Mystic Dominator

Chapter 270: chief angel

On the dark streets of Springs, Ronald was walking to his apartment in the riverside district.

Today's hefty cost of custom items, new spellcasting abilities...

These things in the past would affect his mood.

Now he can't be moved at all.

While strolling along the banks of the River Wess, Ronald flipped through his pockets and took out an investigator's school mark.

"It's so concerning..."

The school imprint that Ronald used as a temporary worker has naturally been returned with his resignation, but the school imprint he took from the investigator traitor, he has always stayed by his side.

Judging from the lines engraved on it, the school imprint used by this investigator is different from the imprint of his temporary worker only in the incantation written.

The temporary worker's stamp is a simple polygraph entry.

The investigator is the number of a volume.

From this point of view, perhaps the engraved incantation itself is just a variable, and it is the imprint of the school and the connection with the original scriptures, which are the surrounding lines that have not changed at all.

So what kind of secrets does this texture have...

With an unprecedented serious attitude, Ronald carefully looked at the school imprint in his hand. In fact, after careful identification, he could see that this texture did not have the integrity of ordinary decorative patterns.

Although the twisted lines meet, there are still many hidden breakpoints.

If you follow the breakpoints and look at these lines separately...

Trying to take it apart, Ronald could barely make out a symbol resembling the deformed letter 'F'.

Something to do with the Roman alphabet?

I want to deduce the truth from this alone.

It is a bit reluctant, and it may even completely deviate from the truth.

Sniffing the night wind blowing from the Wes River, Ronald put the school mark back in his pocket and shook his head regretfully:

"Sure enough, there is still a lack of control samples."

"If you can get the marks of other schools, you may be able to know more."

While sighing, Ronald was also thinking about his next move.

Springs has only been here for a few days.

Things are a lot more.

In addition to the mysterious force with Elva, which has successfully developed into a hostile relationship, he has another task that needs to pursue the past.

In this world, don't you want to engage in archaeology?

Thinking of this, Ronald couldn't help shivering. He didn't forget how he passed through.

Obviously, I just went to the underground ruins to collect the information.

As a result, the earthquake destroyed the ruins, and then sent myself a trip.

Having experienced such a thing, it is difficult for normal people to like work like archaeology.


While analyzing his own situation, Ronald murmured, and then gently rubbed the silver ring on his index finger with his thumb.

The silver ring does not have any outward reaction or change.

Moreover, there are no unnecessary changes without depicting patterns or adding accessories.

Needless to say.

It even looks like a simple hoop.

Of course, this kind of thing didn't affect Ronald's boarding of the abilities he got in the [Mercury Sky Trial]. Just like what was written in The Divine Comedy, the archangel inhabited by Mercury Heaven gave it the power to manipulate objects.

With just a little rubbing, Ronald fully understood his new abilities.

- Control objects.

This is also the ability that Malcolm used at the beginning.

However, unlike the original hostile time, as a spell user tonight, Ronald had a clearer understanding of the specifics of this ability.

- Five second firing interval.

- Does not work on living objects.

- Once activated, it can only target one type of object within the casting range, and cannot destroy the structure of the object itself.

Aside from the time limit, the other two constraints are very subtle.

They are both a limitation of the ability and an effect of the ability itself.

It cannot be activated on living objects, which limits the direct attack of the spell on the human body, and also explains the reason why Malcolm was just trying to dismantle the train that night, but he could not activate this ability on Ronald and the others.

And can only target one type of object at a time, and can't destroy the structure...

This one is quite interesting.

Next to the Wes River, Ronald simply tried it out.

The thumb rubbed the side of the ring lightly, and the river that was flowing normally was instantly stopped by Ronald.

At the same time, he can also feel that he can give the river a one-time power.

If Ronald wanted to, the wide Wess River could immediately set off a brief shock here.

Pretty good effect.

And what about the ground...

Thinking so in his heart, Ronald rubbed the ring again, and the target of casting the spell also moved to the ground under his feet.


The effect is very bad.

It's not that the soil can't be controlled, but that after manipulating a layer of soil on the ground, the soil that is even lower and invisible to the eyes can't be driven.

"Is that so..."

While testing this spell, Ronald finally arrived at his rented apartment.

than when he left.

It was quite late at night now, and Canon's ability told him the time very specifically.

From dawn…

Another four hours, twenty-seven minutes and sixteen seconds.

With that in mind, Ronald walked into the courtyard before going up the spiral staircase, then pushed the door back into his house.

Putting his coat on the door, Ronald simply lay on the bed:

"It's time to rest again."


since crossing.

He has developed a very bad routine.

Now that you have the time to rest, take a good rest.

As a result, the consciousness slowly fell into a deep sleep, and today's experience is pure, the harvest is also very good.

The next morning, Ronald was awakened from his bed by a cautious voice.

bang bang bang —

"Mr. Ronald, are you awake?"


Slowly opening his eyes, Ronald turned sideways to look at the balcony.

The direction of the sun was shining right down, and he knew that it was morning without Yuandian's ability prompting him.

So while getting up from the bed, he answered loudly:

"I'm awake, what's the matter?"

With that said, Ronald quickly walked to the door and opened the door.

What appeared in front of him was the maid whose attitude had become very cautious and not at all open before.

While standing at the door, the maid looked at Ronald with complicated eyes.

After standing hesitantly for a few seconds, she asked:

"Mr. Ronald, do you still know the bigwigs of the Nicklaus family? Just over there in the courtyard, there is a girl with long white blond hair who calls herself 'Nicklaus' waiting for you!"


Ronald's expression froze.

Almost without thinking, he passed the maid and went downstairs!

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