Mystic Dominator

Chapter 238: last stop

Same as the name of the dock.

The shipyard here is also owned by a business called White Star.

The huge shipyard area covers quite a large area, and even at this time, there are still a considerable number of workers working in it. In this day and age, the profits of running a maritime industry are enough to impress anyone.

As for Ronald and Claudia...

After the girl finished her dinner, the two mysterious spellcasters had slipped into the shipyard.

The street lights are not on and the sky is getting dark, this is almost the most suitable time to sneak in.

According to Claudia.

She wanted to see what was actually happening inside the shipyard without alarming anyone.


Based on what the two of them saw with their own eyes.

This shipyard is actually a pretty decent unit.

Although the safety measures are far from the construction units Ronald has seen, they are already in a good category in this era.

face such a result.

The expression on Claudia's face also seemed to reveal the word satisfaction.

It's a pity that this satisfaction did not last forever. When they came to the last stop of the shipyard, the face of the girl quickly dimmed.

Here is the location of the shipyard along the coast.

In order to facilitate the construction or maintenance of ships into the sea and ashore, a large number of concave chutes extend directly from the shipyard ground into the sea.

It was here that a giant cruise ship under construction stopped quietly at its own construction location. Shipyard workers control a huge crane and are building this huge ship.

Based on pure visual inspection, the main body of the hull of this giant oil tanker has been completed.

Next is the follow-up more detailed work.

Standing in front of such a behemoth, Ronald and the two were simply inconspicuous ants, and if the distance was a little further, they would become a black spot in front of the steel hull.

The huge steel behemoth is compared to the human body.

Even though Ronald was now a spellcaster, the feeling of his own insignificance came to his mind.

While witnessing the scene in front of her, the expression on Claudia's face was extremely bad.

In a tone of sudden realization and mixed with dissatisfaction, she whispered with emotion:

"Is that really the case..."

"You're so brave..."

Seeing Claudia with such an expression, Ronald asked in a low voice:

"Isa, is there a problem here?"

"It's nothing." Faced with Ronald's question, Claudia simply shook her head, obviously not wanting him to be involved in this matter, "It's related to some very complicated things, it's better that you don't know. ."

His eyes looked back and forth between Claudia and the giant oil tanker.

Ronald was thoughtful, then shrugged:

"If that's the case, then I won't ask any more questions."


Watching Ronald nodded slightly, Claudia then continued:

"All right."

"No problem here, we can go to the next stop."

Tonight's itinerary has been decided at the same time as departure.

After the 'walk' in the port area, the next destination is the church area.

Still taking a taxi.

Due to the long distance in the city, it took them a lot of time to come to the church area.

The church district generally refers to an area of ​​the core cathedral [St. Irwin's Cathedral] and other church annexes. Even in Springs, it is a rather unique location.

And probably because it is the same church system as Burrenwich.

Although the church area covers a larger area and the number of buildings is quite large, other things are very similar to those in Burrenwich.

So Ronald had the illusion of deja vu.

And Claudia, who entered the church district...

This time, she didn't show the attitude of patrolling in the port area. Instead, she seemed to be curious about what the usual church looked like.

Just like other ordinary members of the public after a tour.

Their journey through the church district…

Is this the end?

No church personnel came to contact Ronald, and Claudia made no emotional comments.

Everything started quietly and ended quietly.

So Ronald couldn't guess the purpose of Claudia wanting to come here.

After almost half an hour, Ronald and Claudia returned to the street after a confused tour of the church district.

- It is quite late now.

At nine twenty-seven, the black of the night had completely ruled the skies of Springs.

Above the ground, a large number of street lamps are also lit on both sides of the road to provide illumination for pedestrians at night. Although the brightness of the bulbs here is average, it has also met the basic requirements of ordinary people walking at night.

Looking at the street scene in front of him, Ronald asked Claudia beside him:

"Isa, it's getting late."

"Are we going to another place?"

In his opinion, this time is indeed quite late.

As Claudia, it is really not suitable to continue to "tour" in the city.

And hearing Ronald's question, Claudia shook her head with a smile, and was very convinced of her decision in her tone:

"Our final destination is to go late."

"Ronald, you probably don't know that Mufan Street is the largest slum area in Springs. There are some things you can't see during the day."


Hearing this word, Ronald immediately thought of something not very good.

With a slightly subtle look in his eyes, he continued to ask:

"Is this kind of place really suitable for us to go?"

Claudia raised an eyebrow:

"What's inappropriate?"

"With two people who can use the original spell, most places in the world can go!"

Ronald nodded helplessly:

"okay then."

After the conversation ended, Claudia immediately walked to the street and stopped a carriage.

Looking at the driver with a business-like smile, she immediately said:

"Sir, please take us to Mufan Street."


As soon as Claudia spoke, the driver's eyes became subtle.

Looking carefully at the uniform on Claudia's body, the driver suggested hesitantly:

"Miss, Mufan Street is not a place for a lady like you to go."

"Are you sure you want to go to that place?"

Claudia nodded very decisively:

"Of course, I'm pretty sure."

"I have my male partner to protect me, and nothing will go wrong."


The driver's eyes were on Ronald.

Then he said somewhat uncertainly:

"Miss, UU reading is as blunt as I say."

"I'm afraid your male companion's figure is not enough to ensure safety in Mufan Street."

Ronald stepped forward immediately and told the driver with a practical answer that he was fine.

"Sir, I think I should be fine."


Looking at Claudia with firm eyes, and Ronald with the same attitude.

The driver shrugged helplessly:

"Since you insist on doing this, then get in the car."


The two stepped into the carriage one after another.

Just like this, in the dark night, a thin taxi carriage carried the two of them on their final journey.

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