Mystic Dominator

Chapter 338: 1st night

Everything went well tonight.

The Bureau of Investigation attaches great importance to the identity of the holder of Ronald's original book. On time at night, the people who deal with the incident will come over to negotiate intelligence and related information with Ronald.

After the conversation was over, the people from the Bureau of Investigation were sent away.

Ronald picked up his jacket and walked downstairs with one hand on his shoulder.

Leaving the apartment, he went straight to the place he had agreed to with Heloise.

Sure enough, he saw the girl standing under the tree.

However, compared to the previous time when they parted, Heloise is still carrying a small bag around her waist. It seems that she went back to fetch it during this time.

While putting on his coat, Ronald greeted the girl:

"Thor, I'm here."

Heloise also responded:

"It looks like you're doing well here?"

Ronald nodded and said:

"It should be said that it went fairly smoothly."

"Things are going exactly as expected, and it's time for us to go."

The voice fell, and Ronald turned his head and prepared to lead the way away.

However, Heloise, who was behind him, immediately stopped Ronald:

"Ronald, don't worry."

"I wanted to ask when I went out with you last night."

"Don't you have a handy weapon?"


I can't use pistols...

It was this idea that first popped into Ronald's mind when he heard Heloise's question.

In his opinion, hot weapons such as guns are far more useful than cold weapons, and it is also a choice made by professionals such as investigators.

If you have a weapon, it is natural to take the gun as the first consideration.

Of course, take a step back.

If you really have a cold weapon, it will definitely be better than your bare hands.

Just when Ronald hesitated for a few seconds.

A meaningful smile appeared on Heloise's face.

The girl didn't ask any more questions, but simply pulled open the shoulder bag, took out a handful of things, and stuffed it into Ronald's hands:

"Take it, these should be fine for you."


Taking what Heloise handed over, Ronald looked down.

Among them is a dagger wrapped in a leather scabbard, two button-sized metal capsules, and a quaint talisman pendant.

That's all that Heroes handed Ronald.

Looking at these objects with a sense of sight, Ronald couldn't help but said:

"If I remember correctly, that's what you gave me last time in Montenegro..."

"When providing supplies to others, do you have any fixed rules and regulations?"

Hearing Ronald's complaints, Heloise immediately raised her eyebrows and raised her tone slightly:

"What a joke, this time is completely different from the last time, okay!"

"Although there is no difference between these emergency medicines, look at this dagger and this amulet, they are all much better than last time!"


Hearing Heloise's tone, Ronald immediately lowered his head to recognize it.

- things are really not the same.

The pattern on the dagger was changed from plants to waves, and the pattern on the amulet was far more complicated than the one he had obtained before.

Too bad it wasn't explained.

Ronald also couldn't discern their real usefulness in a short time, after all, he hadn't learned the experience of making magic items.

So Ronald immediately spoke:

"Thor, give me an introduction."

"I don't even recognize you when you say that."

"Then just listen." Seeing Ronald's humbly asking for advice, Heloise nodded with satisfaction, then pointed to the thing in his hand, "This dagger, the engraved lines on it are blessed With the disruptive effect, if its blade pierces the enemy's skin and touches the blood vessels, the opponent's body functions will be disrupted to a certain extent, and the weaker guy will even lose the ability to fight."

"As for this talisman..."

Following the introduction, Heloise's gaze shifted to the amulet pendant with complex lines. The girl hesitated for a few seconds before continuing to speak seriously:

"In addition to stabilizing the wearer's mental state, it also has the ability to suppress pain nerves for a short period of time."

"But Ronald, don't use this thing too much."

"It can be addicting."


Ronald immediately had bad associations.

The spells used by Heloise were originally something closely related to medicine. So the effect of this talisman is probably similar to that of a certain medical drug to some extent.

So he took the amulet with a serious look and hid it in a place close to his body.

Ronald finally opened his mouth to confirm:

"Now let's go, is there any problem?"

Heloise gave a sly smile:

"Of course--"

"From today onwards, I will belong to you for at least the next five nights."


"Don't make it so easy to make people think about it, okay?"

After giving Heloise a white look, Ronald took the lead and left the street where the apartment was located.

Their first target tonight was a school called [St. Julia].

This is also where the Elva once worked.

Considering the rules for the appearance of members of the [Nine Rings Secret Society], Ronald's first suspicion was the academy where Elva once worked.

At the same time, a place with ample space like a school.

It is also a more suitable place for Tibetans.

If Rumil was kidnapped in such a place, it would be relatively easy to arrange and not easy to be discovered.

[St. Julia] is located in the river bank area, and the distance is not too far.

In less than half an hour, Ronald and Heloise came here.

It is night time now.

Normally, the night here in Springs is more prosperous.

Even at this time, many students around the academy did not go home, but stayed nearby for activities.

Some of them are natives who originally lived in Springs and then studied there, and some are students who come to Springs from other places and then pursue their studies.

Walking in such an atmosphere will make people feel So while investigating the power of 'Rage', Ronald and Heloise pretended to be talking and laughing Infiltrated inside the academy.

Ronald's reconnaissance tonight is quite broad.

Almost 70% of his thoughts are spent on processing information.

The work of leading the way and guarding the surroundings was naturally handed over to Heloise who was on the side.

After bypassing the teaching building, activity building, and administrative building.

In front of the faculty dormitory of this college, Ronald slowly stopped.

Staring at the building in front of him, he raised his eyebrows:

"Ha... Thor, something suspicious."

"Let's go up and see."

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