Mystic Dominator

Chapter 360: businessman's attitude

, the fastest update to the latest chapter of the mysterious ruler!

Followed by the supervisor named Athol.

Ronald came to a conference room on the second floor of the firm.

After the two were seated, the servants made tea, and then the idlers left, leaving only Ronald and Asor in the conference room.

The movement naturally picked up the tea in front of him.

After taking a sip carefully, the director of the [Ginkgo Leaf Business Alliance] opened his mouth and said:

"Mr. Ronald, why you need a meteorite."

"It's because of our side, isn't it?"


As soon as he opened his mouth, Asor brought the topic to the point.

This is exactly what Ronald meant.

So just as directly, Ronald nodded:

"Yes, there is a need for spell research."

"The quality of the meteorites I need doesn't need to be too high, and the size is not specific. I just hope that I can get as many types as possible."

Hearing Ronald's request, Asol immediately lowered his head and pondered.

"Is there more variety..."

In just a few breaths of time, the businessman seemed to have found what he wanted from his memories.

So instead of looking confident, he asked Ronald:

"If we can provide three different meteorite fragments, what would you like to exchange, Mr. Ronald?"

Ronald immediately spoke his thoughts:

"I had a partnership with Mr Everton when I was at Burrenwich. For me that was the right approach."


Asor didn't answer immediately.

But Ronald clearly saw that the businessman's hand trembled slightly.

Obviously, the other party has been tempted.

Ronald is a real book holder!

And the ability he has shown in recent days also shows that his combat effectiveness is a fairly reliable type.

If you can get the help of such a practitioner.

No matter what kind of organization will be excited.

Of course, the basic qualities of being a businessman are still in Asor's instinct.

Putting the teacup in his hand firmly on the table, he continued:

"Mr. Ronald, what you mean is that you plan to cooperate with our Chamber of Commerce again, and let the meteorite be part of your compensation."

"About these things..."

"I must have understood you correctly, right?"

Ronald nodded calmly and replied:

"Your understanding is completely fine."

"But the situation on my side is the same as it was in Burrenwich. I won't do some inappropriate things."

Asor immediately said:

"The Chamber of Commerce never forces a friend to do things he doesn't want to do."

"Especially an excellent partner like you who has had a pleasant cooperation with us and has outstanding abilities!"

Looking at Azor's attitude, Ronald certainly understood that today's matter was negotiated.

So he also took a sip from the teacup, and then he said:

"If that's the case, then we have reached an agreement?"

"Of course!" Athol immediately responded to Ronald's inquiry. However, immediately after that, the businessman's face still showed a trace of anxiety and hesitant expression, he said:

"But Mr. Ronald, there is one thing I hope you can understand."

Ronald raised his hand slightly:


Asor then continued:

"You are, after all, a character with a book."

"If you want to hire you, the work arrangement and the corresponding remuneration will need to be decided after strict negotiation within the chamber of commerce, and even the signed contract needs to be specially customized..."

The tone was a little hurried to say here.

Asor suddenly realized something, and then hurriedly added:

"Of course, this by no means means that we have no sincerity here!"

"In order to show the importance we attach to you, a meteorite stored in the warehouse here in Springs, I will present it to you as a gift in my own name, please accept it!"


It was so enthusiastic.

Looking at Azor's cautious attitude, Ronald once again clearly realized the weight of the original holder.

However, considering that I have to work for the other party in the future.

After the other party finished speaking, Ronald still tried his best to show his kindness.

"Mr. Asor, don't be so nervous."

"Since I came to the Chamber of Commerce, I naturally have an attitude of seeking cooperation, and I am very happy to be able to reach a unity of opinion."


Hearing Ronald's reassurance, Asol's somewhat excited expression just now slowly dissipated.

After taking another sip from the teacup, the businessman continued:

"Sorry for making you laugh."

"But in my name, Mr. Ronald, your cooperation with us is the best thing that has happened to me this week, or even this month."

"Recently, Springs has become more and more tense..."


Looking at Athor's appearance, Ronald can also understand him to a certain extent.

Just as he learned from the [Nine Rings Secret Society] or his friends, more and more foreign magicians have entered the city recently.

And to continue doing business in such a rapidly changing city.

For these chambers of commerce with mysterious backgrounds, the problems they face will only be more and more difficult than before, and it is no wonder that the other party is reacting like this.

Probably for this reason.

The owner of the original book like himself will become what they need so much...

Thinking so, Ronald began to continue the dialogue between the two:

"So that's the case."

"Mr. Asor, when will the content of our cooperation be determined?"

As soon as Ronald's question came out, Asor answered without hesitation:

"Within a week!"

"Within a week, we will come up with the most suitable plan to present to you. As for the meteorite you need, I will deliver it tomorrow at the latest from the Springs warehouse!"

Ronald nodded his understanding:

"If that's the case, then I'll go back and wait for your good news?"

Hear the meaning of preparing to leave in Ronald's words.

Ator turned his head to look out the window, then put down the teacup and stood up:

"This is it. UU reading has disturbed you for so long."

"If you don't mind, will our chamber of commerce's carriage take you back?"

Ronald rejected Azor's offer:

"This is not necessary."

"I plan to take a walk on the road before I go back, I'll do it myself."

Asor immediately walked to the door of the conference room and opened the door:

"Then I'll take you downstairs."

After rejecting the proposal to send him by carriage, Ronald would naturally not refuse the proposal to send himself downstairs.

That will only make you appear too indifferent.

So with a smile, he nodded politely:

"That would be troublesome."

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