Mystic Dominator

Chapter 190: building interior

Latest URL: Among the three in this operation.

Both Ronald and Nicole's spells belong to the type with strong mana fluctuations that are easy to be detected by others.

In this case, neither of them is very suitable for action, at least until the official engagement with the guards in the warden's mansion.

After all, alerting the guards means that the other party will make corresponding battle preparations.

Standing on someone else's territory and dealing with prepared and unprepared enemies makes a huge difference.

Ronald any of them.

They are not willing to take this risk to alarm the other party.

The ideal situation is for the three of them to sneak in smoothly, and then launch a surprise attack as a last resort to catch the other party by surprise.

This is the safest way.

So maintaining this cautious attitude, the focus of the three of them's investigation work is naturally handed over to Swift.

After all, as the detective said.

His spell has a very high concealment and is most suitable for use in this situation.

Facts have also verified that Swift is indeed trustworthy.

The entry opportunity he found while lying on the fence was perfectly stuck in the vacuum of personnel on the backyard side.

Unlike the heavily guarded front gate, Swift chose an opportunity to sneak in when there were already few people in the backyard.

Such a result...

It was Ronald walking in the backyard without even seeing a ghost!

At this moment, less than ten meters in front of the three of them is the main building of the entire mansion, and it is also the home of the warden.

In the direction to their left, there is a courtyard facility like a cistern, and there are obviously water pipe equipment for water intake. A little further away, the racks for drying clothes stand on the ground, and the clothes, sheets and other laundry hanging on it are hanging on it and fluttering in the wind.

As for rarely appearing in buildings, they may see their servants and the like through the windows.

Swift, a highly professional detective who also used a mysterious side spell, led the way.

Naturally, all these sights were avoided.

Next thing.

It is to enter the building in front of them, and then sneak into the dungeon to find the evidence they want.

—that is, the two priests who entered here.

May live, may die.

In short, the current state of the two priests is what Ronald and the others want to confirm.

If they can, they will try to bring out the two priests as much as possible.


The three maintained the silence in the team and moved forward a little bit.

Then successfully came to the main body of the building.

As the current leader of the team, Swift walked straight to the outer wall of a room with a window.

He crouched down near the window, and then he waved to the other two.

"Come, follow!"

Ronald and Nicole immediately followed the detective's figure.

After coming to Swift's side, the investigator girl immediately reminded in a low voice:

"Swift, this is a different direction from what I pointed out."

"If we go in from here, it will be far from the entrance of the dungeon, at least it will take a long detour."

Hearing the investigator girl's question, Swift nodded indifferently. I saw him take a small pick from his jacket pocket and put it under the window, and then explained:

"Nicole, of course I know where you're talking."

"But unfortunately, the defense forces in this residence are well distributed. It is almost impossible to walk from the nearest route without disturbing others."

Hearing Mr. Detective's explanation, Ronald immediately asked:

"So, are you going to find a path that suits us now?"

"That's right." Swift nodded, focusing on trying to unlock the window in front of him before he replied in a low voice, "No way to get in under normal circumstances, but we can think of other ways to get around. In this case, I am also a professional.”

Hearing Swift's explanation, Ronald nodded and said nothing.

Nicole on the side didn't say anything more.

After responding to the questions of the two companions, Mr. Detective kept a half-squat position and continued his work.

Ronald and Nicole stand to the left and right, with Swift in the middle.

At the same time, this is to provide basic vigilance for this small team.

It didn't take too long.

Swift has proven himself with his excellent technique.

In just over half a minute, he successfully used the small pick in his hand to pry open the locked window from the inside.

Gently pushing the metal latch of the window away, he gently held the edge of the window with both hands, and then slowly and carefully pushed the glass to the side to open it.

"Let's go."

With a small reminder, Swift immediately turned over and jumped in first.

Behind him, Ronald and Nicole immediately followed.

Walk into it.

The room on the outer side of the first floor is not very large, and everything is clear at a glance.

First of all, this is a small room on the ground floor, and it is very quiet because no one lives there, and no one can be seen.

It should be a very ordinary room in the warden's house.

At the same time Ronald and Nicole jumped in, Swift had also reached the door, leaning her head against the door.

The purpose of this action is obviously to listen to the movement of the action outside the door.

Without a word, Nicole followed.

Ronald stayed behind, turned around very naturally, pulled the window up and locked it again, and then prepared to walk in the direction of the door.


Yet at this moment.

Swift waved a hand toward the two of them, then raised the index finger of the hand to be quiet.

After this gesture was made, Mr. Detective's ear was pressed against the door.


The three stopped all movements, and no one made a sound.

Under their deliberate control, it was difficult to detect even the sound of breathing in the room.

Just like that, in a room without the slightest sound.

They did hear something Swift prompted and were wary of.

It was from the right direction outside the door, and a rhythmic footstep was slowly advancing to the left.

This voice is actually not too loud. If Mr. Detective is not careful, it will easily be ignored.

clap clap-

One step, two steps, three steps...

Finally, the owner of this voice gradually disappeared.

But even so, Swift still maintained the previous action, and the raised index finger did not mean to put it down.

Mr. Detective clearly felt that it was not yet time to go out.

So, Ronald and Nicole also continued to keep this quiet.

After waiting for another four or five breaths, Swift finally put down his hands and let out a sigh of relief.


"Okay, let's continue."

Then he reached out and twisted the handle, pushed open the door and walked out first.

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