Mystic Dominator

Chapter 263: 【Mercury Sky】

The investigators cooperated very closely.

The man in charge of Springs security, at least in Ronald's eyes, was a solid professional.

On the premise that the enemy has been locked on the boat, some people set up ambush upstream and downstream of the river to prevent the target from escaping, and some people stay at the commanding heights of the dock, monitoring the position and transmitting information at all times; Launch a thunderous offensive.

And Ronald's current position is right behind the investigator in charge of the frontal assault.

The group was led by the one named Crew just now.

Neatly leaning against the shadow of the pier.

Except for the two pure casters whose bare hands were very obvious, everyone else almost took out their weapons from the inside of their clothes.



What to say.

Seeing this scene, Ronald was still a little emotional.

The people in this big city are really different. Almost all the investigators on the Springs side carry pistols, and there are not many as their main weapons.

This is probably a concrete manifestation of the progress of the times.

However, at this stage of ambush, Ronald suddenly discovered something different.

Since he has always maintained the detection ability of "Rage", he always pays attention to the state of the two enemies on the ship.


In just an instant, the panic and fear in the hearts of these two guys completely disappeared.

What caused this result?

After lowering his voice, Ronald was about to speak.

However, at the same time, on his right hand, the mark of "Paradise" flashed again on his skin.

The power of the original text gradually spread, and it also reminded him.

The environment Ronald is currently in meets the requirements of the second trial [Mercury Sky] among the nine trials.

Just a few days after the first trial activation of "Paradise", Ronald once again encountered the conditions for activation from the mysterious side event.


With the last experience, Ronald naturally started this trial decisively.


The verse recited by a soft and beautiful voice resounded melodiously from Ronald's heart again:

"I will show the truth here;

Please listen attentively and keep in mind,

Because after listening and not remembering, knowledge will not take shape.

The presence or absence of the sacrifice mentioned above depends on two factors:

One is the sacrifice itself;

The second is the observance of the covenant.

The second element can be lifted only after the covenanter practices the alliance.

And this, I have already explained in detail, and there is no ambiguity.


The elegant female voice gradually dissipated in her mind, and the content of the trial of [Mercury Sky] was immediately understood by Ronald.

- Make a covenant to suffer for others in yourself.


In the face of such a sudden trial, look again at its content.

Ronald knew immediately that their current ambush had been exposed.

The change in the mentality of the two enemies must mean that the people on the dock side have been noticed by them, and the other party is also preparing a counterattack spell.

And more important.

All this is currently known only to Ronald himself.

So, Ronald's words changed immediately, looking at the investigator in front of him, he asked:

"Krewe, we are allies on one front, right?"

Ronald's words immediately caught the investigator's attention.

Although a little confused, he immediately turned to look at the original holder and nodded:

"Of course."

"Mr. Ronald, have you found anything?"

Ronald replied with a serious expression:

"The enemy has discovered our ambush, and my reconnaissance spell has confirmed this. If you don't mind, let me take the lead."


Hearing Ronald's answer, the investigator's expression was obviously very surprised.

But considering the influence of many factors, he still nodded and gave way to Ronald's spellcasting position.

"Of course there's no problem with that."

"But if you do it, please don't"

Seeing that the investigator accepted his suggestion, Ronald was instantly overjoyed.

that's fine......

According to the description in the trial, I don't even need to lock in victory. Now, as long as I go up and take the initiative to suffer, I can achieve the requirements of the [Mercury Sky Trial].

So Ronald stepped forward and waved one hand, and the black mist hidden under his clothes appeared in his hand along with the original text.

"Its name is Stix.

The black water flowed down to the foot of the dark and precipitous cliff.


The voice fell, and a small amount of black mist spread out from Ronald's feet in an instant, and soon covered the surface of the Wes River in front of him.

The night is the best cover for his spells.

Except for some areas illuminated by the pier, the black mist formed by the power of "Rage" immediately merged with the river water in this dark night, and ordinary people could hardly detect this dangerous thing.

Except, of course, the investigators who saw Ronald cast spells.

Although he is the head of the mystery side of Springs, for them, a genuine original holder is still very rare.

Seeing Ronald summoned the black mist.

Then within a few breaths, a fairly wide area of ​​the Wes River was successfully covered.

Probably the result of occupational influence.

They were invariably alert.

Such is the power of spellcasting by the bearer of the tome...

Ordinary people, or even weaker mysterious side casters, have almost no possibility to deal with this kind of enemy, and the gap between the two sides is too great.

If you face such an enemy in the face.

Perhaps counting all the investigators currently present, it would not be Ronald's opponent.

Tonight was really unique...  

During these few breaths, Ronald's spells continued to change. The spreading black mist surrounded the ships where the two enemies were, and the other party had lost the way to escape.

And this time with investigators.

Ronald is equivalent to getting permission to attack the ship, and can cast spells with confidence.

Check the enemy's situation again...

One, two, three...

The emotional perception ability brought by the power of "Rage" is very keen.

So while the black fog spread over, Ronald also knew the specific situation on the ship.

In addition to the two enemies, there were five people who originally drove the cargo ship.

This is no different from the previous tracking, UU reading www.uukanshu. com just avoid innocent people.

However, Ronald thought so.

Among the cargo ships on the Wes River, in its open cabin, a faint female voice sounded:

"On the night of the full moon, sing the sound of joy;

When the moon is lacking, it goes against the time, imitating the howl of a fierce wolf.

On the night of the new moon, double kisses the hand of the goddess;

When the moon rises to its peak, face up to what you are looking for in your heart.

When the north wind is strong, lock the door and set sail;

The wind blows from the east, feasting and expecting new things to come;

When the south wind blows, love will caress your lips;

When the western breeze whispers in the ear, the mind will be eternal and quiet. "

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