Mystic Dominator

Chapter 284: Conversation on the balcony

But it's nothing to see

Ask the Great Witch about the history of the past...

Ronald didn't want to reveal his thoughts at the moment, so he forced his eyes to stop on the book.

It was definitely an attractive option for him.

The Great Witch belongs to the top level of the mysterious side in terms of identity and ability, and she will definitely be able to get a lot of help from her for what she wants to know.

Just when Ronald was thinking about how to answer, the big queen reached out and patted him on the shoulder, and said frankly:

"Ronald, take it easy."

"I don't mean anything against you."

"It's just seeing our side...there are such good young people appearing, so some want to see how far you can go."

Hearing the Great Witch's words, Ronald immediately understood what the other party meant.

Closing the book in his hand and putting it aside, he straightened his upper body and stared at each other, and answered equally seriously:

"Ms. Teresa, of course I wouldn't mind having a good talk with you about this."

"But before that, I still have one question that I hope to be answered."

The Great Witch replied calmly:


Seeing that the other party agreed, Ronald roughly organized the language before asking:

"Actually I want to know your purpose in Springs."

"Although we all know the nominal reasons, judging from your actions in the past two days, I'm afraid there are actually some differences, right?"


The Great Witch was not surprised by Ronald's inquiry.

Nodding with a calm expression, the mysterious spellcaster chanted a few incantations, and then waved with one hand.


At this moment, the two are very close to each other.

So Ronald immediately saw the scene in front of him:

Against the action of the great witch, a breeze with almost imperceptible magic power blew out of her hands, and then hovered around the balcony to form a transparent air cover, which directly separated the inner and outer spaces.

Ronald then asked:

"this is……?"

The big witch smiled kindly:

"It's a little spell I can use to isolate some unpleasant scouting behavior."

So what comes next...

Inconvenient for investigators outside to hear?

Hearing the meaning of the big witch's words, Ronald turned his head slightly, and looked at the direction of the river bank with the corner of his eye.

At least among the investigators he knew, no one downstairs noticed the witch's spell.

Sure enough, this is the original holder of the original card.

Although they all use the original scriptures to cast spells, the details are significantly different from those of the half-way monk.

Ronald secretly sighed in his heart that the great witch beside him did not stop.

Seeing that his spell was working perfectly, the original holder leaned back generously, and continued as if he was half lying on a chair:

"Ronald, you should know what kind of organization our [Twelve Witches] are, right?"

Ronald nodded and replied:

"Probably know."

"The organization of the school to develop together with the purpose of helping each other."

"Helping each other..." Hearing Ronald's answer, the big witch's eyes gradually drifted away, and her tone rarely became melancholy, "Although this is the purpose at the beginning, the world will change with things. And change, how can human beings avoid such a situation..."

- This is a noteworthy statement.

From the beginning of the conversation, Ronald has been focusing on the Great Witch.

When she said this just now, the Great Witch's tone and expression were very low, and even the subtle expressions on her face revealed a sense of confusion and confusion.

Such a reaction can be made by a knowledgeable caster who holds the original scriptures.

The content of the words is naturally worthy of Ronald's thinking.


After a few seconds of silence, Ronald's eyes lit up.

When the Great Witch unconsciously sighed, there was one sentence that contained very complicated emotions.

The world, moreover, changes as things change...

Immediately, Ronald realized a possibility.

If so, then a lot of what you know can be explained.

But this kind of thing is a bit too outrageous, right?

For a sudden thought, Ronald was not ready to interrupt the rhythm of the conversation.

So suppressing her divergent thinking, she then tentatively asked another question:

"So, is there something wrong with the [Twelve Witches]?"

Hearing Ronald's question, the big witch's eyes sank:


"Of course it's my dear witch sisters who have a problem."

"[Original Witch's Guild], this kind of thing that is annoying to the eye, but also thorny to the touch, has always been something we don't touch. At this time, the decision to let me come here is nothing more than to see how old I am. It's time to let go of the original scriptures in hand."

"It's a pity... it's a pity."

"From the day I took this original book from the teacher, I, Teresa Russell, will not give it to those who are greedy, and as long as I am alive, they will never try to achieve their dirty ideas!"

When she said these words, the big witch's expression was already quite excited, and even her face was slightly ruddy. His eyes were fixed on the air in front of him, and his mouth was slightly opened and closed, as if he was remembering something.

But soon, the big witch adjusted her emotions, and then smiled at Ronald:

"Mr. Ronald, let you see my gaffe."


Ronald nodded lightly in understanding.

"this is nothing."

"But honestly, Ms. Teresa, is it really okay for you to tell me this?"

Ronald's inquiry is very realistic.

Considering the relationship between the two, what Teresa revealed in the conversation has far exceeded the normal limit, so people have to pay attention.

After hearing Ronald's question, the Great Witch showed a calm smile:

"Mr. Ronald, seems very curious about my attitude."

After getting along for a few Ronald also understood how to negotiate with the Great Witch.

So he simply nodded and replied:

"Yes, it is so."

"Haha." Hearing Ronald's answer, the big witch waved her hand nonchalantly. "There is no love without a reason, and there is no hatred without a head and a tail. Of course you care about this."

"But don't worry, I have no ill will towards you."

"As holders of the original code, we should look at things from a more fundamental perspective."

After making such an incomprehensible response, the big witch seemed to feel that the topic had gone a bit far.

So straightening up from the chair, she took the initiative to reach out and picked up the "Grande's Fairy Tales" that Ronald was reading, and flipped to the page on which the pictures were drawn.

"Come on, talk about what you care about the most."

"The history of the past..."

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