Mystic Dominator

Chapter 272: 【Weiss University】

The time when friends meet is always pleasant and short.

As a member of the Nicklaus family, and Ronald walked until noon, and then after having lunch together, Patricia said goodbye to Ronald and left the river bank.

But at the end of the separation, she still left an invitation.

As long as Ronald is in Springs, he can visit her at home whenever he needs to.

So with a pretty good mood.

Ronald returned to his rented apartment at noon.

Although a long time has passed since he left in the morning, when he returned here, only a few children playing on the roadside were called away by their families, and many were still playing on the roadside.

So quietly walked into the courtyard to the third floor, Ronald pushed the door back to his room and sat on a chair.

Leaning back on the chair, his eyes slowly moved to the Wes River outside the balcony.

In the silence, Ronald pondered his next activities.

According to what Patricia told him, he could go to the [Ginkgo Biloba Business Alliance]. As a chamber of commerce that has its foundation in Springs and has cooperated with him, it is undoubtedly the best way to obtain information. good object.

However, other than that, the knowledge of past history is more troublesome.

According to Patricia, there are indeed schools in the city that have recorded the history of the past, but there are only two schools that can open up and support outsiders' inquiries.

—【Book Research Association】

—【Society of Imprints】

Among them, the former is a research institution established by the Queen herself and supported by official power. Ordinary mysterious side personnel can get the opportunity to share knowledge as long as they pay a lot of money or join in with a lot of knowledge.

The latter is purely a private institution.

However, compared to the [Book Research Society], the [Seal Society] has a much longer history, and its existence can even be traced back to the history after the Dark Ages. Due to Grid's current status in the world, they recently moved the Society's headquarters to springs.

Of course, there is a cost to being an outsider trying to gain their knowledge.

First of all, you must be a powerful spellcaster, and then you need to sign a contract with the [Mark Society] with spell support, and after paying a lot of money, you can get limited knowledge.

Thinking about this, Ronald thought of the children playing downstairs.

In this world, there are still no signs of compulsory education, and the dissemination of knowledge is also in the hands of some people.

Although there are also large learning institutions such as the Riverside District.

But for ordinary people, the future of universal education is still far away.

Leaning back slightly, Ronald shifted his gaze to the somewhat gloomy sky in Springs, and murmured almost subconsciously:


"It's really not easy anywhere..."

In this way, Ronald's thoughts gradually shifted back to himself.

Gathering information is related to Rumil's whereabouts, and the acquisition of knowledge is related to his further cognition of the world. But subconsciously, Ronald felt that Elva had a relationship with the caster who used "Astronomy".

He also held the original scriptures and attacked him at a similar time.

Even people with very little information on the mysterious side.

This kind of organization that makes people feel like 'this is the man behind the scenes' is really hard for Ronald to ignore.

And under the premise that the Bureau of Investigation knows very little.

If you want to dig out the clues of this organization, in addition to a few known enemies, you may also need to look for clues from the history of the mysterious side.

As for history...

Sure enough, I still have to deal with those two schools.

Soon, Ronald, who had sorted out his thoughts, stood up from his chair. It was still early. Although the sun did not disperse the dark clouds over Springs, it still sprinkled light on the ground.

As if to convince himself, Ronald nodded seriously:

"Then it's decided."

"Let's try to see the history of this world first."


When it comes to acquiring knowledge, Ronald has no idea of ​​taking only one path.

Although the [Book Research Society] and the [Seal Society] are two completely different organizations, this does not prevent him from contacting them separately.

The first goal of the two schools was naturally set at the [Book Research Association].

As an officially established school, it must have the advantages of being easy to communicate and relatively safe, and Ronald, as a holder of the original code that has already had news circulating in the Bureau of Investigation, should also be able to get a certain degree of preferential treatment.

So the next morning, when the surrounding students were just starting their studies.

Ronald tidied up the door to go out today, said goodbye to the apartment and headed to a university in the riverbank area.

That's when the benefits of Rafael's suggestion came into play.

Because he also lived in the river bank area, Ronald didn't even have to hire a carriage, and it only took more than half an hour to find his target.

—【Weiss University】

This is the university established on the banks of the Weiss River, named after this important river, and it is also the frontier of mechanical research in this world.

According to the information Ronald has known in the past few days, the very rare three-wheeled car on the streets of Springs, which looks like a Mercedes-Benz One, was designed and manufactured by the research institute of this university.

In addition, the scientific workers who invented the power system in this world have also established research institutes in this university.

Needless to say.

This is definitely a very important place for this country and for the world.

As for Ronald's goal today, the [Book Research Society].

It was also chosen by the Queen to be set up in this university.

In Ronald's opinion, with the queen's methods and style of work, in addition to placing the knowledge research institution where it should be, there may also be a spell caster in the [Book Research Association] for this institution. The University offers protection ideas.

This is truly a place not to be missed.

With this thought in mind, Ronald walked into [Weiss University].

Different from the [Wildrin University] where Claudia was studying, which he had been to some time ago, [Weiss University] was obviously much freer in terms of openness. UU Reading

During this time in the morning when students enter campus.

Relying on his youthful appearance, Ronald followed the flow of people into the academy without even going through an identity check.

Stand on the school's main road behind the gate.

When Ronald looked up, he could see that the straight road continued to the edge of the Wes River. Obviously, there was a very neat construction plan at the beginning of the design. This area naturally brings vitality.

Old buildings and young students.

The feeling of college is something Ronald likes very much at all times.

After standing quietly on the side of the road for a while, and even attracting a few girls to talk to him, Ronald took the initiative to stop a female student on the side of the road with a bright smile on his face:

"Student, do you know where the library is going?"

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