Mystic Dominator

Chapter 240: Welcome ceremony for local residents

Ronald had no idea of ​​swimming in the river in the big winter.

Of course, he didn't plan to chat more with the gangster in front of him.

Without saying a word, he came to these guys with bad intentions. When the other party was still sneering at him, Ronald waved his fist and smashed the man closest to him in the face.

Under the cover of night, the black mist of the power of 'Rage' wrapped around his hands, which was completely like a pair of dark gloves, and ordinary people's eyesight couldn't tell its real situation at all.

Add to that Ronald's enhanced athleticism...

This powerful punch hit the man's face with great precision.


With a muffled sound, under Ronald's powerful punch, the unlucky guy instantly slanted to the side, and blood mixed with tooth fragments drew a beautiful arc in the air.


Then he slammed into the corner of the street.

The guy's body rolled twice on the ground, and then completely lost his movement.

Due to the interference of the power of 'Rage' wrapped around Ronald's hands, there is no possibility for this guy to resist. When you fall to the ground, your brain becomes blank, at best a roadblock limply on the ground.


One person was directly lost by being caught off guard, and the other six "local residents" of Mufan Street were also stunned for a moment.

But what followed was their more violent resistance.

Seeing that one of the companions could not get up to continue fighting, the other gangsters did not hesitate at all in the face of this scene, as if the loss of one person had sparked their anger, and these people also pulled out their weapons.

Or a forearm-length dagger, or a short sword that is easy to carry.

In short, wielding these poorly maintained weapons, they rushed towards Ronald one after another.

And now the person closest to Ronald stabbed him in the chest with a knife.

The river is just right for throwing corpses, and Mufan Street doesn't care about one more person dying in the middle of the night.

Roaring loudly, the guy came to Ronald in a blink of an eye.

"Boy, how dare you do it!"


With a soft sound, the gangster could no longer push his dagger even one centimeter.

Feeling the tyrannical power on his wrist, he looked down in astonishment.

The arm that stabbed with all his strength holding the dagger.

In this way, Ronald was firmly grasped in front of him, unable to move.



The gangster raised his head, and just as he was about to speak, he saw an oncoming fist.

Almost like his last companion who was brought down by Ronald, this guy also rolled on the side of the street and lost his interest.

Facing his own record of knocking down two people in a row, Ronald felt a little subtle at the moment. Compared with the scenes I encountered before, the few ordinary people I dealt with tonight are too easy to solve...

So much so that he is now engaged in, or is experiencing, the easiest battle he has ever experienced!


It was at this moment that the other gangsters realized that something was wrong.

If the first person can still be interpreted as a successful attack by Ronald, then the instant knockdown of the second person has proved that they have chosen the wrong target.

Turning his attention to Claudia again.

Although this girl is wearing the uniform of a well-known university, she can see her figure when she squatted down.

But the appearance... is it only the level of ordinary people?

It's not worth risking your life for her!

The ferocity in his eyes faded as quickly as it came, and the remaining five gangsters looked like they were about to turn around and flee.

Also at this moment.

Claudia, who was squatting on the ground at some point, stood up.

After the girl casted her own technique, she had dispelled the phantom of the original scriptures, and now she was completely the appearance of an ordinary person.

And when she was squatting on this dirty street just now, she didn't mind picking up some stones from the ground.

Immediately aiming at the five people who were about to escape, Claudia raised her arms and threw stones continuously like a professional bowler.

Whoosh whoosh—

A sharp voice piercing the air immediately resounded in the street.

After these simple stones were thrown by Claudia's wrist, they suddenly possessed a very exaggerated power, and they also possessed considerable precision.

Even faster than Ronald in melee combat.

The remaining five were almost all brought down within a few breaths.

This hurried battle came to an abrupt end.

The 'local residents' of Qi Mufan Street fell to the ground, some screamed in pain, and some simply closed their eyes and became completely silent.


Looking at the scene in front of her, Claudia was thoughtful.

This is probably the difference between Ronald's attack and the enemies he knocked down.

At this moment, Ronald breathed a sigh of relief, then turned back and beckoned to Claudia:

"Isa, let's go."

The girl immediately replied:

"Of course."

Nodding her head and walking over, Claudia was still looking at the gangster who was knocked down by herself on the ground and then moaning. In the corner of the street, the enemy Ronald dealt with remained silent.

So Claudia leaned over a few steps and tried to stretch her legs and kick a few times.


Still motionless.

After realizing that the other party was completely unconscious, but still breathing smoothly, the girl said to Ronald:

"Ronald, your ability is pretty good."

"I thought you killed them all just now."

Ronald shook his head immediately:

"well enough."

"At least I haven't gotten to the point where I can easily take people's lives by relying on my own abilities."

Hearing such an answer, Claudia nodded noncommittally:

"Okay, let's go."

"Tonight's last journey is barely..."


At this moment, Ronald and Claudia froze in place.

The reason is very simple. In the distant direction along the Wes River, a sudden wave of magic power spread to this place in an instant, and then it was firmly locked on Ronald.

The speed of this spell is extremely fast, and the fluctuation of the spell is also suppressed as much as If it is not Ronald among the two, it is the target of the spell.

Ordinary mysterious side personnel cannot detect the appearance of this spell at all.

Under the night, Claudia and Ronald looked at each other.

The atmosphere between the two also became subtle.

As the direct target of the spell, Ronald actually quickly realized the problem.

As Raphael said during the day...

The anti-reconnaissance method that guy did on himself has failed over time. At the same time, Elva did not intend to let go of the 'thief' who entered his home.

The result of this reconnaissance spell coming directly to the door could not be more obvious.

Ronald's enemy, looking for his place!

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