Mystic Dominator

Chapter 281: big witch

After the girl was brought down very smoothly.

In just two or three breaths, a plainly dressed man walked over from the platform, and took the unconscious girl from Ronald.

"Miss, what's wrong with you?"

"Take the young lady to the hospital, she seems to have fainted from anemia again!"

Showing Ronald's identity as an investigator in a covert gesture, the man immediately maintained a vivid performance and took the unconscious girl out without causing any setbacks.


After being taken away by the investigators, the fate of this guy will not be much better.

However, it was precisely because of this little episode that Ronald missed the opportunity to keep staring at the train. During this time, a light footstep had approached him in the crowd getting off the train.

"Are you Mr. Ronald?"

The old gentle voice sounded behind him, and Ronald turned away immediately.

Is this... the Great Witch?

Standing behind Ronald at the moment is an old lady who looks about sixty or seventy years old. Although her hair is gray and her face is aging, she takes good care of her health. The skin on her face is even under the skin. Can see healthy rosy.

If you go back in time, this lady was definitely a beauty when she was young.

Ronald looked up and down, the old woman was also dressed very plainly. In addition to a loose and comfortable black coat, she also hung a shawl on her body.

If Ronald didn't know the news in advance, he would definitely treat the old lady as an ordinary passerby.

Bending slightly to salute, Ronald replied:


"I'm Ronald Adler, and you are..."

The old lady nodded slightly, and turned around while answering:

"I'm Teresa, Teresa Russell."

"It's also the person who holds the book. It's fine for Mr. Ronald to call me by my name."

He answered Ronald, but the big witch's eyes stayed on the train behind her, and her eyes flashed with intense wonder and admiration.

Watching the big witch moving towards his back, Ronald raised his eyebrows lightly, then stepped forward and asked:

"Ms. Teresa, is there anything in the car that needs attention?"

The big witch smiled and shook her head:

"Ha ha."

"It's nothing, it's just that the elderly have some emotions."

"After staying at the headquarters for so long, I didn't expect to travel far to Springs again. This city is completely different from when I came, and it has become something I can't imagine."

Is this the lady's choice...

Hearing the complicated emotion in the big witch's tone, Ronald asked in a low voice:

"Ms. Teresa, have you ever been to Springs?"

The big witch nodded:

"Yes, that was the first time I came to Springs more than forty years ago."

"I was a newcomer at the time, and I didn't even understand the situation here. I thought it was just an ordinary capital. Until I left, the city was like that."

"But now it seems that this is really a miracle..."

While talking, the big witch's eyes also moved away from the train, her eyes gradually emptied, and the depths of her pupils turned to look at something in the distance.

Looking at the state of the other party, Ronald asked in a low voice:

"Ms. Teresa, are you missing the past?"

The big witch shook her head:

"It's not the past, what I miss is my former friends, and all the people I've dealt with..."

Ronald nodded to show his understanding, and at this moment, the great witch in front of him ended his nostalgia and turned to look at the location of the platform exit:

"Mr. Ronald, can we go now?"

Ronald stepped forward and walked outside with the big witch:

"please follow me."

"In your case, you'd better go to the power company to register first."

The great witch nodded thoughtfully:

"Is that the name now?"


Immediately following in Ronald's footsteps, the old magician's vigorous pace did not show the weakness that an old man should have.

The two walked out of the station to take the carriage, and today Ronald's taxi speed was much faster than the previous few times.

It was peaceful all the way.

It seems that apart from the caster who tried to snipe the Great Witch at the train station, the [Original Witch Guild] never sent anyone else to attack.

Just like this, when the big witch walked into the [Practical Electricity Communications Company] accompanied by Ronald, the most exaggerated and exaggerated 'welcome ceremony' that Ronald had ever seen appeared.

Although there is no particularly obvious battle, after entering the hall, there are at least six directions around who turn their attention to the two at the same time, and they keep shifting as they move, and there is no intention to move away for a moment.

This is also of course.

The presence of two original holders at the same time is very noteworthy in any place, let alone at the headquarters of the Bureau of Investigation.

Ronald could even guess.

Among the gazes around, in addition to the people from the Investigation Bureau, there are definitely eyeliners sent by other forces.

predictably, in the days to come.

I am afraid I have to live with these eyes for a while.

Just when Ronald felt some emotion in his heart, a man and a woman walked over to the front desk of the 'Power Company', and then bowed and saluted the Great Witch and Ronald.

"You two, your appointment is ready."

"Please come with us."

Faced with such a situation, the Great Witch nodded calmly, then followed the other party over, looking very familiar with the treatment she had.

After that, everything went according to plan.

In a luxurious office, a man in a black robe was sitting on the sofa waiting for their arrival.

This man is about forty years old. As long as he sees other people with his deep eyes, he will shudder unconsciously when he is He is one of the three heads of the Investigation Bureau, who is specially responsible for the investigation. Bureau of Intelligence Works in Huntersville.

Such a person is responsible for the reception.

It is also enough to see the attitude of the Bureau of Investigation towards the Great Witch.

As one of the three ministers, Huntersville's ability to work is unquestionable.

After only half an hour, and even most of them were chatting and nostalgic between the two, as well as all kinds of conversations full of hints, the big witch had completed her registration after entering Springs.

However, after Ronald and the Great Witch completed the registration and left the Bureau of Investigation headquarters together.

An unexpected question came to Ronald's ear.

Standing on the street of Springs, the big witch looked at the spacious street and asked Ronald with a smile:

"Mr. Ronald, shall we go to your house first?"

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