Mystic Dominator

Chapter 206: 2 missing 1

Such a sudden attack is terrifying!

Even the manservant, who was extremely vigilant during the battle, did not expect such an attack to appear in front of him.

It's a pity that even though he was caught off guard, the young man instantly sensed the crisis and turned his side with all his strength.

This action was so big that even the glasses on his face almost fell to the ground.

Of course, that doesn't mean he wasn't hurt.

After all, the speed of Audrit's shot this time was too fast.

Before being smashed out of the car window by the enemy, the monitoring nun of the church had no intention of letting go of the enemy.

A few breaths ago, after returning to the top of the train with the help of Ronald's black fog, she moved to the rear of the carriage without making a sound, while also observing the situation inside the carriage.

Until the moment when the man was about to evacuate, revealing the only flaw.

She just made a bold move!

Intentionally calculating without any intention, under Audrit's deliberate ambush attack, the blue arc was cut off from the man's shoulder.

This time the enemy's defensive spell was not activated.

But the most direct injury is not very serious. At the place where the man was directly hit by the arc light, a wound of about one centimeter can be seen on his torn clothes.

Only one thing is very special.

There was no sign of blood flowing from the wound on his shoulder at this time.

With the support of his strong physical fitness, Ronald's strengthened vision could barely see what was going on.

In fact, it was at the same time that the arc light slid across the opponent's body.

A layer of light blue ice mist instantly condensed on the wound of this brand-new appearance.

At the same time, the expression on the man's face also became grim.

——Audrit’s spell is working.

Following the wound caused by this blow, the cold and bone-piercing mantra was spreading rapidly in the enemy's body, eroding the activity and strength of his body little by little.

It's definitely not a comfortable combat experience on a cold winter night.

Immediately try to use your own magic to dispel this cold spell.

And rightly so, the man failed.

Audrit's spell effect is very difficult to deal with, and it is not something that can be dispelled or suppressed by distracted manipulation in battle!


However, even if the spell removal failed, this guy still did not forget to correct his somewhat messy appearance.

Grinning his teeth will force the discomfort of his body, and he raised his hand to straighten the position of the pince-nez that had almost fallen. Leaning against the wall of the train car, he looked ready to continue his counterattack.

——Audrit had no intention of waiting quietly for the enemy to activate the spell.

As a military staff member of the church, she has always acted neatly.

Seeing that the enemy in front of her was in poor condition, the monitoring nun waved the iron rod in her hand, and the tip with the blue arc light stabbed straight at the position of the opponent's heart!

Stand on the other end of the carriage.

Ronald could clearly see that the blue arc light at the tip of Audritt's stick was flowing and gathering like floating clouds.

Brightness instantly rises!

The tip of the attack is almost shining in the carriage!

Look again at the pale enemy...

This time, no one doubted that Audritt's attack would work.

In the winter night, there is still a blue arc of cold air, and as long as you see it, you can understand how threatening this attack is!


When his body was disturbed by the freezing cold, the man had no time to dodge this time.

Almost motionless, he was hit directly in the chest by the attack of the monitoring nun.

However, at the moment of contact between the two sides, the familiar white light emerged from him, and then firmly pressed against the tip of the blue arc.

The nun's offensive technique and the man's defensive technique were once again in close contact with each other.

However, the result this time was completely different from the first fight.

Including the actions of Audrit and the man, the previous means of destroying the carriages one after another had already made the place tattered to a certain extent.

So under the impact of Audritt's attack, the young man slammed into the wall of the carriage and was knocked out!

The competition of the strength of the two spells has not yet yielded results.

In an unexpected way, the man got out of the slowing car!


Facing the scene in front of her, even Audrit, who made the attack, was a little dumbfounded.

But the nun did not hesitate for long.

Seeing that the other party left the carriage, he immediately got up and started to flee.

From the rear of the carriage that she had just cut off, Audrit jumped out of the carriage without saying a word and chased after her.

At the same time, Ronald was not idle.

Controlling the surrounding black mist, he firmly dragged the carriage and started to slow down physically, and he walked to Lumir with a few big strides.

This girl has been sitting on the chair in a motionless posture from the beginning of the battle until now, and the attack just now didn't reach her.

After all, this is a 'person' who had contact with him in Montenegro.

Ronald is really curious what the status of this guy is now.

While the train car was slowing down, Ronald stepped forward to check.

However, when he walked in front of the girl, his eyes suddenly changed.

This guy......

Doesn't seem to be breathing...?

Sensing that something was wrong, Ronald stepped forward without saying a word and put his hand on the other's shoulder.

Immediately afterwards, the body of the 'girl' slid to the ground with his movements.

Collapsing down weakly, Rumir fell there like a rag doll that had lost its support.

There is no touch that a life should have, and no coldness that a corpse should have.

It's not just human...

In fact, both she and Audrit were successfully deceived by the other party this time.

The person sitting on the train seat at the moment is simply a puppet with the shape of Rumil!

Completely inorganic!

So, where is the real Lumil?

Just when Ronald was shocked by the discovery in front of him, a priest among the clergy behind him also came up.

Also seeing the 'girl' in front of him, he asked in a confused tone:


"This... what's going on here?"

Ronald replied in a low voice without turning his head:

"As you can see, I'm afraid I've been fooled."

"Although the enemy in the ambush is, it seems that only one of the two targets actually got on this train."

Ronald also didn't intend to waste time.

With a single move, the black mist rolled up the razor that the priest had just deceased had thrown on the ground, and then held one in each of his left and right hands.

It was still the gap in the carriage that Audrit had just opened.

Ronald also jumped from here.

But this time, he doesn't need helpers like Arida.

Not to mention that the speed of the train carriage was constantly decreasing, Ronald's current physical strength was by no means an ordinary person who was helpless back then.

Stepping on the rails and leaning forward, he took a few steps to stabilize his body.

When Ronald stood firm, the movement of Audrit and the man fighting not far away also caught his eye.

Carrying two razors, he silently chased after him.

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