Mystic Dominator

Chapter 211: fully cooked


After the violent and fiery white light disappeared, Malcolm's screams were heard in the distance.

This kind of spell with great lethality and the ability to wipe out twelve clerics in an instant was obviously something he paid a great price to perform.

Standing on the spot, the man was covering his eyes with his hands in pain. After using this technique, the magic power in his body became extremely active. After exceeding the normal threshold, it even began to affect his body. .

Meanwhile, farther away from Malcolm.

Audritt, who had just stabilized her figure, also asked Ronald:

"Ronald, you just said that I would listen to you next, what did you find?"

While controlling the power of 'rape' to spread the black mist around again, Ronald explained to the nun beside him:

"Yes, I did find something."

"In the previous battle, I have been observing this man's movements."

"In fact, whether it's the ability to manipulate objects, or the defensive technique to protect yourself, or even the powerful white light just now."

"Most of this man's spells have an extra action before they are cast."

"When manipulating objects to move, he always likes to touch the cuff of his left hand with his right hand, where there is a cufflink; and every time the defensive technique undertakes a few attacks, he will reach out and push his glasses, and then defend The ability of the spell will also become perfect again; and just now, you also saw..."

Hear Ronald's explanation.

Audrit narrowed her eyes slightly, and gripped the weapon in her hand even tighter:

"When he cast the spell just now, he nailed the wooden peg into his eyes..."

"Yes." Ronald nodded and replied, "So you look at his current condition. I have seen it in the records of the Bureau of Investigation. This is obviously a manifestation of being unable to withstand the powerful magic power running in the body. ."

"And in this case, the current performance of this guy is completely incompatible with the strength shown in the previous battle."

Approving this statement, Audrit continued Ronald's words and said:

"So this guy's ability is not too strong, but the kind of school that relies on magic props to fight."

Ronald nodded and said:

"That's right, so as long as he continuously attacks at a frequency that is difficult for him to deal with, and don't let him move the glasses on that face while attacking the defensive technique, then we can win this battle."


Audrit still maintained a smile, but there was a little more confidence in her fighting ability.

Immediately, the monitoring nun of the church said:

"I suppressed this guy's movements, your spell should be able to kill him, right?"

Ronald shrugged:

"If this guy can still move after being cooked, then I will accept my fate tonight."

Hearing Ronald's answer, Audrit suddenly laughed for some reason:


"If that's the case, then I'll order a fully cooked one first."

After speaking, the nun stopped talking.

The process took a long time to take two deep breaths, and Audrit's eyes immediately became sharp.

Holding the iron rod in her hand tightly, her eyes were locked on Malcolm, and she didn't move away from the enemy for even a second.

The next second, Audrit rushed out.

At the same time, he recited the incantation of his own school:

"Emperor's love is the daughter of Xiangshui, who praises and sings here, the curling autumn wind, the babbling Xiangshui, Yuanli's orchid, you are the water master of Jiuyi who surrounds Caidu, and the radiant beauty is with those who are far away!"

Immediately, there was a touch of elegance in the blue arc at the tip of the iron rod.

The agile light seems to bring some kind of special power, and it also makes Audrit more agile!

And followed the nun to launch a charge.

Ronald then waved his hand to disperse the black fog, spreading and covering the entire battlefield.

winter night.

Next to the train tracks outside Burrenwich.

The ground, which had just been scorched and scorched hot, turned into a dark arena where the three of them fought to the death.

As the end of Audrit's charge route.

Their enemy, Malcolm, apparently saw the action too.


"Not dead...?"

His chest was violently heaving and panting heavily. After the master of the scriptures showed the strength that a strong man should have, he was obviously in a weak state now.

In the face of Audrit, who was attacking again.

He stretched his hand over his face and pinched the end of the dowel, then pulled it hard.


Resisting the pain, he pulled the wooden peg out of his eye socket, and his original eyeball was even pulled out.

Do not......

Shouldn't be called a dowel anymore...

After being inserted into Malcolm's eyeball, the dowel had already taken root in his eyeball. If it is not pulled out in time, I am afraid this thing will continue to grow!

After dealing with the problem on his face, Malcolm used his remaining eyes and a dark void to stare at Audrit who was approaching him.

Then, he reached out and raised the glasses that were crooked on his face.

This action lifted the spirits of Audrit, who was attacking.

The nun knew exactly when people should behave. If Malcolm stretched out his hand to cover the wound on his face, it would be a matter of course, but inexplicably pushed his glasses...

It's not always possible at this time.

This guy has to pay attention to his appearance, right?

Therefore, as Ronald speculated, the original script held by Malcolm should be related to the ability to make props, so it is not suitable for the impact of the sudden increase in magic power.

Now deliberately push the glasses, but also to start his own defense technique again!

Everything before has a reasonable explanation, and Audrit naturally understands how to fight.

Holding an iron rod surrounded by blue light.

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Just like when she slashed the carriage with the previous blow, she raised the iron bar high with the same terrifying momentum, as if to slash through the entire space in front of her, and then slashed vertically from top to bottom.


The sound of the collision of the spells sounded.

The result is of course no different from before.

White light emerged from Malcolm, completely resisting the attack.

However, if you pay careful attention to the state of this guy.

It can be found that at the same time as Audritt's attack, the white light on this guy has indeed weakened to a certain extent, and the effect of the defensive spell has also weakened!

Standing opposite Audrit, Malcolm did not know that his weakness had been exposed.

His blood dripping from the loss of an eyeball now showed a terrifying expression, and his tone continued to shout as before:

"Sister, are you still using your weak and powerless technique!"

"Give it up, you two can only die here today like those priests before!"

"If you die obediently, I will..."


clang clang-

Before Malcolm's clamor, the oncoming blue arc directly smashed the words back into his stomach.

Immediately, in a wilder stance.

Audrit's attacks slashed at the enemy one after another.

Normally speaking.

This level of physical exertion is terrifyingly large, and it is not a tactic that an experienced warrior would adopt.

This is giving up all wiggle room.

The practice of betting all of your life in a short period of time!

At the same time, however, Audritt's tactics did pay off.

Although it was unable to cause damage, the continuous and powerful attacks made Malcolm unable to continue leisurely.

Now, it's hard for him to find a chance to push that pair of glasses on his face.

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