Mystic Dominator

Chapter 197: come in time

Latest URL: Because the initial action needs to be concealed.

So from the time he went out today, Ronald has been maintaining an ordinary dress.

Just like an ordinary passerby.

He walked slowly down the streets of Burrenwich, aiming straight at Long Beach Street, where the Bureau of Investigation was located.

Although his emotions were a little complicated, Ronald also knew his current position.

Hold your mind.

Going slowly is what he should do.

After being separated from your partner for a minute.

Behind Ronald came the sound of a carriage rushing along.

He glanced casually.

The rental carriage carrying Nicole and Swift just passed his position and continued onward.

In silence, he watched his two companions gradually leave his sight.

The pace under Ronald's feet remained steady and steady.

at his current speed.

It took 20 to 30 minutes to leave from Linzhong Road until we arrived at the location of Long Beach Street.

As long as there are no other accidents during the period.

Then when you arrive at the investigation bureau, even if something happens, you can see the whole process in your eyes, and at the same time, you can clear the relationship.

Even though the emotions in his heart were a little impatient, Ronald continued to move forward steadily.

Everything went smoothly after that.

When the time came to twenty-third minutes and fifty-one seconds.

Ronald was standing on the side of Long Beach Street, where the Burrenwich Bureau of Investigation was located, as he had always been.

The carriage that Nicole and Swift were in earlier arrived.

After the necessary procedures, I must have been reporting various issues about the warden to the top of the Investigation Bureau at this time.

The two priests were successfully rescued and brought to the front.

This solid evidence can also ensure the persuasiveness of the news.

I thought so in my mind.

Ronald stepped forward and took the initiative to open the door of the investigation bureau.

At this moment, the time on the street is about to fall into the night, and the sky in the distance becomes blue and white.

But here in the lobby of the Investigation Bureau, it has just arrived at a busy time for work.

——Dark night is the most natural protection on the mysterious side.

Whether inside or outside the city.

When the night comes, most ordinary people will not have any leisure time to go for a walk on the street.

Such a rare case.

Naturally, the secret nature of the mysterious side has a free guarantee.

Therefore, including ordinary members of the mysterious side, including these investigators working for the government, like to do some more frequent work during this quiet period.

Take the current Bureau of Investigation as an example.

When Ronald walked into the hall of the Bureau of Investigation, he rarely saw three investigators in the hall at the same time. One of them is in charge of the front desk, while the other two are sitting in the rest area on the left, reading the news with their newspapers, and seeming to be waiting for something.

And the Bureau of Investigation.

When Ronald walked into the hall.

All three looked up in his direction.

After all, Ronald had worked as a temporary worker in the bureau before, and he was familiar with everyone. So after confirming that the person who came was Ronald, the investigators continued their previous actions.

Seeing that the investigators didn't respond, Ronald walked to the front desk in silence.

Immediately he said:

"excuse me."

"I came here today to report a recent job change."

Hear Ronald.

The investigator standing at the front desk raised his head and looked at him with some surprise in his expression:


"Ronald, don't I remember that you just declared a job transfer not long ago?"

"[Ginkgo Biloba Business Alliance] is not a folk workshop. Don't tell me it's their fault, it's not a joke!"

Ronald smiled and shook his head:

"How could something go wrong with the Chamber of Commerce?"

"It's me, it's me who has a problem."

"Because of my ineffectiveness there, I was temporarily suspended."

——This is an excuse that Ronald came up with on the road.

Originally, when he went to work in the Ginkgo Biloba Business Alliance, he reported it once. Although it is a few days late, it is barely a reason to come here because of this matter, at least it will not cause suspicion.

Sure enough, after hearing Ronald's explanation.

Although the investigator at the front desk had some doubts in his eyes, he still sighed and took out the form from under the counter and handed it over:

"This kind of thing, in fact, there is no problem if you don't come to report."

"There are not many people who are willing to take the initiative to report news. You should know how to fill in this stuff. I don't need to teach you, right?"

Ronald nodded immediately and said:

"Of course, I'll fill it out and bring it back to you."

The investigator nodded and said:

"Go, go, go home soon after filling in."

"It's not too early now."

With a slight smile at the other side, Ronald took a pen and paper and sat down in the lounge area on the side of the hall, then began to bend over to write his report.

The Bureau of Investigation has always been more detailed on such forms.

For the change report form in Ronald's hand, there are three pages to fill out.

Of course, this also happened to be his way of procrastinating.

Line by line, he wrote his personal information on the form, as well as the specific situation of recent work changes, Ronald silently counted the time in his heart.

From the moment the previous operation in the Warden's Dungeon ended.

Nicole and Swift brought the priest to the investigation bureau. At the speed of normal official business processing here, the result will be available in about a quarter of an hour, and they can wait here quietly.

Just as Ronald continued to fill out the form, one of the other investigators in the rest area spoke to him:

"Yo, Ronald."

"How come the [Ginkgo Biloba Business Alliance] doesn't hire you anymore. I heard that they have always been generous and abide by the contracts they have signed?"

Ronald looked up at each other.

The investigator is called Jike, and he was a nod to him when he was working in the Bureau of Investigation.

At this time, the conversation should be a small talk between friends.

It just so happened that Ronald also wanted to delay the time, so he put down the pen in his hand, nodded to the other party and explained:

"The Ginkgo Leaf really doesn't intend to break the contract with me."

"But at the weekend before, there was something wrong with the exhibition venue in the suburbs, so the person in charge of the chamber of commerce decided to temporarily suspend this exhibition."

Speaking of which, a wry smile appeared on Ronald's face.

Some helplessly shrugged:


"The exhibition is over, and of course the person I hired for this will have to lose my job."

Hearing Ronald's explanation, Gick leaned out and patted him on the shoulder comfortingly:

"If that's the case, let's keep an eye on it."

"We will inevitably encounter some accidents here. It's good to look for things like work. Don't take it too seriously."

Ronald responded immediately:

"I think so too."

"But after all, something happened at the exhibition, so for safety's sake, I think it's more appropriate to come to the Bureau of Investigation to make a report."

Kaye responded approvingly:

"That's right."

"It's always good to be The two had a brief conversation, and Ronald then bent down and continued to write his personal information on the page.

But just a few minutes passed.

The moment he filled out the form on the first page, the door of the investigation bureau was shoved open from the outside.


The door rang with a low voice.

The four people present were attracted by this movement at the same time.

Right there at the open door of the Bureau of Investigation.

The cold wind in winter poured into the hall from the street, which directly lowered the temperature in the house a lot.

At the same time, the figure of the warden Bach Christians.

standing at the door.

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