets of Springs at night.

Ronald is still analysing the details of the incident in his mind.

It sounds strange too.

[Ginkgo Biloba Business Alliance] After all, it is a business organization with a mysterious side background. The 'Kao' blue iris that they attach importance to, some necessary protection measures will definitely not be too few.

Then under this premise.

What kind of person would take action to steal such a flower?

Even if there is a way to sell this 'Kao', the corresponding price paid may not make up for the price paid for stealing.

Could it be that……

Is it because the competitors of the [Ginkgo Leaf Business Alliance] came up with such a thing in order to fight the enemy?

Thinking so, Ronald also returned to the location of the flower show.

Compared with the time we left before, there are already a lot of people at the flower show after nightfall, and only the staff are still in charge of their own tasks at their posts.

And seeing Ronald appear here, a man with an anxious face immediately greeted him.

"Mr. Ronald, you are here."

"We don't know what's going on here. Everything is working fine on the other side of the hotel, and the protective facilities that were originally prepared are all intact. As a result, 'Kao' inexplicably..."

He looked at the anxious man in front of him.

Ronald waved his hand to interrupt the other party's apparently confused words:

"Take me to see the scene first."

"If we want to get 'Kao' back, we need to take the time to understand the details of the matter now. That's what we need to do most."

Interrupted by Ronald.

The man also recovered a bit of clarity from the panicked mood.

Turning around and leading the way to the flower show, he also sorted out the order in his words and said:

"Mr. Ronald, come and see the scene."

"We immediately blocked the scene after we discovered the situation, and no one interfered with the details over there."

Ronald nodded and followed, while not forgetting to comfort the other party:

"Don't worry, things will always work out."


Come to the location where the blue strange iris was before.

Sure enough, the place was surrounded by a few staff members, and there was a temporary sign of "Gardener's Work" outside to hide people's eyes and ears.

This scene appeared in the night when the museum was about to close.

It didn't attract anyone's attention.

And Ronald, as the absolute top of the [Ginkgo Leaf Business Alliance] here, immediately bypassed the staff and walked in.

——The scene in front of me is all normal.

Surrounding the central flower bed is a sea of ​​carefully tended red flowers.

It's a pity that the beautiful blue flower in the center of the has disappeared compared to when Ronald saw it in the afternoon.

Standing here with the person in charge beside him.

While analyzing the picture in front of him, Ronald also controlled the black fog to carefully explore the surrounding ground.

The surrounding flowers left no trace.

Not even the slightest bit of damage to vegetation.

The other party's actions were obviously premeditated, not like stealing in a hurry...


At this moment, Ronald felt that the black mist had found something from the flower bed.

So he controlled the black fog and brought this thing to the front, and Ronald's eyes suddenly darkened.

--the reason is simple.

—It was a card with cyan spots.

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