Mystic Dominator

Chapter 289: nameplate

Horse-drawn carriages zip through the factory area.

After passing the strip closest to the shoreline, they came to a flood wall.

Going far, there is a sandy beach and the Shen Riyang at the back.

Towards the back, is the direction leading to the mouth of the Wes River, and finally can go all the way to the port area in the city.

Seeing the scene in front of her, the big witch said to the coachman without hesitation:

"Sir, go outside the city."

"Put us down as far as the carriage can't go."

The coachman nodded indiscriminately, then swung his whip.


The horses pulling the carriage neighed suddenly, and at the same time their speed increased again.

The driver who worked for the Bureau of Investigation clearly understood the priorities.

Coming to such a sparsely populated place, it is reasonable to drive the carriage at the fastest speed.

In the carriage, the great witch also noticed this.

Just nodding slightly, the airflow surrounding the carriage started to force again, directly raising the speed of the carriage to an unprecedented level.

On the slightly curved breakwater, the carriage that Ronald and the others were riding in was advancing at full speed, and it only took a short time for them to approach the edge of the city.

- Go outside again.

The breakwater in the distance extends to some locations in the suburbs, and the roads here are naturally no longer suitable for horse-drawn carriages.

So naturally, the driver stopped the vehicle he was driving.

Then he turned to look at the two people in the car:

"You two, the front is not suitable for the carriage to move on."

In fact, he didn't need to remind him at all.

When the carriage stopped, the Great Witch and Ronald jumped out of the carriage together.

However, unlike Ronald, who was going to continue walking into the suburbs, the big witch came to the coachman first.

I saw the old magician stretch out his left hand and said in a natural tone:

"Come on, bring two over here."


Seeing the big witch's movements, the driver's eyes were a little surprised.

However, he quickly reacted, and then took out two nameplates from the box under his seat and handed them over:


Nodding and accepting the nameplate, the Great Witch walked over to Ronald.

While giving Ronald a nameplate, she walked to the front at the same time and took the lead in walking towards the coastline:

"Ronald, follow me."

"It's better to stay behind me next, it could be very dangerous today."

Ronald took the nameplate and followed, and immediately felt a breeze begin to wrap around him.

——It is the spell of the Great Witch.

Surrounded by this air flow, not only did his body become lighter, but even the surrounding vegetation was directly blocked.

The original formula guided by "Introduction to Fluid Mechanics".

It is definitely a very useful spell in every way.

So while following the big witch, Ronald began to look at the nameplate in his hand. The material of this plate was similar to brass, only the size of two fingers, and there was no visible pattern or pattern engraved on it.

If I have to describe it...

This is like a metal brand that has been pressed on an assembly line and has not had time to continue processing?

Starting to expand the detection range of the power of ‘Rage’, Ronald asked the Great Witch ahead at the same time:

"Ms. Teresa, what's the use of this thing?"

Hearing the question, the Great Witch explained without looking back:

"This is a special helper nameplate made by the Bureau of Investigation. Generally, it is only temporarily given to others to carry."

"As for the effect..."

"As long as you hold this thing, the people of the Bureau of Investigation can use it to determine your location. If you are in some relatively large-scale spells, this thing will also help you get a 'own' identity."

"Of course, the quantity of this thing is limited, and the Bureau of Investigation will definitely recall it afterwards."

Ronald immediately nodded to the great witch:

"I see."

Items on the mysterious side can be used by simply injecting magic power without encryption settings. So Ronald separated a ray of magic power and carefully injected it into the nameplate.

The nameplate is activated successfully.

On the metal-colored brand, the temperature is only slightly increased, and then there is no other reaction, a very simple effect.


Shaking his head, Ronald tucked the nameplate into the inside pocket of his jacket.

Only then did he continue to follow the Great Witch along the coast.

Continue to move towards the southern position, and in the distance is the coastline that stretches to the end of the field of vision. There are crisp bird calls from time to time in the woods on the left, and on the beach on the right connected to Shen Riyang, there is also the sound of the tide hitting the reef.

In such an environment, Ronald progressed very easily.

With the help of the Great Witch spell, he didn't even get a grain of sand in his shoes.

And with the scope of the power of 'Rage' gradually expanded.

Finally, a little more than three kilometers ahead of the coastline, he detected the location of today's target.

There is no doubt that the battlefield is now mainly divided into two parts.

On one side is the main battlefield where the three people fight against each other.

Around these three people, there were more than a dozen scattered battles that surrounded the entire battlefield.

While fighting, these people seem to attach great importance to the grasp of distance.

They had absolutely no intention of going into the main battlefield of those three people.

It's as if... as long as they cross a certain range, it is a desperate situation for them to die.

And Ronald has the ability to sense emotions.

At this moment, the grasp of the battle situation is clearer.

The three people on the field seem to be fighting each other and are hostile to each other, but in the battle outside the field, the scattered battle situation is roughly divided into two factions, and there are obvious advantages and disadvantages.

The big witch came out in such a hurry today...

I'm afraid the situation is not very good for them.

Making a judgment in his heart, Ronald immediately accelerated his pace and passed the position of the great witch, and walked directly to the direction of the battlefield:

"Ms. Teresa, the battle doesn't seem to be going well."

"Do you mind if I go first?"

Watching Ronald pass over her figure, a wry smile appeared on the big witch's face.

Although her body has not yet reached the point where she can't walk, the influence of age has also been This old body is impossible to be like Ronald in terms of rushing. Compared with the young people of the other, they will only be a drag on the other side.

not to mention……

Ronald's physical strength seems to have the blessing of some kind of magical power.

Faced with this reality, the big witch didn't say much.

Lightly chanted the incantation, a new and highly cohesive force was entangled in Ronald.

"You go first."

"The spell I blessed you with can explode a huge reverse force when others attack your body, remember to use it well."

"Thank you." Ronald nodded slightly and followed his foot.

under the support of multiple factors.

The body disappeared in front of the Great Witch almost instantly.

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