Mystic Dominator

Chapter 258: Arida's performance

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"I'll just watch the show here myself, you don't have to do that."

Looking at the calm girl beside him, Ronald couldn't help but think of a sentence.

- As long as you are not embarrassed, then it is others who are embarrassed.

Although the situation can not be completely set, but Ronald now belongs to a similar feeling.

A waiter girl who is so used to such things.

He was really speechless.

However, contrary to Ronald's helplessness, the waiter girl simply smiled slightly towards the attitude of the theater guests in front of her.

"Sir, you can always find me if you need anything."

"I'll be waiting for you at the door."

Saying that, the girl stood up smoothly and helped Ronald take out the fruit and wine prepared in advance from the cabinet on the side, and then she left the room lightly.

When doing these actions, the waiter girl always maintained a relaxed attitude.

She is obviously already very familiar with her work.

So that you can face all kinds of attitudes with such a calm attitude.

On the other side, Ronald, who was sitting in the chair, had some emotions in his heart.

His eyes swept over the things beside him, he didn't move the wine that had been opened, but took some fruit and tasted it.

"It's so sour..."

While sighing the taste of fruit, the performance on the stage below finally started.

Some lights were turned off in the theater before the actors came on stage.

Although the audience in the venue can still observe the things around, but on the particularly bright stage, people's eyes have unconsciously focused on the past.

First, neat and ethereal harmonies came from the rear of the stage.

Although there are no musical instruments to embellish, but only with the vocals trained for many years, a sacred and noble atmosphere was immediately produced in the theater.

Hearing such a song, Ronald had some expectations in his heart.

Is this Alyssa's show?

In such a splendid place, the show is actually of this type?

In anticipation, a smiling girl slowly appeared from the stage.

A long cyan dress gracefully showed her perfect figure, and at the same time, her flawless face looked around, and her steel blue pupils gave a panoramic view of everything in the theater.

At the same time, she was holding an oil lamp in her hand.

Under the ingenious background of the light, Arida at this moment is like a lantern goddess walking out of the dark night.

All the audience in the theater seemed to be convinced by her temperament at this moment.

He didn't even dare to let out a loud gasp.

That is, maintaining such a posture and temperament, Arida sang her song:

"My dear, come with me.

I can't find the right path for you.

But don't be afraid.

I am the everlasting light that protects you.

Keeping you steady in the dark.

Sometimes we go through crises, hardships.

But this is only a test on the right path.

The raging fighting spirit burns in your heart, as hot as fire.

It will ignite me, and it will ignite the night.

You are not carrying a curse.


The melodious sound is rich in emotion.

With the musical knowledge Ronald once knew, it was completely impossible to comment on Arida in terms of singing skills.

Nothing to say...

This song sang into the hearts of the theater audience.

Excellent music can arouse people's feelings, and at this time, Arida is fully embodying this.

Does not have any mysterious power.

The perfect combination of pure technique and emotional interpretation is no less than the spells in the hands of those who cast them.

Art is also something that can shock people.

After the song ended, Arida slowly exited the stage.

In this song about a legendary warrior, Arida had already conveyed the emotion of it to everyone present, so much so that everyone briefly forgot the etiquette of applauding.

Sitting in the box on the second floor, Ronald, who had been baptized by cultures from all over the world, was the first to stand up and slap his hands.


clap clap —

clap clap clap clap —

Led by Ronald's actions.

The first person followed and applauded.

It followed the second person, the third person, the tenth person...

Even the audience at the venue.

A big round of applause for Arida who sang for them, the enthusiasm of the people was completely aroused!


In such a warm atmosphere, the performance in [No. 37] continued.

After Arida sang the opening song, the subsequent performances began in an orderly manner.

This troupe presents a segment of a long story for people with a plot-segmented structure, roughly the content of which is a story about a knight who was tragically treated and then led by a girl incarnated as a goddess to find the meaning of life.

As for Ronald in the luxury box.

He could only say that he liked Arida's singing very much.

Until today, this guy has never shown such professional ability in front of Ronald.

It's like a friend who usually plays well.

It's just as refreshing to suddenly show an unheard-of ability at a party.

Nodding with a satisfied expression, Ronald took the last fruit from the plate beside him and ate it.

It was given by the theater anyway, so if you don't eat it, it's a waste.

Standing calmly in his chair, Ronald leaned against the wall and watched the theater below.

The show is over.

The outermost audience around is leaving the stage in an orderly manner, and there are also actors on stage responding to the enthusiastic audience.

As a friend of Arida, Ronald politely waited here for it to be over.

Then leave the theater and go back.

Excellent performance, harmonious theater, outstanding singer.

If you want to make a comparison, although the difference is not a huge difference, Ronald definitely thinks that [No. 37] is better than [Saldac].


Suddenly, a miserable scream sounded from the second floor.

The scream was particularly clear as people gradually left the theater and the theater began to quieten down.

Immediately, everyone turned their attention to the direction where the screams appeared.

With a kind smile from the bottom of her face, Arida, who was gently hugging a little **** the stage, also turned her eyes to that side at the same time.


So in silence.

Ronald and Arida's eyes met in the air.

One person is a little embarrassed, while the other person's pupils are full of helplessness and entanglement.

The former is Alyssa and the latter is Ronald.

The reason is very simple.

This sudden scream, UU reading www.uukanshu. com happened to be passed from behind Ronald.

He turned around dissatisfied.

Ronald snapped his fingers lightly, and then called out the original script again:

"Its name is Stix.

The black water flowed down to the foot of the dark and precipitous cliff.


Invite black fog to hide under the clothes.

After completing these preparations, Ronald lightly adjusted his collar, then turned around and pushed the door out.

Everything is so obvious.

Just outside Ronald's box, a breathless body was falling to the ground.

—The former waitress girl.

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