Mystic Dominator

Chapter 298: into the night

[Living in this apartment, the two of us who hold books must be subject to a high level of surveillance, so I can only tell some questions in this way.

Regarding the [Nine Rings Secret Society], I can tell you their purpose.

But remember not to spread it out, even if it is the same mysterious caster, it will be extremely dangerous after learning about it.

This is the only thing to be aware of.

As far as I know, the [Jiujie Secret Society] follows a strict class system, and its members are all over the world, looking for and collecting undiscovered books at any time.

And the ultimate goal of this organization is to return the world to the ignorance of the Dark Ages and embark on what they believe to be the 'correct' path.


It's just my guess.

Recently, the people of the [Nine Rings Secret Society] seem to be coming to Grid consciously, and Her Majesty the Queen seems to have acquiesced in this happening.

In view of this phenomenon, people with information on the mysterious side also began to secretly gather in Springs and the surrounding areas of the capital city.

If it's just to satisfy curiosity, I suggest you better leave Springs.

Even the person who holds the book can't necessarily guarantee his own safety.

By the way, there are other surgical issues you want to know, and I can also give some suggestions.

In a battle where every second counts, the chanting of the original spells is indeed tedious, but it is also the key to making the original spells have decisive power. If you want to simplify the procedure, then you must accept the weakened result.

And the specific method of operation.

There are many kinds of originals in the world, and I don't dare to speculate on your optimization method.

But from experience.

I suggest that you recite the mantra from time to time, then try to channel your magic into the scriptures and keep them there. In this way, when performing surgery, you may be able to get some enlightenment in this regard...


When you're done reading, put a little magic on the stationery.

It will automatically destroy. 】

- Silent reading ends in silence.

Standard page size paper is full of writing.

From any point of view, the information left by the Great Witch to Ronald is full of weight.

Not only did he tell him the ultimate goal of the [Nine Rings Secret Society], but also the optimization process of the original spell. Even at the end of the letter. He also earnestly suggested that he also leave Springs, and solemnly reminded that the city was becoming dangerous.

Feeling a little complicated, Ronald injected magic power according to the statement on the letter.

With this action, the surface of the white paper page was immediately wrinkled by an invisible force, and then shattered into a pile of dust-like paper scraps.

Watching the white 'dust' falling from his hands.

Ronald's expression was thoughtful.

When injecting magic power, he clearly realized that the spell on the page has the function of self-destruction at regular intervals.

It seemed that the Great Witch had not considered whether to tell herself about this.

After going through subsequent exchanges and thinking, she finally sent this letter.

Otherwise over time.

The letter would just crumble into crumbs in the crevices of the desk, and then be swept out as trash and dust some day in the future.

So after the witch incident is over.

The big witch... she is showing kindness to herself in this way...

Standing up from the chair with emotion, the doubts in Ronald's eyes disappeared a lot compared to before.

But the most crucial question remains.

- What is the Dark Ages?

The Great Witch mentioned this era, and Ronald also learned about it during his previous investigation.

But in addition to knowing that this was a very dangerous era for humans, and the power of spells at that time was stronger, he still lacked understanding of the specific circumstances of that era.

Ordinary mystery side people will not know.

And those who might know, kept silent on the matter.

It is as if there is some kind of tacit understanding of closed information invisibly.

Even if Ronald is now in an organization like the [Book Research Association], the things that he can consult are limited to after the Dark Ages, and he can only ask three questions in exchange for the so-called "colleagues".

"It's really intriguing..."

Muttering in his mouth, Ronald opened the curtains and walked to the balcony, leaning halfway on the fence to look out.

Since the Great Witch left, there has been no fishing on the river bank behind the apartment.

But now that the sun is about to set...

No, it should be said that when it was about to fall into Shen Riyang, there were still many students and pedestrians passing by. But no matter who they are, the expressions on their faces at the moment are focused on their own lives.

There is no identity of the mysterious side involved, they have absolutely no idea what is going on.

In the distance, the cargo ships on the Wes River are still tirelessly delivering goods, and the veins that symbolize the city's industrial process are still trying to flow, providing Springs with the supplies it needs.


In the silence, Ronald pondered his current situation.

At the same time, he was watching everything in front of him in the evening wind where the temperature dropped sharply.

There are signs of the [Nine Rings Secret Society], but I still haven't seen anything related to Rumir.

In such a city with a population of tens of millions.

I want to find a 'person' who can change physical characteristics at any time.

The difficulty is still too high.

Suddenly, the sky turned completely dark.


With a long sigh, Ronald turned and leaned his back against the balcony, bending his body quite backward.

The dark sky was not even a sign of the moon, and the air by the river was a little damp.

Maybe it's going to rain.


"Can't see the stars... huh?"


Just as Ronald prepared Wen Qing's emotional words, and then returned to the house to try the spellcasting skills of the original scriptures, a dark shadow suddenly jumped out from the roof of the apartment next to him.

With Ronald's visual ability, he could clearly see the figure of a person.

After landing only one vertical jump to the river bank.

The next second, he jumped high again, and I saw this guy rushed into the Wes River with a 'puff'.

This kind of physical fitness and athletic ability is definitely not something that ordinary people can do.

"This should have no parkour sports..."

Turning around with some regret, Ronald turned his eyes to the dark Wes River.

At the position where the guy just jumped off, the swaying water ripples are still spreading around, but there is no other movement.

But soon, Ronald shook his head and walked back into the house pretending nothing happened.

Back in the room and sitting on a chair, the movements skillfully summoned the scriptures.

While trying to maintain the magic power in the book, Ronald heard the sound of several heavy objects falling into the water outside.

The movement of holding the original froze for a few seconds, but Ronald didn't get up in the end:


"just forget it……"

"I don't have the heart to meddle with these things right now..."

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