Mystic Dominator

Chapter 213: Recuperation

Lumire eventually disappeared.

According to the information given by the Bureau of Investigation afterwards, although it can be determined that the 'girl' did indeed board the train that night, her subsequent whereabouts have become difficult to determine.

The only sure clue now.

It was later that they found the body of a female traveler traveling alone to Springs to visit relatives and friends, on the edge of the train's tracks. And the records from Springs show that the woman got off the train at the terminal just fine.


Looking at it this way, things are simpler.

As long as there was no unexpected change, Rumil should have quietly handled it on the train, replaced the lone lady's identity, and then swaggered into Springs.

- As for now.

In a city with a population of one million, with Rumir's camouflage ability as a reference, the probability of catching this guy in a short period of time is basically non-existent.

It's really endless...

Think of such news.

Ronald relaxed with some emotion in his heart, then slipped down and lay on the hospital bed.

Now words.

He was at the City Hospital of Burrenwich.

Because the reason for the injury is rather special and the identity of the original holder has been exposed, he was specially arranged in the most luxurious ward box on the third floor of the hospital.

But unfortunately, Audrit is not in this place right now.

After the fighting that day, the nun's friends found the two people lying on the ground about half an hour later, and immediately provided emergency treatment.

Everything after that proceeded step by step.

The monitoring nuns of the church were taken back to the special convalescent place by their own people to take care of them, while Ronald was taken back to the city, and he was in charge of the investigation bureau, and then arranged to go to the city hospital for follow-up training.

bang bang bang --

Just as Ronald was lying down and resting, the door of his ward was rhythmically knocked three times from the outside.

It's a shame, the exclusive nurse's reminder sounded outside the door:

"Mr. Ronald, someone is visiting."

Half leaning on the hospital bed and erecting his upper body, Ronald immediately said:

"I see, please come in."

click -

The door opened, and two people Ronald was quite familiar with came in.

It's Nicole and Swift.

However, unlike Ronald lying on the bed, the two of them didn't see any wounds at all, nor did they feel a little tired mentally, and they didn't look like they had experienced the war before.

Is it...

The war on the Warden's side went very well?

Because he was lying in a hospital bed, Ronald had relatively limited access to outside information.

In addition to the news that the investigation bureau voluntarily informed, it is only known that the arrest of the warden that night was very successful.

Just when Ronald thought so.

Nicole has walked generously beside his hospital bed, and sat down generously with her body sideways.

"Yo, Ronald."

"You seem to be in good shape. I thought you had several bandages wrapped around your body, and you were completely immobile."

After glancing at the girl in front of him angrily, Ronald replied:

"On the surface there's no harm, but inside I don't feel good."


With a raised eyebrow, Nicole's face immediately showed a very exaggerated expression:


"Really, let me see!"

"Ronald, let me tell you, I have several plant tonics that are very good for the body. Please drink it for free!"

As she spoke, Nicole's hand was already stretched out to open Ronald's sheets.

It was at this moment that the nurse at the door of the ward opened his mouth to remind:

"Miss, please don't give patients some potions made from folk medicine recipes at will. Our hospital has very professional and reliable medical staff."

Seeing that his exclusive nurse's expression was a little bad, Ronald also understood that the other party misunderstood Nicole's behavior.

Waved to the nurse, he immediately explained:

"Don't worry, I trust the doctors in the hospital very much."

"Never eat something from unknown origin."

"This guy is my good friend, just kidding."

Hearing Ronald's explanation, the nurse nodded noncommittally.

"Then, I wish you a good mood this afternoon."

After speaking, the nurse turned around and left the ward, and at the same time gently closed the door.

After the only ordinary person left the ward, Swift, who had been standing silently by the side, came over and said:

"Ronald, how is your physical condition?"

"Nicole and I only know that you were injured in the battle, and the specific details are not yet clear."

Showing a wry smile at the great detective, Ronald slowly explained:

"Fighting a formidable enemy head-on and winning, of course, comes at a price."

"Don't look at me lying in the hospital wounded like this. In fact, it's even more pitiful for those who have lost their lives in the battle. They don't even have the chance for medical emergency..."

Speaking of which, Ronald noticed Nicole's eyes beside him.

When he opened his mouth to respond to Swift, the investigator girl showed an expression of great interest in the battle.

Ronald didn't have to hide anything from the two friends who had acted together.

So he simply continued:

"Actually, after you left the Bureau of Investigation that day, I walked out alone, and was immediately blocked by the church nuns at the door..."

What follows is a story about the battle that night.

After taking a while to tell everything that happened that day, Ronald took a sip from the cupboard by the hospital bed.

Feeling a little more comfortable in his throat, he concluded to the two around him:

"That's probably what happened to me."

"Speaking of which, you went to the warden, what happened after that?"


Faced with Ronald's question, Nicole and Swift looked at each other quite tacitly.

The investigator girl scratched her hair embarrassedly, and then she explained:


"Actually, we didn't fight at all that night..."

Ronald's expression froze.

After thinking about this answer back and forth in his mind several times, he asked with some uncertainty:

"You mean . . . there was no fighting at the warden's place?"

"That's right." Nicole nodded with a certain attitude, and then continued to explain while gesturing, "Our Bureau of Investigation sent a lot of people over that night, and of course we did a good job with that guy Bach. A big plan to do it."

"In the end..."

After only two sentences, Nicole's tone became intermittent again.

As if what happened that night was very shameful to her.

Seeing that the investigator girl was embarrassed to continue explaining.

Swift on the side shook his head helplessly.

Taking two steps towards Ronald's hospital bed, the detective said very neatly:

"Faced with the large number of investigators who surrounded the residence that night, Bach chose to surrender without resisting, and at the same time asked the General Bureau of Investigation in Springs to conduct an inventory of himself."

"Because of his special status, he himself has now been detained and blocked separately from Yuandian, and he was escorted to Springs by a special person."

Speaking of which, Swift couldn't help but sigh.

Then the following conclusion was said:

"That's probably what happened on our side."

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