Mystic Dominator

Chapter 332: attacks that are not magic

puff puff...?

Hear this movement.

Rumil and her helper were a little puzzled at the moment.

They didn't feel any new spell fluctuations at all, nor did they notice the sound of Ronald chanting incantations around them.

So this is not the effect of some kind of magic.

So what exactly does this sound mean?

Doing these inexplicable things in battle?

No noise at all with mana power in it?

In such a dark night, the black mist transformed by the power of 'rape' completely shrouded the line of sight. For a while, Lumire and her helper did not dare to make any drastic reaction, for fear that they would be caught in Ronald's trap.

During a fight with an original holder.

The lack of any details is likely to lead to the defeat of the opponent's spells.

Another few seconds of silence passed.

Hearing the sound of 'puff puff' coming from the surroundings, Rumir finally couldn't help but ask:

"Moore, did your spell just find nothing?"


The young man answered very decisively:

"My spell is aimed at killing him. If I find anything, I might not tell you!"


never possible...

Did Ronald really escape?

Rumir was very aware of his companion's ability. If Ronald was within the attacking range of the opponent, then there was absolutely no reason to escape the power of the blue arc just now.

But this result, it is completely unable to capture the other party's figure...

What kind of spell is Ronald preparing?

While the two of them were still uncertain in the darkness, Ronald, who was already standing outside the mansion, leaned his back lightly against a tree in the courtyard, and the emotions in his eyes were also somewhat complicated.

From the beginning of the fight until now, most things are under his control.

Even before Ronald actually fought, he made several different types of combat plans.

However, judging from the results, his bells and whistles were probably in vain.

The use of spells, the induction of language, and the details of specific actions.

Rumil and her companions have done quite well in these aspects, and can be called qualified casters.

It's a pity when facing Ronald.

This qualification has become a drag on their battles.

The battles of normal mysterious people are basically achieved through mutual spellcasting and subtle combat skills.

Not so with Ronald now.

Although he also fell into this kind of shackles before, but after reorganizing his thoughts a few days ago, he has no plans to rely on spells at all.

So tonight, when Rumir's companion showed a trait that the power of 'rape' couldn't handle, the content of Ronald's thinking had undergone a huge change.

--under these circumstances.

- What can have the most direct effect?

——And it is the kind that can directly establish the victory!

So, a simpler method came to Ronald's mind.

The black fog of 'rape' that permeated the entire mansion also helped Ronald confirm that the plan was feasible.

Before Lumil arrives.

The occupants of this mansion also go about their daily lives here like ordinary Springs citizens, and they, with a good economy, naturally have supplies stored for winter at home.

Among these materials, the quantity of flour is not small.

So the result is simpler.

Holding the flour sacks, Black Mist walked from the warehouse to the second floor of the enemy's mansion in a short time.

The 'puff' that Lumire and Moore heard was actually the sound of these flour bags being torn open, and then the flour inside began to be splashed into the air!

When the flour in the flour bag was spread out, Ronald immediately took advantage of the characteristics of the black mist to control the positions around the two enemies controlled by the dust, so that they would not be immediately aware of them.

So that this arrangement with only sound, but no magic fluctuations, became completely unexpected for Lumire and Moore.

Get used to fighting on the mysterious side.

So even this obvious means can't be guarded against?

Half leaning against the tree, Ronald stared at the position where the second-floor window had smashed, and his expression was unavoidable at this moment.

"That's how we won."

"It's too simple..."

At this moment, the concentration of dust in the room is completely sufficient, and the only difference is that it ignites a fire.

Sighing softly, Ronald rubbed the fingers of his right hand lightly.

Just this moment.

Several unconscious ordinary people in the original mansion rushed out of the mansion immediately driven by the floor below them.

At the same time, the hard-working black mist will prepare the flames at the same time.

Fire in the room where the two enemies are.


The room that was mixed with a lot of black mist and flour, and the air was completely turbid was instantly ignited. The violently oscillating air and the impact of the dust explosion immediately caused obvious effects in the house.

——The most classic phenomenon of dust explosion.

——It is also one of the dangers that are more likely to be encountered in daily life.

——At the same time, its power is also deadly enough.

Then, under a huge explosion.


A second explosion occurred.

Under Ronald's special design, of course, the environment in the room must meet the maximum killing effect. The negative pressure squeezes fresh air, and the swaying dust is ignited again.

Walls cracked, air shook, and flames erupted.

Even from a far enough courtyard, Ronald could feel the power of the explosion.

Face the shock of this magnitude directly.

These two guys don't have any problems at all, do they?

Straightening up from the tree, Ronald immediately controlled the black fog and dragged the two people out of the wreckage.

This exaggerated movement cannot be concealed.

Before the crowd gathered, he had to hurry up and act.


Next, after seeing the two enemies dragged out by the black fog.

Ronald couldn't help raising his eyebrows.

Rumir had already been stunned by the violent explosion, but it seemed that due to the protection of her defensive technique, the guy himself had no worries about his life.

But next to her, a companion named Moore.

But not so lucky.

Directly facing the dust explosion in front of this guy's body...

No, perhaps it should be said that the corpse has been broken into pieces.

Ronald could even see corpse fragments in various states, as well as very obvious stitching and suture wounds.

And it made him more concerned.

Most of these wounds appear for a long time.

There are already very obvious traces of corruption in some parts.

So, Moore, who looks like a boy, is not human.

But a creation of magic...

Unable to bear, Ronald shook his head subtly:

"This is really not a person..."

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