Mystic Dominator

Chapter 336: Friends help

"Hello, Ronald."

"Would you like me to go out to dinner?"

On the third floor of Ronald's apartment, the two spent the afternoon exchanging information on both sides.

So, time has come to evening without knowing it.

The sun hung obliquely above the sea in the west, and the voices of people returning from get off work or school could occasionally be heard outside.

It was in this atmosphere that Helois smiled and offered one of her suggestions.

"Think about it-"

"As soon as something happens on your side, I'll come over to visit right away. It shouldn't be too much to treat a guest to dinner, right?"


Ronald looked at each other up and down, and asked in a puzzled tone:

"I don't remember you being very busy?"

"Go to dinner with me now, do you really have so much free time?"

When it comes to work, Helois' expression instantly becomes responsible.

After she walked to the balcony and opened the curtains and cast her eyes on the Wes River outside, she replied to Ronald in a subtle tone:

"A beautiful city will lose its beauty after living for a long time, eating the same delicious food will become boring, and repeating an interesting story a thousand times will naturally make people uninterested."

"So actresses like Arida can't continue to perform in theaters now..."

While speaking, the light of the setting sun reflected on the Wes River just sprinkled on the third floor of the apartment, and Heloise, who was spying outside, naturally also printed this dim yellow light.

The beautiful figure in the apartment was illuminated by a ray of light in the center of the body.

Combined with the responsible but unspeakable expression on Heloise's face...

At this moment, the girl seemed to be surrounded by a certain kind of sadness that she couldn't explain clearly.


In an instant, a special feeling flooded into my heart.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Ronald was a little hesitant now.

He could guess what Heloise was thinking, but to say that he could put himself in his shoes and fully understand the other party would be too sloppy.

Think about what the two of them went through together.

As well as their true identities, he still couldn't help asking a question:


"Have you... have you considered leaving the city?"


Hearing Ronald's question suddenly, Heloise also stood blankly in front of the window, stunned.

As a person with a complex identity who has traveled in various places for a long time.

Of course she heard the meaning hidden in Ronald's words.

Blinking blankly on her face, she showed a rare cute expression before looking at Ronald after a long time.

At this time, she replied with a wry smile:

"How can such a thing be possible?"

"Once you set foot on some roads, even if you didn't intend to, you can only go one way now."

Looking at the expression on Heloise's face, Ronald hesitated for a few breaths, then took the lead and walked towards the door before saying:

"Okay, let's not talk about that."

"It's getting late, I'll invite you out for a meal first."

Helois nodded, but instead of leaving, he called Ronald's name in a low voice:


Ronald turned his head back, his tone a little puzzled:

"What's up?"

Only then did Heloise show a smile, and then followed:


"Just thank you."


After leaving the rental apartment, Ronald was already very familiar with the surrounding streets.

After living in the river bank area for dozens of days, he immediately took Helois very familiarly to a restaurant that he usually liked very much.

There were not too many people in the store at this time.

While waiting for the night to come, Helois said incidentally:

"Ronald, have you thought about finding that guy tonight?"

Ronald nodded calmly.

"Of course."

"If the progress is fast enough, within three days I can find these guys."

Rumil is related to the whereabouts of the last book of "The Divine Comedy", and the key to many secret things of the [Nine Rings Secret Society] is also here.

It happened that the other party came directly to the door last night to grab someone and expose the information.

Of course Ronald couldn't let go of an enemy who threatened him so much.

With the fastest speed, he planned to launch an assault before the other party could react.

Even going out this morning, he has already made corresponding arrangements.

The reason why I discussed with the people of the Bureau of Investigation to talk about it tonight is to call the law enforcement units of this group of Springs over. Will definitely choose to temporarily avoid the edge.

In this way, Ronald got his chance.

An opportunity not to be monitored.

He didn't know what surveillance methods the enemy used on him, but with the influence of the fact that the Bureau of Investigation came, he also had the opportunity to sneak into the dark side as well.


The situation turned into a situation in which Ronald and the [Nine Rings Secret Society] coexisted in the dark night.

With the information he has and the excellent reconnaissance ability of "The Divine Comedy", Ronald is confident to find the other side first.

Until then...

To this guy from the [Nine Rings Secret Society], who has been secretly influencing many things.

He's about to be entertained.

"ladies and gentlemen."

"This is your dinner."

in conversation.

The waiter at the restaurant also brought the dinner ordered by Ronald and Heloise.

The girl sitting on the side neatly cut open the fried fish, and asked in a very natural tone:

"So Ronald, do you need my help tonight?"

"Although it's a bit sudden, in my current capacity, I'm quite confident that I can provide some help."


But when he heard Heloise's proposal at the moment, Ronald's eyes were a little complicated.

From any point of view, the identity of a girl should not help herself at such a time.

"Thor, you have to figure it out."

"The enemy I plan to find and deal with is one with a book!"

The fish meat chewed in his mouth, Thor even laughed:

"So what, a stab in the heart will still kill you."

"Besides, you gave me a book before."


Heloise answered Ronald with a calm tone.

That look and gesture, as if the invitation was not to fight a tome holder, but an ordinary night walk.

But just as she said.

Ronald's attitude when he helped her to get the original book in a few nights also deeply affected this mysterious So when this kind of trouble appeared in front of Ronald, Sea Lois is also willing to help at her own risk.

Ronald saw the attitude of the girl in front of him.

The fingers that ripped apart the fried bread stopped in the air, and he said solemnly:

"Thor, I don't want you to have any special thoughts about this."

"I helped out that night, it was just something I should do as a friend."

"Cough cough cough-"

Hearing this, Heloise, who had just swallowed a piece of fish, suddenly coughed.

After slowing her breathing, she glared at Ronald resentfully:


"Am I not your friend?"

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