Mystic Dominator

Chapter 20: Rescue operations

The utility room by the garden is very easy to find.

Relying on the mansion itself, a moderately sized subsidiary storehouse stands quietly there. Whether it leads to the garden or the mansion, there are paths paved with stones.

But the only problem is that the door to the utility room is locked.

The three Ronald did not have keys at all.

Seeing this situation, Thomson in the team immediately complained:

"This can..."


As soon as he opened his mouth, the middle-aged businessman's voice stopped abruptly.

In the face of this level of obstruction, Nessus just stepped up, and the wood inlaid with the door lock cracked, directly allowing the door lock to reach its useful life ahead of schedule.


There was an unpleasant rubbing sound between the planks and the ground.

He pushed open the door without saying a word, and Nassos simply walked in with a lamp, leaving only the stunned middle-aged businessman behind him.

into it.

The size of the utility room is not different from what is seen outside.

Two vertical shelves fill the left and right walls, and there is an obliquely covered cellar entrance on the innermost side. The ladder the man mentioned stood in the corner, and tools such as axes and saws were scattered in the toolbox.

A space that is clear at a glance, things that are clear at a glance.

After looking around for a week, Nassos immediately commanded:

"Thomson, go and move the ladder, while Ronald and I get the tools."

"Everyone, hurry up."

"Okay... okay."

Probably to make up for the mistakes he made before, and he may also be shocked by Nassos.

Without any objection, Thomson carried the heaviest ladder by himself and walked back.

Ronald and Nassos, on the other hand, each picked up the tools in the toolbox.

Axes, hammers and saws are enough to destroy the floor.


From leaving to returning, time did not pass long.

But once again, standing back in the warm area of ​​the fireplace, I always felt relieved.

After looking at the two companions beside him and confirming that neither of them showed any signs of fatigue, Ronald asked:

"It's not too late, let's go directly?"

"no problem."

Leaving the living room, the surrounding light immediately dimmed.

In order to reduce the probability of being discovered as much as possible, the three of them also did not carry any lamps, so they walked forward in the dark on the first floor.

Because there is no need to connect the ground through stairs, the structure of the first floor is obviously different from that of the second floor.

Wanting to come to the location corresponding to the broken door on the second floor, the three of them first bypassed the stairs on the side of the living room, and then passed through a circular corridor.

Until after passing a bathroom and coming to a locked room.

Nessus just stopped in front of him.

He stretched out his hand to stop the two behind him, and then he lowered his voice and said:

"The location is here."

"Ronald, I'm going in."


Without saying a single word, when Nessus's voice fell, Ronald began to be alert to the surrounding environment.

Thomson really can't rely on him, this kind of work can only be done by him.

The corridors in the dark are silent—

Apart from Nessus pulling out a hairpin from somewhere behind him, and then rustling at the door lock, even the air became low.


Probably less than ten seconds passed, accompanied by a small sound.

Nessus grabbed the doorknob sharply, then twisted it gently.

The door is open!

This guy is quite proficient at picking locks!

Although it's just an ordinary door lock, it can be picked up so quickly with just a hairpin, which shows Nassos' ability.

Ronald turned around and gave this guy a complicated look before following him into the room.


This is a bedroom in a very ordinary house.

Ordinary beds, ordinary wardrobes, ordinary windows.

Only the room near the edge of the window was making an unusual 'tick-tock' drop of water falling to the ground.

If you have a keen sense of smell, you can even smell the faint smell of blood.

That's blood—

From the broken ceiling, dark red blood was dripping down a cracked log, and then spread through the cracks in the floor.

"It's the one just now."

"That's right."

Ronald and Nassos looked at each other and agreed upon a tacit understanding.

I still remember that on the second floor before, the 'mother' abused and imprisoned the 'daughter' in the room, and there was also the sound of wood breaking.

Now coming to the first floor, everything is obvious.

Using this piece of wood to penetrate the opponent's body directly, the 'mother' nailed her child to the floor!

Of course, now is not the time to lament the other party's cruelty.

Very tight schedule.

"Thomson, come and set up the ladder."

"Okay... okay."

Bring the ladder you are carrying to the window.

Just as he was about to erect a ladder, Thomson stopped.

Because he was right beside him, Thomson and Ronald were looking at him with a very strange look.

"What... what's wrong?"

Isn't it just a matter of chiseling a gap around the stick that runs through the body to allow people to walk together, then it's done?

Facing the strange eyes of the two, Thomson asked carefully.

Immediately, Ronald reached out and covered his face.

He really likes talking to smart people.

"You don't think we really want to destroy the floor according to that man's method, do you?"

"Difficult...Isn't it?" Thomson was still Taking advantage of the time Nessos opened the window and turned out, Ronald explained:

"The sound of breaking the floor is too loud, and it will definitely attract the 'woman'. We have to build a ladder outside the window, and then go directly to the second floor to save the child."


Blinking his eyes, Thomson asked again:

"But then, why do we act in the house?"

"Isn't it better to come directly from the utility room with a ladder?"

"Because the windows on the second floor can see the first floor."

Reluctantly, he explained to Thomson clearly that Ronald didn't plan to continue greeting the merchants anymore.

Compared with a companion like Nessus, a middle-aged businessman feels powerless.

But in reality, there are more people like Thomson in reality.

It can only be said that it is understandable...

Following Nessus outside, the two quickly erected the ladder.

The merchants helped up the ladder below, and they climbed up to the second floor one after the other.

Through the windows on the second floor, the view is unobstructed.

Under the vandalism of the previous 'mother', there was hardly any intact furniture in the room.

A messy room is like a place where a group of wild animals are kept.

And very close to the window, a girl in a white dress was falling to the ground.

As Ronald guessed, she was pierced by a broken chair through her shoulder blade, and she was almost completely immobilized with blood stains.

But even so, the girl's bright eyes were still staring at the window.

She is waiting for someone to rescue her!

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