Mystic Dominator

Chapter 292: on the shoal

Just like the Malcolm Ronald dealt with.

After being completely at a disadvantage, the leader of the [Original Witches Guild] chose a powerful technique that could damage the enemy by a thousand and damage herself by 800.

Catherine knew very well in her heart that the new helper from the Bureau of Investigation would inevitably lead to her being completely at a disadvantage. The mysterious guy in front of him, who doesn't know what his attitude is.

There is no doubt that today's battle has been completely lost.

Thinking about how to get out of this place is the most important thing.

So, this led Catherine to make such a choice.

At the cost of the internal organs being damaged by the magic of the original text, the ability to split the space can be maintained for nearly five minutes.

If done properly.

This is the biggest chance for her to escape and ascend to heaven!

After paying the corresponding price, the effect of the original spell is naturally satisfactory.

After the invisible space rift cut off the reef and the air, even the sea water was divided into irregular blocks. With Catherine herself as the center, almost no one could continue to move.

Of course, the first to face this phenomenon.

When Clark turned around and left, it was naturally the [Nine Rings Secret Society] caster who was closest to the witch.

Also seeing the actions of the witch Catherine, his choice is actually not much different from Clark.

Driving the spell, the powerful driving force immediately took his body across an arc, and immediately rushed into the black mist transformed by Ronald's 'rape' power.

So, a frustrating situation arose.

The fearless caster seems to have understood the effect of Ronald's spell. Without joining the battle and just watching from the sidelines, none of his actions fit the definition of 'rape'.

Almost unscathed, he rushed out of the area shrouded in black mist.

Following a perfect arc trajectory, the original holder circled around the battlefield, and then the script stood calmly on the beach not far away.

Not in a hurry to leave the battlefield.

He found a tree that looked fairly clean, leaned on it lightly, and took out a pen and paper from under his clothes.

His eyes were fixed on the reef beach shrouded in black mist.

The holder of the scripture began to write on a notepad.

--the other side.

People who do not have such a neat way to escape are still facing the witch's spell with difficulty.

Invisible space rifts can destroy almost anything.

It is very difficult for most people to directly resist this kind of attack.

Take, for example, the two witches who can still stand.

The person who had just shouted at Catherine was cut off by the waist before he could dodge, and his body fell down again and was cut again. Even without the investigator's action, he died under the spell of his leader.

And others...

The two investigators who were farther away, who were familiar with various situations, naturally left early.

The black fog summoned by Ronald would not embarrass them either.

And the distance is too close, so that they can't escape the attack range.

One of them also had a life-and-death result.

It was the last investigator and the last witch, both of whom survived in very subtle forms.

The investigator originally planned to attack the witch in front of him, so he came to a position very close to the other party. When Catherine's attack came, the two of them were cut off at the same time.

The original result was that they also fell to the ground and died.

However, the two people who were very close to each other subconsciously leaned forward, and then leaned on each other to maintain stability!

They, who have only lost part of their bodies, naturally know where to hide.

So they stood in the cracks of space cutting with difficulty, and their state became very embarrassing.

Attack the opponent, and you may lose your balance and die.

Instead of attacking each other, they hugged each other tightly in such an awkward posture.

Of course, this situation has little to do with Ronald.

Now he, the fingers under the clothes are continuously snapping fingers, and the white light on the surface of the body does not dissipate for a moment.

As it turns out, The Divine Comedy's defensive spells are surprisingly effective.

Even this kind of powerful space-cutting technique cannot completely penetrate the guardian angel's protection at one time. Ronald can even move freely here as long as he keeps snapping his fingers.

The only downside.

Probably just snapping his fingers all the time, which seems a little embarrassing.

At this moment, standing on top of the beast-shaped piece of meat that she summoned, Catherine's expression has slipped from the initial smugness.

Seeing Ronald's footsteps approaching him calmly.

There's no reason she couldn't find out.

Looking at Ronald with hostility in her eyes, Catherine almost gritted her teeth and said:


"Is that you..."

"The bureau's new lackey?"

Ronald did not intend to speak to the witch.

The caving reefs formed a large number of fragments, almost turning the reef area into a shoal. Stepping on it with Ronald's current physical strength is completely like walking on the ground.

On one side, the black mist that was constantly emerging came toward the witch again. In addition to snapping his fingers on his right hand, the belly of his thumb brushed lightly on the ring of his index finger at the same time.

As a result, the ability of the archangel was also activated.

There was also no warning. The reef fragments under the witch Catherine's feet were instantly given a powerful kinetic energy, and then immediately charged towards her position.



Bang bang bang!

A roar fell, and the continuous crashing sound immediately resounded around the witch.

Catherine herself didn't notice it.

However, the animal-shaped flesh surrounding the witch immediately slammed into the reef spontaneously, providing protection for its summoner.

So the scarlet secret fire and the black mist canceled each other out, and the beast-shaped piece of meat spontaneously hit the reef.

The two methods canceled each other out, and Catherine could only let the sea water wet her body, so that even the prestige of the original holder could not be maintained.

While commanding the beast-shaped meat piece he was riding to retreat.

For the first time, she seriously looked at Ronald, who was approaching her.

This young man who completely suppressed himself looked very handsome.

If it is the person who usually meets each will definitely not mind tempting a man with such a look.

It's a pity that at this moment, the man's face is expressionless.

Looking at his gray pupils, there was no expression of admiration for her beauty.

Needless to say, this is the most dangerous enemy she has encountered today.

If you let the other party approach, you don't need to say much about your fate today.


"who are you?"

Katherine asked Ronald aloud, and Ronald approached her without saying a word.

As a result, the witch's beautiful appearance became distorted, and her tone began to show anxiety:

"I... you listen!"

"We are not necessarily enemies!"

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