Mystic Dominator

Chapter 318: start prophecy

Ronald has a very favorite movie called "Roman Holiday".

Sitting on the chair in the front row of the auction at this moment, he vaguely had such a sense of sight in his heart.

Claudia's way of pretending not to know each other, and then whispering "tacit understanding" between the two sides during the conversation really made him think of this film.

By the way, Miss Hepburn's performance in that movie is really perfect.

Even after more than ten years have passed, Ronald still has a hard time forgetting that Princess Anne in his heart.

Maybe... that's what a real princess should be like, right?

Ronald recalled his past in his heart, but Hughes on the side was not idle.

He first poked Ronald's waist carefully with his elbow, and then the surgeon said:

"Ronald, I heard what you said about the encounters in Montenegro just now."

"Can you tell me more about it?"

Ronald shrugged and nodded slightly:

"Tell me, what do you want to know?"

To be honest, Hughes helped him a lot by taking him here today.

If he has something to answer, Ronald naturally doesn't mind explaining it to the other party.

Seeing Ronald's actions, Hughes asked generously.

"I listened to your description just now, but there is a process of complete alienation of the world on the top of Montenegro."

"How did you stop this kind of thing in the end?"

"And according to my experience, generally after this kind of thing is over, the corresponding monsters will usually disappear."

"Your experience, in fact, does not fit well with existing theories in many places."


After a few seconds of silence, Ronald sorted out the language before answering:

"For the first question, I can directly tell you the answer right now."

"My original book has a spell that can be used to deal with this more troublesome scene."

"Only about the second question, I don't know very well. After all, for me, I just accidentally broke into the mansion at the time, and naturally I don't know the actual situation of the spell that caused everything to happen. "

After a pause, Ronald added:

"The only thing I can be sure of now is that the existence of unknown origin, Rumil, was hidden in the city of Springs before."


After listening to Ronald's answer, Hughes thought for a while.

Then he nodded in agreement:

"You are right, there is indeed not enough information for reference."

"But from a personal point of view, this kind of thing from the original must be cleaned up in time."

Hearing Hughes' emotion, this time Ronald was surprised:

"Are you sure that Rumir is the creation of the original scripture?"

Hughes answered with great certainty:

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure."

"At least from the information you just said, all the details of this guy's performance are completely in line with the characteristics of the original magic creation, so we really need to find this thing."

"Let it continue its activities, it is very likely to cause trouble to the mysterious side."

"A monster created by any original spell cannot be ignored."

Hearing the determined tone of the caster next to him, Ronald became a little curious.

"Mr. Hughes, are you familiar with this kind of thing?"

Hughes simply nodded and said:

"Yes, I'm fairly familiar with these things."

"Because of some historical issues, my previous school has recorded a lot of knowledge in this area."

"In the part about the original summons, it is mentioned that if a monster is summoned to the human world, it must always grasp its existence and return it immediately after use. Otherwise, once this kind of thing is freed, basically every time it will be lead to very troublesome results."

Ronald nodded in agreement:

"Yeah, it's really troublesome."


From the words of Hughes, it can be seen that the natives of the other world also came to the same conclusion as Ronald.

For this unexpected product, disposal is the best choice.

Just when Ronald and Hughes were talking.

Claudia also returned to the back of the podium and discussed with the old man in a low voice.

After completely describing the needs of Ronald's problem, the old man nodded slightly, and then his face became serious.

"Expand the barrier—"

With an order, the old man raised his hands to the left and right.

After Claudia withdrew from the range, the previous four girls in white and blue kept the same distance from each other, and then surrounded the old man in the center.

After confirming that the distance and position all meet the requirements of the spell, the four of them squatted and knelt on the ground in unison, then raised their white sleeves with both hands and made a strange gesture in the air.

This gesture made them vaguely connect with each other.

Then a square formation was formed, which completely isolated the old man in the middle like an ancient sacrifice.


Witnessing this scene, Ronald raised his eyebrows.

Although there are some religious rituals in the form, after the girls moved, a mild magic wave immediately appeared in the auction hall.

This tells Ronald that these people's movements do have some kind of magical power.

Maybe it's to protect the safety of the caster...

Next, under the watchful eyes of the audience.

The old man slowly took out a tightly protected book from his arms.

- This is the original scripture of the other party.

Ronald realized this.

But unfortunately I can't figure out the specifics.

In addition to his physical protection, the old man also bent over to block his mouth with his movements, and kept his voice within a very small range when chanting the 'spell'.

Even Ronald's hearing and eyesight are very good.

There is no chance of defeating the opponent.

it is a pity……

It seems that this time the original spell came from which famous book on Earth, I have no way of knowing.

Ronald sighed in his heart as the old man on stage continued to move.

Following the chanting of a 'spell', the elderly caster's face instantly turned pale It looked like he was ten years older than he just appeared.

Able to serve the royal family, the ability of this spellcaster is beyond doubt.

However, even so, after using the prophetic spell, he still paid a very high price.

Consider what happened to Ronald at Burrenwich.

That guy Nicole seems to be quite a genius...

The spell continues.

Strong magic power began to emerge around the old caster, and the original script in his hand immediately radiated blue and black colors.

Under the spell effect of this imposing manner, Ronald even stared at the old man without blinking an eye.

- So he saw it.

Vaguely, a light curtain appeared in front of the old man!

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