Mystic Dominator

Chapter 278: above task

That spellcaster named Howl.

I actually borrowed this book...?

Without any prejudice, in Ronald's view, "The Conn Thorpe Documentary" is basically no nutrition, and it is probably the author's record of some past history.

Among them, the most noteworthy thing is the content of the [Nine Rings Secret Society].

Could it be said that Hal also investigated this information?

Go get in touch with him if you can find out more about the organization?

This is an interesting discovery...  

Just when Ronald analyzed the pros and cons, thinking about this aspect.

A clear sound of footsteps came from the corridor outside.

The owner of the voice made no secret of his intentions and went straight to Ronald's office.

A few seconds passed.

Hughes, who had greeted him before, pushed the door and walked into Ronald's office.

I saw the practitioner looking around in the office, and then he said very simply:

"Mr. Ronald, I know you are a fighter who is good at fighting."

"For various reasons, I have come to ask you for something today."

Ronald looked as usual and nodded noncommittally:

"Please say."

"This is a mission that requires you to trouble yourself for a while." Seeing Ronald's action, Hughes took the initiative to put an envelope in his hand in front of Ronald.

Ronald picked up the envelope from the table, opened it curiously, and looked at the contents of the letter:

"Is this mission important?"

Hughes nodded affirmatively:

"That's right. This mission is very important, and in the research meeting, you are the best candidate for this mission."

Watching Ronald began to read the text on the letter.

Hughes was not too troublesome, and then he started to introduce the specific content:

"This is news from above."

"Recently, the Bureau of Investigation was searching the city for the rebels of the [Original Witches Guild], but the [Twelve Witches Guild] heard that their hostile forces were showing signs of activity, and actually sent one of their great witches to the city for the purpose of recovering The original text that I lost in the hands of these lunatics."

"This reason, in principle, is not a problem, but in practice it will inevitably cause trouble. It is also an official force, so in this incident, our [Book Research Association] was also assigned a task."

Hughes explained here, and Ronald also read the letter in his hand.

The content of it is no different from what the caster in front of him said.

So he nodded his head in agreement.

Ronald continued:

"No problem, as one of the parties that night, I am indeed the most suitable person for the meeting."

"But since it represents the [Book Research Association]..."

"So what attitude do I need to use, or what way do I need to join it?"

Hearing Ronald's question, Hughes smiled gracefully:

"Don't worry, we are just a research institution after all."

"Nominally, because I am familiar with these schools, I am going to provide some intellectual help."

"And you won't be alone. Miss Miao Li will act with you. Although she is not good at fighting, she is definitely a first-class talent in terms of knowledge. I believe you will have a faster cooperation."

Ronald went on to ask:

"Any more specific details to add?"

Hughes smiled and shook his head:

"No, I have already told you all the things you need to pay attention to, and then just follow the instructions in the letter. Miss Miao Li's words are already waiting for you downstairs."

"Okay." Ronald said, finishing the books, stood up, and walked towards the door. After all, Miao Li was waiting for him downstairs, and he didn't want the other party to continue to sit there. Of course, before leaving the office, he looked back at Hughes one last time, "Then... I'll take my leave."

With that said, Ronald turned and left the office.

And watching Ronald's receding back, a smile appeared on Hughes' face.

He followed and left, and helped Ronald lock the office door.


When Ronald walked downstairs, he easily found that Miao Li was sitting on a chair in the reading area of ​​the library.

And it's different from when you notify yourself at noon.

Now Miao Li is wearing a black shirt, a red mesh vest with a jacket, and a pair of slim trousers. She looks very young and beautiful, which directly attracts the attention of many male college students around.

But it corresponds to it.

It was the expression on Miao Li's face that was a little cramped.

She didn't seem to be used to the way she was dressed at the moment and the gazes of the people around her. She was so cramped that she couldn't even read the book in front of her.

Seeing this scene, Ronald immediately stepped forward to greet her:

"Mu Li, I'm here."

Miao Li raised her head and first noticed the jealous eyes of the men in front of her from the surrounding male college students. Then after seeing that the person in front of her was Ronald, she forced a smile:

"Ro...Mr. Ronald."

"I didn't expect you to come too, it's so... so nice."

Ronald nodded as gently as possible:

"Yeah, I hope we have a good cooperation."


Nodding her head and standing up, Miao Li put away the book and walked to the bookshelf to the side to find a place to put it, and then asked with some anxiety in her voice:

"Mr. Ronald, if we leave tonight..."

"Where are you going first?"

Ronald replied flatly:

"Ms. Miao Li, let's go to [Practical Power Communication Company] first."

"As the person who will be contacted in the future, at least the two sides have to communicate."

Miao Li was stunned for a while, and then realized that Ronald said that the [Practical Power Communication Company] was the Bureau of Investigation:

That's right. "

"We should have gone."

Seeing Miao Li's appearance that she won't move without being pushed, Ronald ignored the gazes of the people around him, and simply turned around and took the lead outside the library:

"Then let's go."

"The sooner the better, it may be inconvenient to find a carriage later."

"Okay." Muri nodded, then followed in Ronald's footsteps.

The two left the library together, and after leaving the attention of those male college Miao Licai seemed to make up her mind, and whispered to Ronald next to him:

"Mr. Ronald, I actually heard some things about you."

"Why are you in this city?"

This is not a shameful thing, so Ronald replied simply:

"Because I want to investigate something."

"About the 'book' on our side, and the 'people' thing."

Miao Li nodded with a subtle expression, and then whispered:

"So this is ah......"


In silence, the two walked out of [Weiss University] together.

Until they found the carriage and sat on it, Miao Li didn't dare to take the initiative to say a word.

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